Missing One Inside Of Me

This Hell I feel, Fixed With Some Twin Things

Hunnington Beach - Many years later…

Kimmy's POV

I woke up by the loud noise of Gunner barking to My Fuckin Adoptive Brother.

"hey you little shit wake up! Now! …breakfast is ready!" Jake said from the door

"leave me alone jake I don’t care, I’m not hungry" I said angrily, I had never been a morning person, and how I hate that jackass they call Jake

"Did I ask If you care? … No right? Mom and dad want you downstairs for breakfast now!" jake shouted, closing or did I have to say slamming? my bedroom door.

So welcome to the hell I call life, you're probably wondering who I am right?, well my name's Kimmy, no, not Kimberly, just Kimmy, I came from an orphanage, I didn’t knew my parents, but I don’t care anyways, orphanage and this fucking house are almost the same, but at least at the orphanage they used to care of me, since they adopt me I live in a nightmare, I don’t know why all their anger is against me … I guess I’m not what they were expecting … dad (I rather call him David) is an important business man, mom (her name’s Clarisse) is the president of some fucking society against rock music cuz she said it's devil’s work!, and for the final and perfect end Jake is the most popular athlete at our high school, he’s the perfect son for our “parents.”

But actually I don’t care about them, I’m never at my house, I’m always with my bestfriend Mark, I kinda live in his house, 'cuz he knows the hell I’m through everyday … I love him, he’s the only reason, why I’m still here and not escaping to other state, I manage to get myself out of bed, and Gunner came and tackled me to the ground, "Gunner, easy boy."

He started licking my face, 'till I manage to put him off me, Gunner was my dog, my only friend at that house, he was a golden retriever, so playful & loyal … & the most important he hated Jake and my parents with such a passion, Jake couldn’t even stay to close from me or Gunner would start to bark and groan at him.

I went to my bathroom took a quick a shower, I put some black jeans, a Metallica tee, I slipped an old pair of vans on, I didn’t need to fix my hair, cuz it was straight so it always looked good, Finally I was doing my makeup when …

"didn’t you hear me! Now is now!" Jake shouted from the other side of the door

"I got it jake! I’ll be down in a fuckin minute!"

"I don’t care what you’re doing! Hurry the fuck up!" he said

I finished doing my makeup, I place food and water for Gunner, as I opened the door just I found jake who push me, I lost my balance and fell, while the coward ran downstairs "you’re gonna pay for this Jake! I swear," I started chasing Jake, until we got to the kitchen, where David & Clarisse were sitting.

"I don’t think so loser!" Jake said

"come here!" I said grabbing his shirt

"hey you! Leave Jake alone! Now!" Clarisse ordered

"but but!" I complained

"but nothing, you’re always annoying your brother, leave him alone!" David said

"but he started!" I groaned

"see! Looser! I won!" he whispered in my ear and then smack me in the head

"did you see that?" I asked frustrated "He always starts!"

"I didn’t see anything did you Clarisse?" David answered

"No, I didn’t now leave him alone , I know you wanna be like your brother," she said putting a kiss on Jake's forehead, "but Jesus Christ at least leave him a little space to breath!" Clarisse said

"thanks mom! Now you understand how I feel" the little bastard said faking his voice

"ohh my poor Jake, I know baby I know but mommy is here for you" she answered hugging her little demon

" ohh yes! You don’t know how bad I want to be like Jake, you know! He’s all I want to be, he’s my biggest idol!" I said sarcasticaly

"we already know that Kimberly" David said reading the newspaper

" My name is Kimmy not Kimberly" and with that I pick my backpack and run to the front door, I shut the door and drove to Mark’s place which was 2 blocks away from my house, I arrived to mark’s and rang the bell.

"who is … Kimm!!!!" Jack and Jayden screamed, opening the door and tackling me to the ground

"hey dudes! I need air"

"come in Kimmy!" Jack said while he and Jay help me up

Jayden and Jack were Mark’s little twin brothers, they were 7, they look almost identical, except because Jack who is bigger than Jayden for 2 minutes is a bit taller, but they’re almost the same, I love this 2 little guys till the end, they are like my little brothers.

"who is it guys?" Cassie who is Mark's mom, asked from the kitchen

"it's Kimm, mommy" Jay said exited

" ohh Kimmy, come in sweetie!" she said sweetly

" Thanks Mrs. Evans, hi Mr. Evans" I said waving to Mark's father

"morning Kimm" Robert, who is Mark's dad answered

"ohh Kimmy, I’ve already told you, you can call me Cassie, you’re like family to us." Mrs. E.. Cassie said

"thanks Mrs. & Mr. Evans you too are like my real family, since I don't have one"

"Kimmy!" Mrs. E... Cassie said

"sorry Mrs. Evans … Cassie! Sorry it’s just that I forget it" I said blushing

"don’t worrie sweetheart, Wanna eat some breakfast while mark gets downstairs?" she said putting some waffles on the twins plates.

"yes Kimm, eat some breakfast with us" Mark's dad said

"uhh I don’t know Mr. Evans" I said randomly

"like Cassie told you, you can call me Robert too" Robert said
"C’mon Kimm! Eat breakfast with us sis!" Jack said jumping up and down

"ok little bro, I’ll eat breakfast with you!" I said sitting in the table

"yey! Dad did you hear! Kimm is eating with us!!!!" Jayden said excitedly

"yeah I heard Jack" Robert said chuckling at his hyper son

"no problem buddy, you too are like the little brothers I’ve always wanted to have" I said takin a zip of Juice

"hey! What about me? I'm not like the brother you would always like to have?" Mark said, taking a sit

"Mark!" I said hugging him "haha of course dummie, you’re like the brother I’ve always wanted to had, but you are my big brother, they are my little ones!"

" 'kay babygirl" Mark chuckled softly

"and how is school going guys? " Cassie asked

"it’s okay, very boring tough" I said rolling my eyes

"you need to help your brother with physics, he isn’t as good as you" Robert said laughing softly

"hey, it’s not my fault she’s like a walking physics encyclopedia!" Mark complained

"hey! I’m not!" I said raising my arms.

"yes you are!"

"ohh Kimmy’s a book!!!!! " Jack & Jay chuckled

"So " Jay said

"freakin’ " Jack continued

"awesome!" Jayden finished

"haha you’re an encyclopedia! and the most awesome part … you talk, walk, breath & everything! So cool!" Mark said laughing at his little twin bros.

"hey you little buddys! I’m not a book" I said trying to make my best fake voice & it worked, Jay and Jack ran to where I was sitting, and hugged me.

" ohh sis" Jack said

"we’re sorry" Jay continued

"we didn’t mean" Jack said

"To hurt you " Jay finished

"we love you Kimmy" Both said hugging me closer, if that was possible.

"I love you too buddys" I said placing a kiss on each's forehead

"ohh men! I can’t believe it, why do everyone always fall, she’s pretending being sad! That’s why she get so much attention!" Mark said rolling his eyes

" hey! Were you pretending?" Jack & Jayden asked pulling away from the hug.

"I wasn’t!" I complained

"liar!" Mark said sticking his tounge out

"hey! That wasn’t nice!" jay said

"I wasn’t pretending! Don’t you believe me? … Jay? … Jack?" I said putting my puppy eyes, they were an icy blue, combined with a little touch of gray, very similar to Jimmy's Sullivan eyes, except from the gray.

" ohh sorry Kimmy we won’t never" Jack said

"ever doubt from you again!" Jay finished, both hugging me again.

" see! She did it again!" Mark complained

"I love you guys!" I said rubbing their hair

" we" Jack said

"love" Jay continue

"you" Jack finished

"too" both said in unison

"hey! Stop saying the same things as i!" Jayden complained

"you stop it!" Jack said

"noo! You!" Jay said crossing his arms

"guys, guys!" Robert said

" What?" they both asked

"hey! See! You’re the one who’s saying the same thing as I!" jack complained

" Liar! I’m not!" Jay replied

"you guys are weird" I chuckled

"We’re not!" both answered

"stop it Jack!"

We all burst out laughing, at how the twins would be fighting, cuz they said exactly the same things …

" well, we would love to stay and see how Jay and Jack say exactly the same, but we gotta go to school, let’s go Kimm, love you mom, Dad & twins" Mark said getting up, and walking to the front door

"haha thanks for everything, I love you guys" I said, following Mark.

"we love you too guys!" Cassie and Robert said

"love you " Jay and Jack said, random twin thing.

"hey Jayden Robert Evans! Stop it! Seriously!" Jack said

"hey! Don’t call my full name! Jack Matthew Evans!" Jayden complained

And with that, Mark grabbed his backpack and we shut the door.
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random title haha