Missing One Inside Of Me

My Fist, Your Mouth, Her Scars

I unlocked the car, mark jumped into passenger’s seat, cuz since it was my car, I was driving, I started the car, turned on the stereo, and White Wedding by Murderdolls was blasting through the speakers while we drove to school.

"Kimm?" Mark asked

"yes?" I answer, not taking my eyes off the road

"I have to tell you something" Mark said silently

"what is it mark?" I asked, while getting a bit lower the stereo’s volume

"look" he said playing with his hands, "I didn’t tell you in front of my parents or the twins cuz you would have throw nuts!"

"is everything okay mark?" I asked worried, he only plays with his hands, when he's nervous

"yes, It couldn’t be better, it just that …"

"that what mark!?" I asked cutting him off

"Taste of Chaos is coming in a few days" he said smiling from ear to ear, " remember the little contest I was in?

"yeah the one, for winning some backstage tickets to meet BFMV, right?" I asked

"yes that one" he said, his smile growing bigger

"yeah, but what does this have to do with whatever you wanted to talk about?

"I won" he said simply, grinning like a little kid

"what!? You gotta be fuckin kidding me!" I said excitedly

"it’s true, I won and you know they gave me 2 Backstage passes, and guess who's coming with me?"

"are you serious?"


"I love you so much Mark, and it’s not for the backstage passes, it’s for everything you’ve done for me" I said, honestly I can't even imagine my life without Mark.

"I love you too my baby girl, and you know the best part of it … Avenged Sevenfold is in Taste of Chaos too, so if we got backstage passes to meet BFMV …." he said with an evilish grinn

" I can’t believe it, it's simply awesome"

"well, believe it Kimm, and you want to hear the best part, besides meeting our idols?

"what?" I asked confused, nothing could be better than meeting A7X & BFMV, what was Mark thinking

"it’s the day of your birthday little sis!" he cried excitedly, "You’ll be 16 on February 28! The same day we’ll meet A7X & BFMV"

"really? I Tought TOC (Taste of Chaos) was on February 27 not 28! This is so freakin’ awesome Mark!" I said jumping up and down

"I know K, but could you just keep your hands on the wheel, I wanna leave until 28, please!" he said, putting his hands together, pretending he was praying.

"jerk" I mumbled, "You mean I don’t leave the wheel … like these?"

"Kimmyyyy!" he said crying like a little girl "Put your hands on that wheel now!" he ordered

"or like these?" I asked grinning, Mark's Face was just priceless

"Kimm!" he said again with a girly voice

" 'kay I’ll drive correctly so little mark won’t be afraid!" I said laughing my ass off

"the moment, you park this car, you’re dead!"

"ohh noo!! Mark’s gonna kill me! I’m so scared! Please mark, please don’t do it!" I said, still laughing

"seriously, you’re dead Sullivan" he threaten with a playful tone

When we arrived to school, Jake was with his stupid friends at the front door, I parked my car, Mark noticed Jake standing on the front door, so he grabbed my hand, linking our fingers together, and as we passed through them, he put his arm protectively around my shoulder, Jake & his friends remain in silence, they knew that when I was with Mark, they couldn’t even breath near me, or hell bang the shit out of them, like he had done many times.

The day pass through pretty good, we have all our classes together, except for 1 the last and worst class, Math, it was the worst class ever, not cuz I was bad at math, actually I was pretty good, but Jake and his Jackass friends, would be there, and Mark wasn’t.

"you gonna be okay Kimm?" Mark asked worried

"sure Mark, don’t worry" I said, of course I knew I wasn’t gonna be okay

"look, if those jerks, dare to touch you, I’ll kill them ok?" Mark said with anger in his eyes, "as soon as the bell rings I’ll be outside in the hall waiting for you right?
"gottcha … see you after class mark"

"bye baby girl," he gave me a soft kiss on the cheek and left

I walked into the classroom, directly to the backseats, where I was out of the sight of the teacher, I turn on my ipod as Turn The page By Metallica was playing loud enough for me to hear if the teacher call me or something, I put my Pantera hoodie on, so no one would notice about the headphones.

"hey! hey!" Alex said whispering, " Kimm" he said throwing me a paper ball

"what the hell do you want alex? " I asked with an angry tone, I hate this asshole as much as I hate Jake

"I want a piece of ass" he said chuckling

"go and search some whore, 'cuz from me, it’s the last thing you’re getting"

"don’t be so rude baby, remember Jake it’s hearing, and you don’t want a torment at your house don’t ya?" he said laughing

" I’ve already live hell at my house so I really don’t care … and I've got Mark" I said

"but I don’t see Mark anywhere now? Do you guys?"

"I don’t think so " Jake said with an evil tone

"I don’t see him either" Dwayne, I think that was his name answered

"fuck u assholes"

"those aren’t words for a young lady, I think we’re gonna have a little conversation when the class ends right?" that were the last words Jake said because the bell rang, I quickly took all of my books & started running to the door, with Alex, Dwayne, & Jake following me, I started searching for Mark, but he wasn’t there, I started walking as fast as I Could but alex grabbed my arm.

"I told you we were going to talk after classes" Alex said, he was grabbing my arm so hard, it would leave many bruises later

"let me go Alex, you're hurting me" I said

"not 'till I’m done talking with you"

"what the hell do you want"

"I’ve already told you what I want!" Alex said, putting a hand on my chin so I would have to look at him.

"go and search a fucking slut, 'cuz not even in dreams I’ll be yours!" I said looking away

"hey hey! Watch your tone with my friends! Or I gotta tell mom you’re causing me trouble" Jake said grabbing the arm that used to be free

"fuck u jake! I don’t care" I said trying to breake free, "Run! and tell mommy about this, without her you’re nothing!"

"ohh so that’s what you think? Maybe I should show you how to talk at me & my friends" he was about to hit me, when thank god Mark appeared

"let her go son of a bitch" Mark threatened

"or what?" Alex questioned

"or I’ll kick your ass right here right now" Mark spat angrily

"Mark, don’t do it, it’s not worthless" I said, I don't want Mark to get in trouble

"shut the hell up" Alex said

"watch your mouth jerk" Mark said, I've never seen Mark like this, he was beyond pissed

"let her go Alex, she’ll pay for this " Jake said

"let’s go guys, she’s not worthless" Dwayne said grabbing Alex and pushing him to the other side of the hall.

"you’re leaving so fast? I don’t think so"

Mark put me behind him, and threw his bag to the ground, we were still at school, so he couldn’t make a big fight or he’ll be expelled, Alex, Jake & Dwayne were leaving, Mark grabbed Alex’s arm and threw him to the ground , Jake ran to see if Alex was okay, and I put my feet on his way, and he fell to the ground, Dwayne was just standing there.

"ohh sorry Jake … I guess I didn’t see you!" I said chuckling, Jake just gave me a dirty look, if looks could kill, I would be dead.

"if I see you around her again, you’re dead, let’s go Kimm" Mark picked his bag from the ground, and put his arm around my shoulders, as we walked to my car.

"thanks mark" I said kissing his cheek soflty

"it’s nothing babe, I swear I would’ve kill those motherfuckers, but we were still at the hall and you know, one more and I get expelled, I guess I’ve beaten their asses too many times" he said chuckling soflty

"I guess it’s true, but anyways thank you"

"you know I’m here for you, you scared me, I was walking to your classroom, when I saw those jerks with u, what the hell did they wanted?" he asked, anger filling his voice

"Alex wanted a piece of ass, I told him, not even dreaming he would get that from me"

"If he dares to touch I swear I don’t care where we are and he’ll be 6 feet under the stars" Mark said, "now let’s go home, I’m sure mom is waiting for us with something good for dinner"


Jake’s POV

I drove home with Alex & Dwayne, and mom made dinner for us, I need to plan what my revenge will be, cuz I swear god this is not staying like think, she’s going to pay.

"what are you thinking about Jake?" Dwayne asked drifting my out of my thoughts

"I was thinking I need to avenge myself of that fuckin girl & that son of a bitch"

"but how?" Alex asked confused

"I don’t know, I need to find something that destroys her, but I don’t know what" I said

"think, what she cares the most about" Dwayne said

"that’s the problem, I don’t even know what she likes" I said angrily

"and what about making your parents angry at her?" Alex suggested

"I like what I’m hearing … continue"

" yeah, I mean … I don’t know make them hate her" he said simply

"don’t they already hate her?" Dwayne asked

" yeah, but I’m gonna make them regret her adoption, and you gotta help me" I said with an evilish grin.

"and how are we gonna do that?" Alex asked

"I think I've got and idea" I said

"what is it?" Dwayne asked

" mom & dad are going out on Friday 27, they’ll be back like at 11 o’clock or something"

"yeah & what with that?" Alex said rolling his eyes

"we’re gonna throw a party, the biggest party ever, then I’m calling mom & dad, & blame her"

"you think that will work?" Dwayne asked

"yeah mom will hate her definitely & get her punished until she turns 18" I said chuckling

"you’re mean! But I like your ideas" Alex said

"yeah and with that, she won’t ever mess with us again" I assured them, I swear she will regret messing with us, I fuckin' swear it.
♠ ♠ ♠
updates :D
I'm sick, and feeling like shit :S
Title Credit: My Fist, Your Mouth, Her Scars - Bullet For My Valentine
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