Every Mistake That I Make

Chapter Two

Outside in the yard, Dallas did what she usually did where Mikey was concerned; followed him. He led her to one of the smaller playing fields which was, as usual, completely empty except for a caretaker poking about in bushes with a long stick. They sat on a bench, which was out of view of the nearby science labs and the head teacher’s office...the bench where teacher’s usually smoked. Today, however, it would be Mikey that would light up a cigarette and utter, in a low voice, the word, “fuck.”

Dallas flopped down onto the bench next to Mikey, and pushed some hair out of her eyes. She crossed her ankles over each other and looked at Mikey.

“Did you just need a cigarette or did you want to talk?” she asked curiously.

“Talk. And have a cigarette.”

“Oh. What did you want to talk about?”

“Gerard, and that...”

“Bitch?” Dallas supplied for him. “Yeah, I know. It’s a bit shocking, isn’t it...” But it came out as a statement, rather than a question.

“A bit?” Mikey spat out. “It is shocking, not ‘a bit’.”

Dallas looked at him sideways through her eyelashes, hoping he would elaborate. And he did, of course; Mikey, if given the chance, would always rant.

“I mean, he’s not even good looking – he’s just some –” Mikey huffed slightly as he tried to find a word, but gave up on it. “I don’t understand it, at all. I mean, she’s fucking gorgeous, and he’s...”

“Mikey...” Dallas’ tone was warning him to be careful. “This is your brother you’re talking about. Anyway, I know a lot of girls who would kill to go out with your brother, he’s not that bad looking...most don’t think he is at all.” Dallas hadn’t realised that Mikey was jealous.

“But it’s not just that,” Mikey said in a softer voice. “It’s what she’s going to do to him.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, this is Rachael Leone we’re talking about. We all know she cheats on people, and stuff like that...”

“And Gerard’s pretty sensitive.”

“Yeah, he is; he’ll think she means it, and she won’t.”

Dallas shrugged slightly and looked out over the playing field. “He’s a big boy, Mikey. I think he could handle it...He shouldn’t have to, though. He doesn’t deserve it,” she added.

“He shouldn’t have said yes.”

“Maybe you could make him...?”

“What? Make him dump her? I doubt it,” Mikey sighed. “He won’t listen because, like I said...”

“Yeah, I know.”

Mikey exhaled loudly, and stubbed his cigarette out on the arm of the bench as a group of teacher’s swarmed out of the front office. “Maybe we should leave them to it,” Dallas suggested as he pulled her up.

“Maybe,” Mikey answered darkly. “C’mon, let’s go...”