Status: Hiatus, sorta

Yes Even Stars Break

Yes Even Stars Break

Alone at last
Sleeping to help ease my pain
And I take it back
You’ll never be this close to me
And I breathe in deep
It helps me to avoid this state
You’ve put me in
You’ve put me in

We are both facing each other in absolute silence. My breathing accelerates as he lifts up his hand to my face. His gentle hand sends a spark as he stokes my face. Next thing I know our lips collided. His delicate lips shaped to fit mine flawlessly, my heart seemed out of control. It was like my head was spinning frantically, I seemed to be paralyzed in that position. He then gradually pulled away and smiled at me. His blue eyes made me week as if they were morphine. If he hadn’t been holding on to me I would have fainted right then and there. His cologne smelled really good, it made me wonder what cologne he was using. His captivating blue eyes looked into mine again and he opened his mouth as if he was going to say something…

And now that I can deal with everything you've thrown at me
And how does it feel, to know that you could never fix the way we see the way you left us without any reasoning
Without reasoning

Then everything went black and I was drawn back into reality. My hand smacks my alarm off and I sit up gazing into total darkness. My eyes are wet from my tears. I quickly wipe them away and open the blinds to let some of the sunlight seep in. This was the fourth time this week I had that dream, and each time I wake up the disappointment gets worse. I get up still very lethargic and head to the shower.

I lay you to rest in my head
Stored away to never return
I'll forget everything you left
Back at home
Please now i'm always looking back on a scripted memory

The crimson red leafs fell so gracefully. I counted each of them as they fell off the branches. I would give anything to be one of those flimsy leaves, to be able to let go with ease and just leave the past behind me. Of course that’s not me. My heart just won’t toil with me, it can’t let him go. I sighed just thinking how pathetic it all seems. Come on Becky it’s been two years since you’ve seen him, let it go already!
As much as I tried to talk some sense into me, I decide it was pointless to even try anymore. I hear my name being spoken and I quickly break my thoughts and look at my teacher Ms. Carnet.
“Uh Yes” I answered vacantly
“Becky can you tell us the answer to number four?” Asked Ms. Carnet
“Oh it’s…” I said looking down at my paper “x ≈ 15.56”
“Correct…but please try to pay attention.” She noted. I sighed and continued to stare out the window. I was so lucky I was good at trigonometry otherwise I would have a big fat F. I was so grateful when the bell rung, I shuffled to the hall and began to walk to my next class. Senior year, it’s supposed to be the greatest year of my life. But so far there is nothing great about it.

Look at how I’ve grown, just see.
The burdens you put on us got me to be
What I'm supposed to be

I shut the car door of my new silver Jetta. I used to my spare key to enter my over the top curb appeal house. As soon as I came into the house I dropped my keys on the table and headed straight for my room.
“I’m home!” I cried out. I really hadn’t expected an answer since I knew my parents would be at work. It seems these days that’s where they always are. It never used to be like this. My mom used to have a pretty laid back job and always was home to have some loving mom and daughter bonding time. But now she has to work late every night because of our sucky economy. My dad…well I’m used to him not being here because of work. He is in fact the bread winner in our family, which means he can’t afford not to go to work. As soon as I got to my room I grabbed the latest House of Night book Untamedand lounged on my twin bed and started to read.
When I read it made me feel weightless and like no one was around. It was a very relaxing feeling which I enjoyed very much. As I was getting into my book my cell began to ring.
“Hello?” I said into the phone
“Yo Mig, are you ready?” My BFF Willi asked
“Yes, I’m ready.”
“Well I’m on my way.” She said chirpily. I hung up and sighed loudly. How could I forget it was Friday? Today, like every Friday, was movie night. It had become our little tradition, every Friday a bunch of us would go chill at the movies. It used to be so fun, but of course that was when Kevin and I were still together.

He breathes in deep,
It helps him realize how everything in his whole life progressed
He’s fine I swear
And he'll confess to you cause
Tonight he'll find his way back home

“That was one of the best movies ever!” shrieked Amy my other BFF
“Oh my god I want to go see it again” Willi said agreeing to her. I didn’t join in on their conversation. I just strolled along with them as they talked on and on about the hottie in the film. I couldn’t help but miss Kevin. I mean it was hard not to when he used to go with me to all of our movie nights. After Kevin left my friends continued this movie night as a part of my sake, but I didn’t have the heart to tell them it’s actually making me feel worse.

Forget about the plans we made
I’ll never let this go
Confess to you cause
Tonight he'll find his way back home
Forget about the plans we made
I’ll never let this go

As we strolled toward Starbucks© my mind raced with thoughts of Kevin. Thinking about how great our relationship was, I wondered why we had to end. I remember that day so well; it was a couple of days after Kevin graduated. All he told me was he had a great opportunity in California and that we couldn’t be together anymore since he was leaving. There were a lot of tears shed that day and it seemed like the day dragged on forever. The sight of him walking out of my life still haunts me in my sleep.

Broken faith and wasted breath
Photographs are all that’s left
Of you of you

“Hey Becky what do you want?” Willi asked
“Huh?” I said coming back to reality
“She means your drink order.” alleged Amy. I hadn’t even realized we were already in Starbucks©. I guess my dazes were getting pretty bad.
“Oh I’ll have a passion tea.” I said sheepishly. After we got our order we decided to go sit outside. Memories flooded through my head as I remembered when Kevin and I would sit outside together, talking about our future. But he never mentioned then that his future wouldn’t include me. Then I saw him, he had his back toward me like he was waiting for someone. I thought that I had finally gone delusional and he was all in my mind. I stood there frozen in place; my heart was beating out of control. I kept telling my self that he is all in my mind and that I’ve gone crazy. But something deep inside me told me different.
“Kevin.” I managed to say. He then turned around gradually and his gorgeous blue eyes fixed themselves on me.
♠ ♠ ♠
I actually liked this chapter...
I need some feedback so I know if I should continue the story.
Thanks for reading.

Lyrics are from Yes even stars break by The Scene Aesthetic

© By Becky Publishing Inc. All rights reserved.