What will come will come Jagars point of view

The crossing of paths

Jagar jumped up silently, his fangs legnthening at the prospect of feeding.
Even though there was no humans to hunt, he was excited to finaly feed, even if it was on animals.
He silently slipped between the trunks of the trees, his eyes constantly scanning the eternal darkness of the forrest, seeking out what he could smell.
He took a deep breath, inhaling the smell of blood, and as he did, the edges of his golden brown eyes turned a bright emerald green.
He tracked his head left to right, inhaling the sweet smell of blood and locating his prey. Suddenly his head stopped and his eyes snapped open and he dashed forward, hunched over, moving with inhuman speed.
He darted between the trees, rapidly closing the gap between the bleeding animal he could smell. Within seconds he was on the floor, next to the wounded deer, fangs poised to strike.
There was a slight pop as his fangs punctured the neck and as he began to drink, Jagar's eyes began to change to bright emerald green. He enjoyed the way the blood made him feel invigorated, the way it flowed so easily out of his prey.
Just then, a distant branch cracked and Jagar's head snapped up in annoyance. He let out a deep growl, wiped the blood from his face, spun round in anger and darted home.
He was so angry at being interupted while he was feeding and as he stormed into his house, he flashed an angry look at the mirror in his room, his green eyes smoldering.
He had to calm down, there were plenty of other chances to feed.
So he flopped onto his sofa and began looking round for his new Rise Against C.D.
After rooting around, he finaly found it, but as he picked it up, he accidentaly snapped it in half in his hands.
'God dammit!' he roared, hurling abuse at his shattered C.D. He stormed into his dark room and sat down for a few hours, letting his anger at the day slowly ebb away.
At about 6pm, Jagar grabbed a pair of shades and his wallet and stalked out the house, into the cold evening air. He set off towards the music store down town to find a new copy of his Rise Against C.D.

As he walked into the shop a bell rang and he scanned the aisles quickly. He let out a small sneer at a T-shirt one of the two staff was wearing. She was stacking the shelves wearing a black t-shirt with the words 'bite me' written in blood across the front. He quickly walked down the aisle next to her towards the second staff member. As he reached her he said 'Err... Hi, I was wondering if you had the new apeal to reason cd?". After looking up towards him she said “yeah we do, wait here". With that, the woman walked down the isle to get the his cd. As she walked back, the woman said "Here you go, that’s £7.99 please". Jagar rooted in his wallet for a second and handed her the money. 'here you go, you can keep the penny change, bye."
With that, he walked rapidly out of the shop door and began to walk home, dissapearing round the street corner in seconds. He ignored the fact that he heard the door close, then open 2 seconds after he left.
he finaly got home, put on his new C.D, sat down, and got lost in his music....
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so this is the first propper chapter :D
it ties in with gemmas ;)
check out gemmas too, you will get the whole story :) :