If only I could tell you

It would have been funny

I don't think you know me. You've probably never even heard of me. Not many people have heard of me. You've probably seen me, you've probably said something you thought was funny about me to one of your friends. You're probably wondering who I am.

Well I'll tell you a tiny little fact about me, I'm 15 years old, I am a girl and I'm that kid in the back of your Economics II class. Yep, that's me. I'll tell you more later, but for now that'll have to do.

Yesterday I bought a diary. I am going to start writing all of my experiences down, good and bad. I am really sorry that you'll have to suffer with me, but you've chosen to read my dreary life story, so I guess that it's also partially your fault. Sometimes I wonder if you are actually there, are you really interested in me. Or are you just reading this because you found it on the back desk in the library? If you did find me somewhere, then please don't pass me around to all of your friends. That would just make this silent sturggle even harder for me.

Here is one last hint at my identity: I am a transfer student.