Status: Very unlikely to be finished.

Is it right to say "Failure is an event, never a person"?

Chapter II

When Yale slipped into her Earth Science class almost every one were out of their seats. Loud and obnoxious chattering was going on at the time. The teacher, Mrs. Williamson, was not in the room at the time. Naturally that was the cause of the chatter. Yale did not have any close friends in her Earth Science class so unlike every one around her she had no one to talk to. She never really wanted close friends in her Earth Science class because to her the girls were "pretty bitches who wore to much make-up." At least it gave all the stuck up jocks in her class something to looks at.

"All right, all right! All of you need to shut up." Mrs. Williamson shouted as she walked into her rambunctious classroom. A man followed behind her. The man was tall and young; black rimmed glasses were placed on his white face. He was Mr. Arlon, the second level Earth Science teacher.

Mrs. Williamson began to talk again, "Ok we're having a group project with Mr. Arlon's class. You guys got out lucky because we have the same number of students in each class. Don't complain because, all the other classes have done or will be doing this project sooner or later. So, no complaining. Each group of two will get a different assignment and their even going to be different from past projects to prevent cheating, but some of you will find a way anyway."

Every one in the class went wide-eyed as the news of a group project finally sank into there skin. It was the first project that Mrs. Williamson's class got all year. This is because Mrs. Williamson is not a person that is fond of projects so it must have been Mr. Arlon that got her into it at the beginning of the year.

Oh boy, I feel bad for who ever gets me as a partner. Yale though to herself as she sighed at her desk quietly. She watched the two teachers speak one at a time toward the class. Yale did not comprehend what the two were saying. She felt as if she was in a room that was mute. Time did not seem to pass as she dream-fully sat though the lecture of some sort. But, time did slip by and it was soon at period's end.

"Ok, great! Now that every one has a partner we will continue this tomorrow in your assigned rooms. Students in one through four will attend in my class and the rest will attend in Mr. Arlon's" Mrs. Williamson said with a small wink at the end.

The final bell "brang" as last period was over. Most of the students, like any other high school, raced and ran out of their last period classrooms. Yale sat at her desk as she nervously tried to gather her thoughts. She had wanted to ask who her partner was and tried to squeak out a small "um" bet her mouth seemed glued. Great, Yale though, I have no idea what's going on. Just peachy.

Packing up her belongings Yale just decided to deal with the situation in the morning before school. She walked out of the classroom door and felt like she hit a brick wall.

"Are you alright Ms. Haines?!" a teacher from inside the classroom asked alarmed. Mr. Arlon, the teacher who asked the question, walked over to the doorway were Yale feel and started to pick up the books that have fallen from her arms. Yale, holding her nose with her right hand, looked up and saw another student. He must have been in Mr. Arlon's class because Yale did not recognize the boys face. The boy had a natural brown colored hair, but not a natural colored eyes. They were gray and seemed very cold. He was also grasping his nose.

"Are you all right?" Mr. Arlon said with a sigh. "You two should be more careful. You're going to break your nose if you keep doing that."

His comments tried to make this scene a little more brighter, but it did not seem to be working. The two of them must have collided at such a fast pace that there faces still hurt from the collision. The fragile boy in the hallway gave Yale his hand to help her up of the ground. A "Thank you" came out of her mouth as she started to wipe the dust off of her school uniform. Every thing seemed fine.

"Aw shit! I'm so sorry! I have a detention! I totally forgot! I'm sorry I ran into you! Thanks for picking up my books! I really have to go!" Yale spoke in a fluster as she gathered her belongings from Mr. Arlon and dashed out the door.

"Wasn't that your partner Steven?" Mr. Arlon said as he walked towards Mrs. Williamson's desk.

"I don't know, Wade. You tell me." Steven said sarcastically as he peered out into the hall way, " You were the one that paired us."

On the other end of Griffin high, Yale still raced against herself and made her way over to the dreadful room 203B. There are two different buildings in Griffin high school that are used for teaching. Both building A and B are only twenty yards apart from each other and look almost exactly the same, internal and external. The only difference in the buildings is that building A has three floors and building B has only two.

Yale skid as she ran across the second floor hall way. Running out of breath Yale finally made it to room 203B. She let out a sigh of relief as she paced her self and walked into the classroom. Only Kira was in the classroom at the time which surprised Yale. She seemed to be copying something onto pieces of paper. It did not look like homework, but Yale's eyes were fuzzy from running. She was never good at running and mainly why she never did sports.

"Is GH here?" Yale said gasping for air.

"Does it look like it?" Kira said focused on what ever she was doing.


"Yeah, Greenhill isn't here so I figured if he did decide to show I would already have some homework done."

"He didn't show? This whole time? That's old. Mr. G is like always here."

"Why do you care? Goin' on a date or what?"

"Hell no! Why on earth would I do that?!"

"Jeez, It was a joke. Apparently you don't know what that is."

Yale decided to sit down in the desk that was right next to the one her best friend was sitting at. She slumped over the top of the desk and pretended to fall asleep. Yale must have really fallen asleep because, the two stayed like that for what seemed like no end. It was only about a half an hour so Kira decided to go to home. She tried to wake Yale from her sleep, but tried and failed several times. When she finally decided to wake up Kira not there, but instead the boy she ran into in Mrs. Williamson's room was. The boy was shifting through pages on Mr. Greenhills desk. He must have been looking for something because he paid no attention to Yale what so ever. Either that or he was very oblivious to his surroundings. Still half asleep Yale put her head on the desk and stared. Her eyes were focused on the area around the boy, but not even she knew what she was looking at. For a second she did not know who the boy was, but then it clicked into her head that it was the boy she quite literally ran into.
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I Like Bacon
