Status: One Shot

If You Fall, I Fall


He sat on the edge of her bed,wondering what to do.They were only 15.They sat in silence for a maximum of Lord knows how long.Those two words kept ringing in his head.
'I'm pregnant' Knowing it was his,was just the cherry on top.They had only been friends their whole lives,but one night at a bar,changed the whole situation.
'If only the bartenders thought we looked younger.If only we hadn't have lied.'He thought to himself.Surrounded in his pool guilt and sorrow,he left.Left for good.That baby didn't need a father,even if it lived.She had mentioned an abortion.
As he walked out the door though,he thought.
'What if she doesn't get an abortion,she can't raise it by herself.And her parents sure as hell wouldn't help.' He ran back into the house and into the girls room.He opened the door,she looked up,her face tear streaked.He walked over to her and kissed her.
"We'll get through it,together."he stated,she smiled for the first time since she found out.
"Really?"she choked out,shocked at his return
"If you fall,I fall"he stated
The cry,that helpless cry of a newborn baby,rang over and over in his ears.He stood beside her and stroked her head.
"You did it."he whispered as the baby was handed to them.The tiny baby boy cooed in his mothers arms.She handed him to Frank,his eyes gleaming.Frank held him in awe that,it was his,he had a son.He kissed the baby's forehead noticing how his glassy hazel eyes were one of the most noticable things about his face.His black hair was thick and vibrant,even for a newborn.
"Frank Jr."she stated,Frank looked over,smiled and nodded.
"I like that."he stated handing Frank Jr. back to his mother.
"Son,no."Frank said,the gun pointed at his head,the other gun,pointed to his chest.
"What,you didn't think that you wouldn't get pay back for accidentally having me?!"The boy exclaimed getting angrier by the second.
"Yes,it happened on accident,no we don't think you were a mistake.Son,we love you,and neither of us would take back that night.You're overreacting a bit."Frank said,trying to slowly back for the door,but he couldn't,if he got away,his own son would go for his mother.
"Sorry Dad."was the last thing he said,before shooting his father in both his chest and head.
A gunshot,rang through the mother's ears,she barrled down the steps,only to see what couldn't have been true.
"F-Frank!"she stuttered,regarding her dead husband and her son.
"What the hell did you do?!"she exclaimed jumping at him
"I'm sorry Mom"her 15 year old son stated,with two shots,she was dead,as was the boy's father.The boy stood there smiling.
"That'll teach them not to make anymore mistakes."he stated before walking out of the house
♠ ♠ ♠
This is just one of my MANY one shots.
This is the first one I've ever done.

I'm not going to edit the errors for the simple fact that I like seeing how I wrote way back when. I like to reflect on it(: