Status: ACTIVE :)

You Have A Twin Sister?! How Come I Didn't Know That?

The picture

Spencer Hall

With a sigh, I sat in one of the bean bags that Oliver and Mikelo kept in their dorm. It frustrated me that Tyler hadn’t taken the time to mention the fact that he had a twin; let alone, a twin sister. I kept my thoughts on trying finding a reason to why he might have kept it all a secret, landing on the conclusion that he was the typical over protective brother. My conclusion seemed okay for a moment, when it hit me. Maybe, just maybe, she was really hot and he wanted to keep her from one of the guys. I stood up and ran out the door and toward Tyler’s and my dorm.
“Dude, where you going?” I heard Oliver call after me. But I didn’t stop. I quickly opened the door and rushed to Tyler’s laptop, punched the On button and started walking back to Oliver and Mikelo’s while the computer whirled to life.
“Why the hell did you bring Tyler’s comp? I got one too you know!” Said Oliver, annoyed of my sudden jump.
“I think I know why Tyler didn’t tell us about him having a twin.” I said simply.
I had never been able to figure out Tyler’s password, but now I thought I knew exactly what it was.
I typed the name and clicked enter, almost too exited to think, when a small box appeared on the screen.
“Damn, that’s not it.”
“What’s Tyler’s sister’s name?” Asked Mikelo.
“Taylor. I already tried though.” I answered, annoyed at the computer.
“What’s Tyler’s full name?”
“What’s up with your stupid questions, Mike? It’s Tyler Nathan Fox.”
“Just making sure. Here, let me see laptop.” He said simply. I sighed, and rolling my eyes I handed it to Michael Angelo. He typed in something and clicked enter.
“He’s in!” I heard Blake gasp from behind me.
“What?! How did you--” I started but he interrupted me.
“I guessed. I thought since they have almost the same name, they probably have the same middle name too. So I typed in Taylor Natalie Fox and it accepted it.” He said simply, smiling at his own wit.
“Well at least we know who’s the smart one in the group…” Said Jeremy, who had been observing the whole time with an amused smile.
“Whatever. Just give me the laptop back.” I said, still annoyed. I clicked start and clicked multiple times where it said ‘My Pictures’ wanting to make it open faster but it only make 5 identical windows pop up. I closed four and left one open. I searched threw his folders till I bumped into one called Family. I double clicked it, and it opened to reveal 3 new folders: Everyone, Parents, and Taylor. I put the cursor on the folder we were looking for and clicked it, and just then Aace walked in on the impatient group.
“What are you guys looking at?” He said, walking over to where we were all huddled.
“Holy cow, that girl is hot!” He exclaimed when he saw what the rest of the guys were staring motionless at.
“Who is this chick anyway?” Aace asked, taking a sip of his drink.
“It’s Tyler’s twin sister.” I said, still shocked. Aace spit out his drink out of shock.
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Thanks for reading! Hope all of you are liking the story so far, I'm working hard on it for all of you. :) Stay turned for the next chapter.