Love At First Bite


"Get up you guys time to make breakfast" Aiko shouted through the door,

"Ok" Miaka said back sleepyly,

we had fallen asleep again, I slowly opened my eyes to see Miaka's breathtaking smile,

"Hello you" she whispered to me,

she kissed my nose and giggled, I smiled back and pretended to be her and started scratching my nose,

"Hey don't be mean" she said shocked,

I giggled at her and she playfully slapped my face, I acted shocked and she looked seriously worried. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her so she was laying right next to me her eyes sparkling in the morning light that shone through the window across the floor,

"What you going to do then meany??" she said before poking her tongue out at me,

"Hmm I don't know, maybe something like tickle you" I chuckled while starting to tickle her,

she wriggled and wiggled around in my arms laughing so loudly it would have woken up the whole neighbourhood, someone shouted from downstairs for us to stop making loads of noise but it wasn't too clear with Miaka shouting the place down with her laughter,

"Stop it please, that really tickles" she said while still wriggling and wiggling,

"Well come here then" I said stopping and pulling her towards me,

her face was right next to mine, her fruity breath waved across my cool face with her eyes darting from my eyes and then to my lips, I smiled at her and pulled her even closer so her whole body was right next to mine,

"That's close" she whispered uneasy,

"I'm sorry if you don't want to be this close to me" I said letting her go slightly,

"No no no" she said pulling herself to stay near me,

I wrapped my arm around her and pushed her body against mine, her face was millimetres from mine with a smile that could melt anyone away into a little puddle of gloop,

"What would you do??" her voice shaky,

I touched her nose with mine but as her hands were trapped in my grasp she couldn't scratch it so instead she used me too scratch her nose, my cheek was suddenly a scratching post thing where she could get rid of her itch,

"Oh that's nice" I said to her chuckling,

"Well you touched it and I can't scratch it so what else am I going to do??" she said smiling when she had finished,

"I would have kissed it better, I'm sure that would have worked" I said smiling at her,

"You always want to kiss anywhere but my lips" she said sticking her bottom lip out,

I moved my lips to hers and pressed them gently together, her arms around me tightened as mine tightened around her in the kiss, I moved one of my hands behind her head so then she wouldn't be able to pull away so quickly but she made no intensions to. We layed there across her bed kissing for about 5 minutes until her sister came banging at the door again,

"Oi you two breakfast making now!" Aiko shouted through the door,

Miaka was about to pull away but I held onto her and she stayed in the kiss for a little longer, banging at the door came again and we both sighed and stopped,

"She's so annoying" Miaka whispered to me,

"I know, maybe she will leave us alone for the day if we make her breakfast" I suggested,

"But what would we do for a whole day on our own??" she asked a little puzzled,

"Anything we wanted to do, the day would be ours to do what we wanted" her face was going a little red,

"Well lets go down and make her breakfast then" she said bouncing out of my grasp,

she jumped off the bed and grabbed my hand, suddenly I was on the floor in a heep with Miaka pulling my arm trying to get me to move,

"Come on then, we need to make her breakfast" she said grabbing my arm with both hands,

I pulled her gently and she came tumbling on top of me, I giggled and she smiled, I found her face and pressed my lips tightly onto hers, that was it she wasn't trying to go downstairs instead she was trying to get me against her bed, I finally gave in and was pinned to the side of the bed awkwardly the post was stuck in my back and my arms where bent slightly over the post. She changed slightly into someone who was a little more confident then usual, she started kissing down my jaw line which puzzled me and then she got to my neck and was kissing it with force kind of,

"That does feel good" I whispered to her,

she giggle but carried on, then her human teeth started to touch my skin and I got a little puzzled, I got my arms out of her lock and wrapped them around her tightly she didn't move from my neck once, she started to nibble my neck with so much confidence and then bit really hard,

"Oww" I squweemed out,

she looked up panicked and shocked, her bright blue eyes were filling up with crystal like tears that then started pouring down her beautiful face, her face wrinkled and her nose then started sniffling,

"I'm so sorry" she cried out in a whisper,

"Come here you" I said grabbing hold of her, "It was just a surprise that's all",

she sniffled again and then I felt wetness on my neck, nice wipe your nose on me Miaka that's really nice not, I held onto her tight and she relaxed slightly,

"I'm really sorry, I don't know what happened" she whispered in her sniffles,

"Don't you worry about a thing, now I know how it feels to have my neck kissed" trying to lighten the situation sounds the best option,

"Yeah but I bit you" her sniffling in my ear,

"And...It was a nice feeling, it felt different to the last time I got bitten so that's a plus too" lightening the mood was difficult,

she didn't say anything after that, ok maybe I shouldn't have said that, I let go of her slightly and moved her so I could look at her face she was resitant but gave up soon enough, I gazed into her bright blue eyes that were filled with tears and smiled,

"Don't worry about a thing" I whispered to her with my smile,

she pulled herself to me and grabbed hold of me tightly, I gasped but then wrapped my arms around her gently, I moved my face to the side of her face and hummed her a tune I had learnt a few years ago. She relaxed as I hummed and then sighed to sleep, was that suppose to happen?? I moved her sleepy body so I could look at her and her face was smiling but sleepy,

"Ok humming is for only to relax not to make you sleep" I whispered in a sigh,

she mumbled something in her sleep and then snuggled into me, how was I going to make Aiko breakfast if I've got Miaka on me, I gently stood up with Miaka in my arms and layed her across her bed her face started to wrinkle when I left her but I had to go before Aiko banged on the door again and woke her up. I silently walked to the door and opened it slowly Aiko was just about to bang on the door again but quickly put her hand down behind her back,

"Oh where's Miaka then??" Aiko said with a little annoyence,

"She fell asleep again, I'm your breakfast maker this morning" I said with a smile,

she looked at me puzzled and then lead me downstairs. We got into the kitchen with her then taking a seat at the little 3 seated table,

"If you need anything then just ask" she said gently,

I nodded and walked over to the fridge, as the door opened the cold frezzing air spread over me and sent a shiver up my spin, I shook it off and started grabbing things as I went. An egg, 2 slices of bread, some bacon, and something that looked like mushrooms, I walked over to the counter and showed Aiko all the things I had grabbed,

"I don't think them mushrooms are healthy" she said as I picked them up,

I quickly nodded then dashed to the bin and back with her face dazzled, I started looking for a frying pan but I couldn't find one suddenly I felt a warm hand on my shoulder I turned round to see Aiko with a frying pan really close to me,

"Er...thanks, thats what I was looking for" I said with an uneasy smile,

"I know it was" she said putting it down on the counter,

she then started walking towards me, I walked backwards but then had to stop as the counters where blocking my way, she got closer and closer until I could feel her breath on my face,

"Um...hello" I said puzzled,

"Do you like me??" she said ignoring my hello,

"Your my girlfriends sister, of course I like you" I said still puzzled,

I hadn't noticed at first but one of her hands was at my side, she pulled herself to me and smiled,

"Is that the only way you like me??" she said starting to stroke my back,

"Yeah, I love Miaka" I said truefully,

she didn't like me saying that, she moved her face closer to mine and then pushed her lips to mine, she didn't get much from me but she tried so man way to get me to melt to her touch, she then pulled away and ran out of the kitchen and slammed the front door shut. I stood there shocked I couldn't tell Miaka as she would hate her sister but I couldn't keep it from her either, suddenly footsteps came down the stairs and in walked Miaka's mum,

"Oh hello Anim" she said surprised to see me in the kitchen,

"Hi Miaka's mum" I said still shocked from the kiss from Aiko,

"You know you can call me Chiya" she said with a smile,

"Yeah I'm sorry Chiya" I said trying to get back to reality,

"It's ok hunni, so who went out the front door in a rush?? it woke me up" she said chuckling,

"Oh Aiko wanted me to make her breakfast but then thought about something and had to go out somewhere" I said looking at her blankly,

"Oh ok then, where's Miaka??" she asked gently,

"Asleep again, she's been really tired lately" I whispered puzzled still,

"Yeah she has, well hopefully she will be ok soon, what you doing today??" she was trying to start a conversation,

I hadn't really spoke to Miaka's mum well Chiya, it was kind of hard to talk to her straight after the shock Aiko had given me,

"Oh um..."I said coming back to reality, "Me and Miaka were thinking of staying in today, just hang out around the house and stuff"

she looked a little scared and then it went, she smiled and walked over to the littley started breakfast I had spread out on the counter,

"That sounds fun, um...are you going to have this?? I'm really hungry" she giggled,

I shook my head and then smiled to her,

"I'll make you breakfast if you like, say it's a thank you present for letting me in your house so much" I smiled,

"Oh ok, only if your not doing anything else" she said a little surprised,

"It's fine, Miaka is asleep so I can't do anything anyway" I chuckled to her,

she smiled back and then took a seat at the tiny table, I picked up the frying pan Aiko had left on the counter and then put it down again,

"Where are the frying pans?? I don't think this one will work" I didn't want the memory of what happened,

"Oh um...they're in the cupboard over the sink" her puzzled tone worried me,

"Thank you" I said trying to hide my worry,

I walked over to the cupboard and took out a smaller frying pan, I closed the cupboard and walked back to the counter smiling as I went but thinking of Aiko and what she did I couldn't take it out of my head she hadn't done that before, hadn't even shown anything like that,

"So how old are you??" Chiya asked, taking me back to reality again,

"Oh um...17" I said trying to make it sound really, I was actually about 117 but I couldn't really tell my girlfriends mum that,

"Oh same age as Miaka then, when's your birthday??" she wanted to break the silence,

"Um...14th of June" I wasn't going to say the year,

"Wow that's real close to Miaka's, you 2 are meant to be aren't you" she said with a smile,

I chuckled smiling at her. I had cracked the eggs into the frying pan which was now placed on the stove cooking nicely, I took some of the bacon out of the packet and layed them in the same frying pan, Chiya was watching me closely but then gave up and started the questions again,

"So if your 17 were's your parents??" that hit a nerve,

"Oh um...they both died a while ago" lying felt best thing to do,

"Oh I'm sorry to hear that" she said, her face upset that she brought up the subject,

"Oh don't worry, they didn't like me really anyway so it was kind of good they went" I said without thinking,

she didn't say anything after that, oops I really need to keep my mouth shut, I looked over to her and then back to the eggs and bacon they were simmering slightly, once I knew they would be ok I went to were the 2 slices of bread were, I put them on a plate and walked over to the toaster they had it was small and white with complicated button readings on,

"Oh that doesn't work" Chiya said suddenly,

"Oh" I said as I turned around to face her, "I'll cook them on the stove too then"

she sent me a weak smile and then looked to the table and followed the lines in the wood with her finger, what was wrong?? had I said something?? I looked at her puzzled but carried on with cooking her breakfast. After a while the eggs, bacon and now toasty slices of bread where nearly done and I needed to find a plate to put them on, I started searching through the cupboards but then the thought of Aiko kissing me returned, I turned to Chiya and sighed,

"Um...where are the plates?? it's nearly ready"

she looked up from the table -she had been looking at it for about 5 minutes- and pointed to the cupboard in the corner, as she looked back down to the table I saw a tear fall from her eye running it's way down,

"Thanks, are you ok??" I had to ask,

she nodded without looking up and sighed, I was a little worried my girlfriend's mum was crying in the kitchen and I didn't know what to do, I took a plate out of the cupboard and walked over to her now cooked food I gently placed it on the plate, walked over to her and placed it on the table right by her,

"I'll go and get you a fork and knife" I said gently,

I turned to get them from the draw but she grabbed hold of my wrist and stopped me, I turned back to her with surprise and looked at her face, it was all blotchy like she had been crying for hours but I hadn't heard her at all,

"Will you hurt her?? will you hurt Miaka??" she said shaking,

"No, I would never hurt her, I won't let anyone hurt her either" I reasured her,

"Would you do anything she asked you too??" she asked, her grip tightening on my wrist,

"Yeah, unless it was to kill her of to hurt someone" I truely said,

"Do you think you will stay with her forever?? she really does love you and I don't want to see her hurt again" she said another tear falling down her face,

"I will stay with her always, I will never leave her side, but what do you mean by again?? she's been hurt before??" I asked wanting to know,

Chiya pulled out one of the other chairs and hinted for me to sit down, it was something serious I could tell, she let out a little sigh letting go of my wrist and looked up again,

"She fell in love with this guy, I don't want to name names as I feel it's wrong but he hurt in a way were she hadn't looked at guys in the same way for ages" she said maybe starting off the whole thing,

I nodded in interest and for her to carry on so she did,

"He would come round everyday and take her places, sometimes I wouldn't know where she was but he would bring her back at the time I would have set, one day he came round and said they we're going to stay at home one day that day I had work so I was out and Aiko was going to college then so it was just them 2 at first I thought nothing of it and then when I came back I was shocked..." she paused from the hurting thoughts she could see,

"What happened??" I asked in a whisper,

"I came back to find her wrapped in a blanket on the hall floor, she was covering herself up to hide herself from me, I ran over to her and held her in my arms, as I looked down at her I could see all the bruises on her arms and legs, she layed in my arms naked wrapped in a blanket like a new born baby" she stopped and gasped at the horrible thought,

"What did he do to her??" I said holding onto her hand in comfort,

"He...he had been hurting her, she told me that if she didn't do something he wanted her to do he would have hit her and spit on her and make her do things under her will, she told me that...they were in her room on their own and were thinking that, but she suddenly got to scared and tried to get away but he wouldn't let her so...attacked her, she told me that he tied her to her bed and undressed her..." she stopped in shock of the memories that flowed back hard,

"I can tell what happened" I felt so sorry for Miaka, and her mum,

"But that's not all of it, when he had...hurt her in that way he made her do things to him that she wouldn't have ever done and then he left her tied to the bed, he dressed back up leaving her on the bed with nothing on and left, she had gotten free and wrapped a blanket around her and dragged herself to the stairs after him but he was already gone, she made herself fall down the stairs to get down quicker but instead broke her leg so she couldn't walk that's when I walked in and yeah..." she said stopping and letting the tears flow,

the hatred I had inside was at max, no one would ever hurt Miaka and I wanted to get the guy back so much for hurting her, Chiya then looked up and whipped away the tears, she looked at her now cold breakfast and smiled,

"You put all that effort in and now it's cold, I can't heat it up either" she sighed as she spoke,

"I'll fix your microwave if you like, and the toaster" I said trying to hide away my anger,

"Oh you don't have too" she said surprised,

"Yeah I will, you have any tools??" I asked looked at the mircowave,

"Oh they're in the other room, I'll go and get them for you" she said standing up from the chair,

"Thank you, oh and I won't tell Miaka that you told me what happened" I said reassuringly,

"Thank you hunni, I couldn't bare her hating me" her mother said to me before walking out of the kitchen,

I sat in the little kitchen thinking about the whole thing, Miaka got hurt so badly and she's got through that easily but what would she do if I turned her?? I couldn't turn her knowing that and what was with Aiko coming onto me?? that scared me quite a lot. I sat there thinking for a while and then stopped to see a sleepy Miaka walking through the door, I ran to her side and helped her walk to one of the chairs then took my seat again,

"You look like you've just got up" I chuckled,

"No more humming for you mister" she chuckled sleeply back,

I giggled at her sleepy face and she smiled, I would never let anyone hurt her again, suddenly her mum came bundleing in the door with the tool box and some other boxes,

"Oh her darling, Anim this is what I could find but I don't know what you would need" she said a little dazzled that Miaka was up,

"Oh that's ok Chiya thanks" I said standing up and walking over to her to take the heavy tool boxes from her grasp,

she let out a pleased sigh when I took them out and then sat down next to Miaka, I walked with ease over to the kitchen counter and rested the boxes gently on top of them,

"Right mircowave now your going to meet your maker" I said acting bravado,

the girls giggled and then started gossiping about things that guys weren't meant to hear so off to work I went.
♠ ♠ ♠
So there's Miaka's past relationship in this,
Not a nice one to say the least,
Hope you still like it =)