Status: ACTIVE :)

You Have A Twin Sister?! How Come I Didn't Know That?

I Thought I Told You My Firends Were Freaks..

Blake Peterson

“This better be worth it, Hallow.” I said as I climbed the stairs and put up a ‘Welcome Home!’ sign.
“Didn’t you see her picture? She’s fine. I already know it will be worth it.” Said Aace before he jumped off a chair and landed Michel Jackson style, doing the moon walk and everything. Seriously, he was too exited for his own good. Maybe he would become a clown when he grows up. Yeah, I wouldn’t be surprised if he ended up being a children’s entertainer.
“Calm down Blake, were doing this to help Tyler’s sister feel better.” I heard Mikelo say below me. He sounded like he was trying to convince himself more then convincing me though.
“Whatever.” I muttered, climbing back down.

Tyler Nathan Fox

“Hurry up already Taylor! I almost forgot you took an eternity to get dressed.” I said, sitting on the bed watching my sister apply her usual black eyeliner.
“Hold on, I’m almost done, she said putting down the eyeliner and picking up for some other thing that was in a pink and green thing. What had she called it the last time I asked? Masquerade? Mascared? Hell, I don’t know how girls remember those weird cosmetic names.
“Its called masquera, you dork.” She chuckled, guessing I had forgotten the cosmetic’s name again. I stuck out my tongue at her, laughing.
"I knew that."
A few minutes later she was done and she packed all of her things and we headed to the airport.

After a long flight they finally landed. I stretched and rubbed my eyes. God, the guys would be a pain when they meet Taylor. Right then Taylor’s annoying twin telepathy kicked in.
“Can I meet your friends?” She asked and I groaned. That was actually the last thing I wanted to do, introduce her to them. I just knew they would all just stare and drool all over themselves.
“Please Ty, I really want to meet them.” She begged, grabbing my hand and looking at me with puppy eyes. I felt a smile appear on my lips. She was always so cute when she did that.
“Fine, but promise you’ll stay away from them.” I said holding out my right pinkie. She grinned and stuck out her own pinkie, and hooking it with mine, just like we did when we were kids.
“Pinkie promise.” She said giggling. The truth is, I didn’t want the guys to meet her cause I knew at least one of them would want to get with her. Come on, you had to admit she was good looking.

After a while in the car we arrived at our house and strangely it seemed different, as if someone was inside beside our mother. It seemed strangely populated. I sighed and shrugged off the thought,
I'm probably tired and was imagining things. I thought.

“Come one Tay, mom’s waiting.” I said pulling her out of the car.
“Alright, alright, don’t rush me.” She said getting out and straightening her shirt. We walked up to the front door and, strangely, dad handed me the keys.
“Open up son.” He said with a smirk. I lifted a single eye brow but did as I was told.
“Welcome home!” We was greeted by a chorus of familiar voices along with my mother’s.
“Oh God, what the heck are you guys doing here?” I asked rubbing my temples.
“You mom called us.” Spencer said, shrugging. I groaned and turned to look at my exited mother.
“Mom... I thought I told you my friends where freaks.” I groaned.
“Taylor, dear! You’ve grown! God, you look beautiful, princess! Your mommy has missed you so much.” She said as she embraced my sister into a hug, completely ignoring my comment.
“Hi mom.” She said hugging her back.
“I was starting to get lonely being the only girl in the house.” She continued to rant on.
“Would you like to go shopping tomorrow? I miss the days when I still shopped with you.” She continued.
“I actually saw these really cute shoes I think you might like yesterday.”
“MOM!” I yelled.
“What?!” She finally looked at me.
“I thought I told you my friends where freaks.” I whined.
“Tyler! That’s an awful thing to say about your dear friends! They are all very well educated young men with bright futures ahead of them. Especially Michael Angelo.” She said defensively. I heard the guys chuckle. I could see them smirking, even when I had my back to them.
“Here darling, I want you to meet the boys. They helped me out with the decoration.” She said, turning away from me and pulling Taylor to the currently droll-grinning idiots that stood behind me.
♠ ♠ ♠
So here it is I hope you all enjoy reading this one. I'll update as fast as possible.
Oh, and some constructive criticism would be nice...