Status: ACTIVE :)

You Have A Twin Sister?! How Come I Didn't Know That?

Beatiful smile

Taylor Natalie Fox

“I thought I told you my friends where freaks.” My brother whined.
“Tyler! That’s an awful thing to say about your dear friends! They are all very well educated young men with bright futures ahead of them. Especially Michael Angelo.” Mom said defensively.
I stood stupefied, awed and who knows what else at the sight of the handsome freaks that my brother called friends. Not exaggerating here.
“Here darling, I want you to meet the boys. They helped me out with the decoration.” Mom said as she pushed me forward and closer to them.
“Boys, this is Taylor. Taylor they are Tyler’s friends, Michel Angelo, Spencer, Jeremy, Blake, Oliver, and Aace.” She said pointing to each of them as she named them.
“Aren’t they handsome?” She whispered to me.
“Sure mom.” I responded, still stunned.
“Alright, I need to speak to your father about something. Come on honey.” She said happily, pulling Dad away from the group of people.
“She definitely doesn’t seem sick…” Tyler mumbled.
“Knowing her, she probably isn’t.” I chuckled.
As soon as Mom dragged Dad away an awkward silence fell over the room.
Oh my god, what should I do? What should I say?
“Hi, it’s nice to finally meet you.” I was shaken away from my panicking thoughts by the melodious voice of the guy who’s name was Michel Angelo. He was holding out his hand for me to shake.
I felt heat rise to my cheeks, and tried to calm down, taking his hand and shaking it lightly.
“Nice to meet you too. All of you.” I said looking around to all the guys.
All of the guys nodded and reintroduced themselves and before another awkward moment would happen, the family chef, Chef Viktor, barged in holding a cake in his hands.
“Natalie, dear! I am so happy that you’re back!” He said in his Italian accent, setting the cake down and embracing me.
“Hi Chef Viktor.” I said, happy to see him and that surely delicious cake.
“I have missed you and your sweet tooth so much! Your bother only likes spicy food. I was afraid I would loose my touch in deserts and such!” He said shoving the cake into my arms.
“Share this cake with everyone while I bring the rest of the deserts out form my kitchen.” He said.
“Thank you.” I said gratefully, setting the cake down ready to cut it.
“No problem dear, you know how much I love making you deserts.” He said before he disappeared out the door.
“I always knew he liked you best.” Tyler said jokingly and I chuckled.

Spencer Hall

I stood there silently thinking what to say. It was getting awkward and nothing seemed appropriate in the conversation, when Aace spoke up.
“So what really happened? We only heard why you came but we never got the details.” He said walking over to a table near her and pulling out two chairs, looking ready to listen for an hour.
Thank God for that kid, seriously. He is always the one to save them from awkward silences.
Taylor smiled and sat down next to him.
“I honestly don’t know exactly what happened either but I can try to make it interesting.” She suggested.
“Oh I wanna listen too!” Oliver said, jogging over and sitting down to her left.
“I think we all want to hear that story.” Mikelo said, sitting next to Aace.
“Alright why don’t we cut the cake first so I can get inspired?” She suggested. God, she was beautiful. No wonder Tyler didn’t tell us about her.
I opened my mouth to speak when Blake put a hand on my shoulder and whispered.
“What happened, Spence? To dazzled to say anything?” He lightly pushed me forward and chuckled at the glare I shot him.
“Shut up Blake.” I pushed him.
“Fine then.” He smirked before he walked over to the table demanding a big piece of cake.
“Come on Spencer, you know how he is. Let’s go get some cake.” Jeremy said, he and Tyler stood by either side of me.
I nodded and started walking to the now laughing group by the table.
“Save some for us too, Tay!” Tyler said, when he saw the rest of the guys were already getting seconds.
“I cut you guys’ pieces already! What do you think I’d forget you three?” She said looking up from the cake with an adorable smirk playing on her lips. I couldn’t help but melt. Oh, and have my mouth water at the desire to lick the chocolate frosting that she had on her cheek.
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I'm sorry for the long wait guys, I got this huge writer's block but I still I managed to finish the chapter. I ealy hope you like it. Feedback please?