Missing One Inside Of Me

Fear Of The Dark

Mark's POV

“hey guys” I said opening the door and carrying some things, “would you mind to help us?”

“hey Mark” Jay said from the couch, “ yeah, no prob, bro”

“whoa, what is Kimmy’s stuff doing here?” Jack asked

“is she moving with us?!” Jay questioned jumping up and down

“yep she is” I answered happily

“yeah!!” Jack said excited.

“Wait! If Kimm’s moving with us” Jay made a large pause.

“ That means …” Jack finished

“Gunner!” both screamed happily running outside.

Kimm opened her car passenger’s door and Gun jumped out of the car, when he saw the twins, he tackled them to the ground, and started licking their faces

“Gunner, I missed you buddy!” Jay said trying to get Gunner off both of them.

“I love this little guy here, well he’s not so little now!” Jack said getting up from the grass, and rubbing Gun’s hair.

The twins, helped us get Kimmy’s stuff, and settled it onto the guest’s room, “so where are mom and dad?” I asked putting the last box in the room.

“they said you’ll get home late, and ask us if we wanted to have dinner with them, we said no, so we stayed at home” Jack said.

“they couldn’t found a babysitter for us” Jayden stated proudly with a devilish grin, “so they said they’ll be back soon.”

“You guys are evil” Kimmy assured them, and the both nodded, “Mark, call your parents, tell them we’ll take care of them, so they don’t have to get home early”

“kay, let me call them” I dialed their number, and walked out of the room, while Kimmy was talking with the twins.

“so what do you wanna do guys?” Kimm asked

“watch a movie?” Jack suggested

“yeah, a horror movie!” Jay said looking at Jack.

“no, not a horror movie, please” Jack pleaded

“haha don’t worry Jack, nothing will happen to you” Kimm assured him

“you’re a little coward just like Mark!” Jayden said.

“that’s true! Mark’s a scardy cat”

“Leave us alone, at least we don’t fear needless like you 2 guys” Jack said.

“Hey, needless are evil!” Kimm defended

“Yep, they want to kill us!” Jay assured, and Kimmy nodded.

“yep that’s why we hate hospitals”

“cowards!” Jack yelled.

“we’re not!” Jay defended

“yes you are!” Jack continued

“hey, guys! Why are you fighting?” I asked getting between both of them
“they started!” Jack said.

“they?” I asked confused.

“ yeah, they call us cowards just because we don’t like horror movies”

“but we don’t fear needless, you’re the cowards!” I stated

“hey! We’re not!” Kimm said

“yes you’re” I said

“we’re not!” she complained

“you’re, don’t ya remember the last time you were at the hospital?” I said chuckling“ I had to chase you for almost 15 minutes, so the nurse could take you to ER, ‘cuz you and your silly ass had broken your arm.”

“that nurse was mean” she said blushing

“she wasn’t, you’re just a coward”

“wanna play dirty huh?” she asked

“what you’re gonna do? … chicken … chicken … Kimmy is a Chicken” I said playfully

“You are afraid of the dark” she said simply.

“you are??” Jayden and Jack asked at the same time, stupid twinish thing.

“ups” Kimmy said grinning “ guess I didn’t have to said that”

“you’re dead Sullivan” I was about to chase Kimmy, but Jack interrupted.

“hey, that’s cool!” he said smiling “It’s like fear of the dark of Iron Maiden”

“yeah, that’s right” I said smiling as well, “and there isn’t a song about fear of the needless right?”

“well, we will creat it don’t we Jay?”

“fear of the needless … Fear of the needless” Jay started singing.

“I have the constant fear that they’re always near” and Kimmy continued.

“fear of the needless … Fear of the needless, I have a phobia that they’re always near” both of them sang happily.

“see! We made it!” Kimmy stated proudly.

“no, you just ruin a good song!” I complained

“So, that’s what you think?” she asked

“yeah! Got a problem with that?”

“yes, grab a pillow jay! This is war!” Kimm yelled

“you’re gonna die” Jack said

We started a pillow fight and they won, we ended at the floor, laughing so hard at each other, how I wish we were Kimmy’s real family so she wouldn’t had to pass through all the shit she’s been through, why did her parents left her? They had to be crazy to give up on such a beautiful and nice girl, but they’ll regret it one day.

“M?” Kimmy asked, drifting me of my thoughts, with those gorgeous blue eyes.

“huh?” I asked.

“you okay?” she questioned

“yeah just thinking” I said getting of the floor.

“ ‘bout?” Jay asked

“nothing” I said helping Kimmy up

“you’re a weirdo, first you’re laughing your ass so hard, now you’re so serious” Kimmy chuckled

“hey! I’m not … I was just thinking”

“right, so are we going to watch a movie or not?” Jack asked

The twins, Kimmy and I ran downstairs to watch some movies, as soon as the movie started the twins fell asleep and so Kimmy did, I picked up the twins first, and put them into their rooms, then I came back to pick Kimm, I lift her up bridal style , but she opened her eyes, “hey K, you tired?” I asked walking upstairs, she was still in my arms.

“a bit” she answered yawning.

“kay, so let’s get you to sleep”

“ I can walk Markie” she said trying to get off me.

“No, you can’t” I said hugging her close against my chest, we arrived to her room and I put her into her bed.

“you know, you’re so cute sometimes Mark” she said putting a kiss on my cheek.

“yeah, I knew that, night Kimmy” I answered chuckling and walking to her door.

“night Markie, I’ll see you tomorrow” she said, I was about to close her door, “but Mark …”

“yeah?” I asked

“thank you” she said simply

“thank you for what Kimm?”

“for everything you’ve done for me”

“no problem babygirl, you’re my bestfriend and I’ll give my life for you if necessary” I said honestly, it was true, I wouldn’t even doubt it, I would give my life for her.

“I will give it too, you’re the only family I’ve got left” she said.

“ and the only family you need Kimmy” I said, she smiled and I closed her bedroom door.
♠ ♠ ♠
Long Chapter :D
I really like this chapter (:
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yep the credit for the title and the song goes to Iron Maiden - Fear of the dark