Missing One Inside Of Me

Moving On

Mark's POV

We drove to Kimm’s, and when we arrived many cars were parked outside, “what the hell is going on here?” I asked confused.

“I don’t know and I don’t care I just want Gunner”

“we’ll get him don’t worry,” we parked the car like a block away, ‘cuz there were too many cars, when we finally arrived to her house, she opened the door, and before my eyes there was the biggest party I’ve ever seen.

“Ja … WTF?” Kimm asked confused

“ohh so you finally decided to show up?” Jake asked being the idiot he is

“where’s Gunner motherfucker?” I asked

“ohh sorry I can’t hear you the music is too loud” he said turning around, but I grabbed his arm, “for one last time, where is Gunner?”

Jake’s POV

This idiot was grabbing my arm, and shit it hurts, but I don’t care, mom and dad are on their way home, I’ve got to keep them here, long enough, “ohh don’t worry, why are we talking ‘bout that fuckin’ dog if we got a party going on here?” I said pushing Mark.

“where’s Gunner?” she asked

“I don’t know … maybe at the vet, maybe upstairs, maybe dead …” I said fixing my shirt.

“You’re not so heartless, you couldn’t had hurt him” she said worried

“that’s what you think ”

“What is going on here?” Dad asked opening the door.

“look at my house!” Mom said horrified

“everybody out now!” Dad ordered

“mom, dad I’m sorry, I told her not to, but she wouldn’t listen to me” I said hugging both.

“what? I didn’t do anything!” she complained

“how could you? This is not even your house” mom said

“excuse me Sir but Kimm didn’t do a thing” Mark defended her

“you shut up! This is none of your bussines” Dad said angrily

“hey! don’t talk my friends that way” Kimmy complained

“I talk to him the way I want” Dad said

“no you don’t, you’re no one to talk to him that way”

“I’m your father!” Dad yelled

“no you’re not! We’re not even a family”

“Then what are you doing here? Leave leave now! With all your weird stuff! Now!” Dad screamed

“fine! I don’t care, I hate you all anyways, let’s go Mark.” She said pulling him upstairs.

Kimm’s POV

I took Mark’s hand and ran upstairs, and there he was, sitting on my bed, Jake wasn’t lying, he had got Gunner, but he was safe, I let Mark in and closed the door, I need to pack my stuff and leave now.

“are you okay babe?” Mark asked worried

“yeah, I’m better this way, I got enough money to stay in a hotel ‘till I can get a place” I said packing some clothes on a suitcase

“a hotel?” Mark complained, “No way, you’re moving with me.”

“No mark, I won’t stay at your house, I’m always there” I complained
“C’mon Sullivan, we love you, you’re like family to us” Mark said with a sad look on his hazel greenish eyes.

“You too, & I love you guys, it’s just that … I don’t know” I said looking down

“Please Kimm, stay with us, please” Mark begged putting those puppy eyes he knows I can’t resist.

“Kay but just untill I get a place of my own, then you can move on with me if you want”

“Thanks Kimmy!” Mark said, spinning me around in circles with the biggest grin on his face, “now let’s pack your things and leave this hell”

We finished packing all my stuff and I finally leave the hell I USED to live in, now my life should be better, I'm finally moving on.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay! finally an update (:
sorry guys, I've been a little busy with school, I will update soon my other story too :D
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