Missing One Inside Of Me

Candy Mountain!

Kimmy’s POV

I was violently awake by Gunner barking, 3 boys jumping up and down , god how I hate to wake up, “ would you stop bouncing on me?” I said putting a Charlie tone.

“Candy Mountain Charlie!!” that was the answer I got from 1 pair of twins and my bestfriend.

“geezh!” I complained, “get off, I want to sleep” I groaned.

“It’s your birthday” Jay & Jack yelled at the same time.

“I know, I know, now sleep” I muttered putting my pillow over my head.

“you silly sleepy head, wake up” Mark said putting that silly voice, god now I’m regretting the very moment I showed them that video.

“pwease Madkie Wadkie” I said pouting, as I tried putting my best puppy eyes.

“oh god not those eyes” Mark said covering his face.

“Jack? Jay? Pwease?” I asked with my childish voice.

“stop it!” the 3 of them yelled at the same time.

“fine, now let me sleep” I said putting the covers over my head.

“nooooo!” 3 voices yelled at me, as the twins and Gunner pull the covers off me and Mark threw me random clothes.

“what’s this?” I asked annoyed, I really wanted to sleep.

“clothes? Duuh!” Mark said with an obvious voice, “Jack, Jay start the shower please”

“kay” both said running with Gunner behind to the guest’s bathroom.

“whoa, why the rush?!” I asked finally getting off the bed, bad idea as soon as I got off the bed Mark throw everything to the ground and tackle me into a bear hug, soon enough the twins followed, and for the perfect ending gunner was licking my face.

“breathe” I muttered as a pair of “sorry” were heard, and the 3 of them got off me and helped me up.

“Now, I’ll try again” I sighed, ”the concert it’s until 5 pm so why the hell are you waking me up at ...” I took a quick glance at the clock that was in the night stand, “ fuckin’ 8:15 am?”

“we have a surprise for you” Jack, Jay & Mark squealed at the same time.

“did you just squealed?” I asked smirking.

“shut up” Mark said, “here are your clothes, go shower, get dressed, and
I’ll see ya downstairs in 30 minutes” Mark said as him & the twins pushed me to the bathroom and closed the door.

“quick” that was the last thing I heard from Mark as he closed my bedroom door and I stepped into the hot water, letting it wash all my precious sleepiness away.

I finished showering and put the clothes Mark had handed me, as I stepped out of the bathroom I tripped over Gun, “ sorry buddy”

He just barked and followed me as I stormed downstairs, to be met by Cassie, Robert, Jack, & Jay with a huge, I really mean huge sign the read: “ Happy B-day” with deathbats drew all around.

I jus stay there speechless, I mean no one has ever done this for me, sure Mark would get me presents every year, but the whole family? “thank you” was all I could say, as they all dropped the sign and ran to hug me.

“this is amazing, thank you, thank you” I said as hugged them even tighter.

After a long time of hugging, Robert questioned as I they let go off the hug “Kimm?”

“yeah?” I asked smiling.

“would you be part of our family?” he asked.

“that’s … I … oh … of course” I answered grinning like I was nuts and jumping up and down, as Jack & Jay spun me around in circles.

“and well what’s a birthday without a cake sweetie?” Cassie asked as I sat down next to Mark.

“ohh thank you!!” I grinned happily, as she put this beautiful cake full of candles infront of me and walked again into the kitchen.

“Let me help you” I said standing up.

“ no, no, no,” the 5 of them said as Mark blocked my way and made me sit again.

“today’s your birthday so no helping thingy, I’ll do it” Mark said standing up and smiling to me, I really swear they’re the family anyone could ask for.

They sang happy B-day to me like for the millionth time as we ate our cake, and Mark’s phone started to ring, “ oh shit” Mark exclaimed looking at his phone.

“language” Robert and Cassie said at the same time.

“sorry but we have to go, it’s 3:00 pm and we have to be there at 4:00 pm” Mark said standing up and grabbing his jacket.

“thank you for everything, really really thank you” I said grabbing my plate and walking to the sink to wash it, but I was blocked by Jack & Jay.

“just leave it, we’ll do it, it’s getting late, now go”. Jack said smiling.

“and you better tell us how A7X were!” Jay yelled as I smiled and closed the door, as Mark started his car.

This was by far the best b-day ever, and it was about to be even better, I was going to fuckin’ meet my idols.
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yeah so kinda a filler, but next part a7x is coming :D
I love Mark, Cassie, Robert & the twins they're so caring & stuff (:
Credit goes to Charlie the unicorn, lol