

"Yes Harry is. Very faithful from what I can tell. He's actually had quite a hard life. HIs parents are both dead so he's been living with his aunt and uncle for his whole life. They're the worst sort of people. They feed him little to nothing. He has to do all the work and chores. He goes to the crazy cat lady whenever they want to go out somewhere, he never gets to go. They hate him and yet he's never shown them any hate back." Dumbledore explained before standing up and thanking him.

"You're quite good with a razor. The best in london by far and I've been here for a hundred years. You know barbery is a very useful skill in this world. Would you consider teaching it to the children at my school Third years and above could probably handle a razor with maturity. I've been thinking for a while that my school needs more electives and this fits right in. It's a different class yet it teaches a valuable skill." Dumbledore asked politely hoping the answer would be yes but he wasn't going to push Sweeney into it if he didn't want to.