Love Is A Four Letter Word.


Five Years Later…

“Nick! Come on! We’re going to late for the wedding!”…I yelled to him.
“I’m coming I’m coming”…he said walking down the stairs in his suit.
“You look very handsome Mr. Jonas”…I said smiling.
“And you look incredible sexy Ms. Miller”…he smirked
“Now come on! I’m the maid of honor to Bertranna’s wedding and yet I’m late!”... I yelled running out the door.

“Do you Bertranna Juin take Kyle O’Brian to have and to hold for richer or poor, better for worst”
“I do”
“And do you Kyle O’Brian take Bertranna Juin to have and to hold for richer or poor, for better and worst”
“I do”
“Then by the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife…you may kiss your bride”


At the reception…

I was punched in the am.
“Ow”…I yelled.
“You were almost late”…Bertranna pouted.
“Don’t hit me! It was Nick’s fault”…I said then she punched Nick.
“Ow”…he yelled.
“If I go down, I take you with me”…I laughed.
“Real mature guys”…Kyle said walking to us.
“Hey, your wife is the one punching us here”…Nick said.
“Yeah, yeah…come on! Lets all go eat cake!”…Bertranna yelled running to the wedding cake.
“God, she’s already hyper enough”…Kyle muttered before running after Bertranna.
“So…”…Nick said holding my waist.
“So…”…I said back.
“Hey, don’t steal my line”...he said smirking,

Guess it’s now or never

“Nick we have to talk”…I said nervously. Suddenly Nicks smirk turned into a frown.
“Nothing ever good comes after that”…he said.
“Well actually you may think it’s good…or bad”…I whispered looking down at my shoes. He held my chin and pulled me to look at him.
“You can tell me anything “…he said then kissed me.
“OK then, I’m just going to come right out and say it….I’m pregnant”…I said.

Nick’s POV~
“OK then, I’m just going to come right out and say it….I’m pregnant”…she said before all I was was black.

“Nick, Nick wake up”…I heard Stephy say.
“Uh, what happened?”…I asked rubbing my head.
“You fainted after I told you I was…well you know”…she said with an embarrassed look on her face.
“So…it’s mine right?”…I asked then she hit my head.
“Of course it’s yours”…she said.
“Well then…in that case….”I said while pulling out a small box.

“Well then…in that case”…Nick started then pulled out a small black box.
“Is….is that what I think it is?”…I asked. He nodded smiling.
“I was going to ask you next week which would be the day we first met, but since your news came up…I think this is a better time”…he said opening the box to show me the ring.


I started tearing up
“It’s Beautiful”…I whispered.
“It’s nothing compared to you”…he smiled putting the ring on my hand.
“So you didn’t answer”…he said.
“Answer what?”…I asked dazed by the ring and what just happened.
“Will you marry me?”…he laughed.
“Yes…yes…a million times yes”….I yelled jumping into his arms.

So the high school Jock that got on my nerves is now the sweet man I’m going to marry.

And they say fairy tales are just myths…
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah, It's Stephy has stuff going on so I did the epilouge for her:D lol. So if you're mad that it's out so late....Blame her...I'm just the innocent co-writer:) lol. ok, so comment and subcribe...and I'm thinking about a