Sequel: The Art-Deco Project

Said Is Dead


Chase sat in an expensive car. Frank Iero's expensive car. The car itself gave her butterflies, what if she broke something? She'd be broke for weeks trying to repay him.

Frank started to laugh at her, and Chase turned to him and stuck out her tongue. "It's not my fault you drive fancy things!" Chase groaned.

"I told you, if your not going to break my car!" Frank giggled.

"This is me were talking about, I can break a army tank on accident," Chase said with a shrug.

"You seem experienced?" Frank suggested with a risen eyebrow.

Chase chuckled. "My uncle works in the army....looooong story."

Frank started to laugh as he pulled up to the new apartment Chase had bought. She was happy to be away from her parents. A new home, New city, a new clean slate. Chase liked the idea of being away from the place she was kidnapped. It felt better being somewhere different.

Frank helped carry Chase's suitcases upstairs, she found this completly unneccesary, but he insistded.

Entering the small loft Chase smiled. It wasn't the best place, but the plumbing worked, and ther ewas a dead bolt on the door. She couldn't ask for more.

"Nice place," Frank said smiling.

"Yup, my little slice of heaven!" Chase looked around, taking in the brick walls, shabby stove, fridge and wide open space. It was perfect.

Frank hugged Chase randomly and hse laughed at him. "Short man giving me a hug!" She squeeled.

"Hey! I am not that short! And look at you! Your at least two inches shorter than me!" Chase giggled.

"Would it be akward if I asked you to coffee Chase Daniels?" He asked blushing.

"As in a date?"

"As in two people out alone...on a date...yes."

"Your completely random Mr. Iero, but I am obliged."

Frank smiled. "Tommorow then? I'll pick you up?" Chase nodded happily.

Frank kissed her cheek and ran out the door, only to come back. "I gotta go tell Gee! Be back tomorow!" He ran off like a little kid. Making Chase laugh.

Chase plugged in her computer to her wall and started a new post.

"Chase Daniels is now going to Coffee with Frank Iero

Chase Daniels likes this idea

Chase Daniels likes free coffee

Chase Daniels needs a comfy chair

Chase Daniels is alive and well

Chase Daniels missed you all

Chase Daniels likes Frank Iero"

"Hello World, this one is short and sweet. New apartment new life. I'm never backing down, we'll get through it all. You guys are my rock, I love you all!"

Chase posted the blog happily. She had a date to unpack for.
♠ ♠ ♠
ugggh EXAMS SUCk

make me feel better with comments? Love you all!