Status: Very unlikely to be finished.

Is it right to say "Failure is an event, never a person"?

Chapter I

"What?!" The classroom roared as Mr. Greenhill, the junior class Geometry teacher, passed out the dreadful black and white paper we, students, call a "pop quiz".

"What is this?!" said a tall and boxy brunette girl said as she held up from her desk.

"What is this?!" she repeated turning to her best friend across from her desk. The sleek girl that sat across from her seemed to pay no attention to what might be the start of a rant. All she did was try to focus on the pop quiz that Mr. Greenhill handed to the class. The expression on the brunette girls face made her best friend know that she didn't like how she got no response from her "question". That made them giggle a little.

"Hey at least you are going to pass this test." The best friend said giggling.

"Humph, stop being so fatalistic, Yale." The brunette spitted out.

"I bet you don't even know what 'fatalistic' means, Kira" The slender brown haired Yale Haines replied to her friends unwanted comment. A tapping sound disturbed the two girls of there conversation. It was Mr. Greenhill. From the look on his face the best friends could tell that he was not pleased.

He stopped tapping his foot, and coldly said, "Girls detention. Finish your quiz, unless you want a zero."

The two girls looked wide eyed at Mr. Greenhill, than to each other, than back at Mr. Greenhill. The two tried not to laugh, but it over came Kira and soon after Yale was quietly giggling along with her.

The class bell rang before they knew it and the students were dismissed from their classes. Flocks of students, just like any high school, came out of their class rooms and into the school's hallways. Yale and Kira both walked around the schools second floor trying to there next classes.

"So," Kira sprang out saying, "You wanna come over my house tonight? It's not like you have anything up, right?"

"I would love to Kira, but it's a real hassle getting from my dorm to your house." Yale sadly replied. For the school that both Yale and Kira attended is the Griffin town boarding school. Yale does not minds being a resident, but some times she wishes that she wasn't, just so she would be able to travel to Kira's house easier. The school is kind of on the town line of Griffin town. So any were she went was a hassle.

"Oh...ok. Don't worry! Next year when I get my lisence we can drive any were!" Kira replied with a grin and a thumbs-up.

"Yeah, what's up with your mom? Why didn't she let you get your lisence this year?" said Yale.

"IDK, my mom's weird." Kira said with a shrug.

"Ok, well what ever. I gotta go to Earth Science." Yale said dreadfully. Earth Science is almost the only class Yale was passing. She liked that class, but like most of her teachers, Yale was creep-ed out by Mrs. Tayber. She's usually is creep-ed out or don't like her teachers because they don't "accept" her. That's one reason she worked so hard in that class. It was the only class she had a chance to get out of. There are only two levels of Earth Science, which was odd because every other class had three, and she wanted to be in that second level.

"Hey, but isn't 'Pretty Boy Steven Duren' in that class?" A voice behind her cheerfully sang. Yale was so startled she dropped most of her books.

"Jesus, Aarin! Why do you have to be so scary?!" Yale squawked as she bent over to pick up her books on the floor. Yale then continued to talk, "How did you I was thinking about that?"

"Oh, please you were looking 'the look'. How could I not know." the carrot top Aarin said said loud and cheerfully, like always. Though she was fairly short, Aarin had a big heart, big personality, and, of course, a big mouth. She surely is different in her own way and wants every one to know it.

"Well you do have that telekinetic power thing goin' on. By the way where's thing two?" said Yale.

"No Clue. Saw him during breakfast. He sat with me because he said 'none of my friends get up to eat breakfast.' or something. And I think I saw him walk past my dorm, but guys arn't aloud on the girls floors so, IDK." Aarin replied.

"Why do I have the feeling people are talking 'bout me." a familiar voice said from behind them. Both Yale and Aarin turned around with a question mark on their face, but when they turned around and saw who it was both of them showed a irritated expression that sent a chill down the boys spine. He was a red head just like Aarin, but had more brown in his hair than hers. He wore a black tie with his uniform, like all the boys are required to wear.

"Why do I get the feeling you don't care." the boy with the black tie said with an unamused expression.

"Peace out. Goin' to Earth Science." Yale blurted out as she slyly slipped into her Earth Science class.

"Don't fail!" the boy said sarcastically.

"Aaron don't be so mean!" Aarin said slapping her twin brother as they walked down the hall.
♠ ♠ ♠
When the people say "IDK" they say "I-D-K" not "I don't know"
I'm not that bad.

I have spelling issues. If I spelled something wrong tell me.
