Status: ACTIVE :)

You Have A Twin Sister?! How Come I Didn't Know That?

Spencer, that idiot

Tyler Nathan Fox

I arrived at the airport almost exactly an hour after I hung up with my father. I jogged over to where he was to meet him. From afar, I could see him standing there, looking at his watch.
“Finally! Come on, the jet is waiting.” He said, looking up from his wrist. I nodded and followed him.

Two hours had already passed since the flight begun and I still failed to sleep. I sighed in frustration as I saw my father snoring next to me.
I hope your okay, Tay. I thought, looking out the window. As I thought of her, I didn’t notice that my eyelids were getting heavier and heavier every minute until I eventually fell asleep.

A vibrating, tingling movement shook me from my dreamless sleep. I opened my eyes and pulled out my blackberry from my pocket. I immediately groaned at the name that appeared on the screen.
Blake Peterson. I lazily pushed the green button to answer and pressed it to my ear.
“What do you want Blake?” I groaned, trying my hardest to stay awake.
“Why the hell didn’t you tell us you had a twin, Fox?” He asked in an annoyed tone.
“Oh God. Spencer told you guys?” I said, suddenly fully conscious of the situation.
“Indeed, my friend. He also mentioned it wasn’t just a twin, but a twin sister.” He answered. I could tell Blake was about to explode. He didn’t like having secrets kept away from him.
“Why does it matter? You guys wouldn’t have gotten to know her anyways.”
“Well it would have been nice to know...” He responded, now in a more hurt tone.
“Whatever. Is Spence there?” I asked, wanting to talk to the tale-teller that had disvulged his discovery.
“Yeah, here he is.”
“What’s up, mate?” Spencer said.
“Who did you tell?” I asked quickly.
“Just the guys.” He said calmly.
“I want names.” I said a little more agitated. Spencer was my best friend, but sometimes he got on my nerves with his lack of details.
“Alright, alright, jeez man. I only told Mikelo, Oliver, Jerry, and Blakey here. Oh, and Spade too.”
I groaned. Having them all know would mean explaining a whole lot of things to a whole lot of people.
“Can you just tell them all I didn’t think it was important for them to know about my sister? I don’t what anymore people complaining on why they didn’t know.” I said lazily.
“For sure dude. Where you at?”
“I’m on my way to England you idjit. I told you before leaving.” I said rolling my eyes at Spencer’s forgetfulness.
“Oh, right. Well, see ya. Oh, and Aace says hi.”
“Whatever.” I groaned and hung up not minding to say goodbye.
“Spencer, that idiot.” I muttered before going back to sleep.
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Hey guys! Thanks for taking the time to read this chapter. I realy hope you liked it. I'l try to have the next one out soon.