Status: ACTIVE :)

You Have A Twin Sister?! How Come I Didn't Know That?

A Call For Help From Mrs. Tyler's Mom

Michael Angelo Hallow

I stood beside Spencer, awed by the angel-like girl that was supposed to be Tyler’s sister.
“I didn’t know Tyler had a sister? Did you guys know that? I certainly didn’t! Come on guys, I know I’m the youngest but I thought you guys were my friends!” Aace whined.
“Shut up already Spade! We didn’t know either. Tyler’s sister called last night because of an emergency and that’s when Tyler remembered to tell us he has a sister.” Said an irritated Blake.
“He actually only told Spencer, and he told all of us.” Jeremy added.
"You know what I'm oing to call and complain." I heard Blake say and them talking to Tyler.

I, on the contrary to the group, was still staring at the picture of my best friend’s sister. Somehow, my brain refused to process the information.
Beautiful girl=Tyler’s sister
Tyler=Best friend
Best friend’s sister = Taylor
Taylor=beautiful girl

I was still trying to make the information fit into my brain when I felt my phone vibrate in the back pocket of my jeans. I pulled it out and looked at the little screen, a little disappointed on having to look away from the picture. I turned around and walked away from the now somewhat loud crowd.

Tyler’s Mom

That’s what the screen read. I was shocked by the unusual caller but I opened the Motorola phone and pressed it to my ear none the less.
“Hello Mrs. Fox. How are you doing?” I said politely, as I usually spoke to adults.
“Oh hello dear! I’m well. How about yourself?”
“I’m fine, thank you. How may I help you Mrs. Fox?”
“Well you see, I have a favor to ask you.” She said.
“And what would that favor be?” I asked a little more curiously. I figured if she needed something she would have called Tyler, but since I was the one she liked the most out of the group, she probably was keeping it from him.
“I think you know about my daughter’s school has suffered a terrible disaster. Half of the precious school has burned down, and because of this my dear Taylor is coming home, and well I was hoping, since Tyler went to get her last night... I was wondering if you and the rest of your darling friends would like to come over to give me a hand in preparing a welcome back party.”
I'm not going to lie. I was shocked by the sudden invitation but remembered who it would mean I would get to see and I immediately turned to the rest of the guys.
“I… I would love to help you Mrs. Fox. I’m not quite sure about the guys though. Could you wait one second while I ask them?”
“Oh yes, go ahead.” She said, enthusiasm ringing in her suddenly high voice.
“Guys, listen up.” I raised my voice a little, approaching the still loud group. It seemed no one heard me since no one turned to face me.
“Guys!” I half shouted, almost impatient. They all turned to look at me in horror.
“Is he angry? What did we do this time?” Whispered a scared Aace. He, for some weird reason, believed that I had an evil self that enjoys causing pain to others (which is most definitely not true).
“No Aace I’m not angry. But anyways, straight to the point: Do you guys want to meet her?” I said pointing at the picture that was still being displayed on the screen of Tyler’s lap top. There was a chorus of “Fuck yes!” (Blake),“Obviously.” (Jeremy), “Hellz yeah!” (Aace), “Yeah!” (Specer), and “Of Course!” (Oliver).
I turned around and pressed the phone back to my ear.
“We would be more then happy to help you Mrs. Fox.” I said, pleased with the outcome of the situation.
♠ ♠ ♠
So here it is, I hope you all liked it, if you didnt, then I'm terribly sorry, I will keep trying my best.