Status: Very unlikely to be finished.

Is it right to say "Failure is an event, never a person"?

Chapter III

Though she knew who the boy was, she just sat and stared empty minded.

"Nugh, I'm going."She casually said as she got up from her position still drowsy and half a sleep. She got up and made her way over to the hall way so she could go back to the dorms. The boy paid no attention to comment, no attention to her. He continued to search for what ever it was that he was looking for. Yale waddled out the door and into the hall way. Her steps echoed in the hall way, each one was one empty hollow sound. Soon she returned to the door way and only poked her head inside the door way and kindly asked what time it was from the boy. The boy did not have a wrist watch on his arm, but he reached into on of his pants pockets and pulled one out. Simply her replied with the time of 3:52. School had gotten out around the time of 1:58.

Satisfied with the time Yale walked out the door once again and made her way to the dorm building. When she got inside her dorm room, room 312. Tossing her bag upon a chair that was shoved into the corner of the room Yale fell backward onto her un-normally large bed. Her room mate was not in the room at this time. She usually was never in the dorm unless she was going to sleep, which Yale was not awake for anyway. Yale thinks that she is either over a friends dorm or house, or out some were at a party getting drunk or high. It might have even been both. It might have even been neither, but what ever she was doing Yale was not a part of her life.

Mindlessly Yale sat on top of her bed gazing up at the bland white ceiling. There was a nightstand next to her bed. A small desk lap, a black ink pen, and a black notebook that read "diary" was on the small table. Yale turned her head towards the items placed on top of the stand. Thoughts ran through Yale's mind as she blankly stared at the objects. Intentionally she wanted to write down these thoughts in the book that read "diary", but she ignored the sensation and feel into a deep sleep.

She did not awake until morning of the next day from her best friend's voice. Kira managed to be able to get into Yale's dorm, by remembering the code that was told to her just in case anything ever happened. What pacifically the "anythings" were, were not fully specified. But, of course, it would take more than Kira's obnoxious voice to get Yale out of bed. She simply ignored everything Kira was doing.

"Wake up damn it!" Kira scream into Yale's left ear hoping to wake the "sleeping" Yale. Nothing got accomplished from doing this. The only thing Kira made Yale do was give a small grunt and turn over to her side.

"Fine! I'm going to school with out you then." Kira steamed as she slammed the dorm room door and left.

The rest of the day did not go well for Yale. She did not go to school because of a sickness she knew she had for the past few days. Though, this was the only day she missed because of it. Yale was not the kind of person that would complain over a small sickness. Later in the day Kira called upon the school nurse to see if Yale was alright, or if she was just ling. Nothing serious infected Yale, but she was not lying. After the nurse left, Kira decided that she would stay with Yale and watched her sleep.

About a half an hour passed before Kira heard a light knocking sound coming from the rooms door frame. Frightened Kira quickly turned her head to see who was knocking. She did not recognize the boy that was standing in the door, but a familiar face to Yale. The boy was Steven. He signally stood in the hallway giving an expression of a little concern maybe even saddened looking at the two.

"Thought, guys weren't allowed on the girls floors," Kira coldly said with no emotions turning back towards Yale, "You know Yale?"

"So sorry," Steven began to talk palming his chest. "I am Steven, Duren. I was assigned to be your friends partner for an assignment." He finished speaking and took his pale hand of his chest. He spoke in such a gentleman like manner that it surprised Kira that he was only a Junior. His maturity seemed far greater than most if not all the guys that Kira knew. Though this was just speaking, Kira wanted to see how he acts.

"Um, ok thats great. You gonna leave?"


Though Steven did not say more than a one syllable sound, Kira assumed his thoughts and started to rant.

"Well, Me and Yale aren't like most girls! We aren't those snotty good-for-nothing bitches that go and get drunk or some shit and get them selves raped!" Scolding furiously at the boy Kira let her emotions get the better of her. The boys face blushed a bright reddened pink tone.

"I-I'm sorry?" Steven questioning his response.

Now Kira was the one blushing. She with drew her anger and frustration, and turned timid sitting in her chair.

"Stop flirting, Steven." Mr. Arlon joked, in a cold tone, as he positioned himself comfortably in the door frame. Warming up to fit the scene he said politely, "I am sorry Kira, is Steven bothering you in any way? He said that all he wished to do was to talk with Ms. Yale. I understand that she was not in school today so I allowed him to come."

"Oh, no problem at all." Kira said with a smile, "I just wanted to know why he was here, but he's here with you so it must be ok."

Steven searched through a tan colored messenger bag that was place around his torso. He pulled out a vanilla colored folder, that was meant for Yale, and politely handed it over to Kira. While he was leaving she placed the vanilla folder on top of the black notebook that read "diary".

With his back to the wall Mr. Arlon leaned against the wall that was next to the dorm room. A light and small devilish grin ran across his face as his honed eyes slyly watched Steven walk down the stairwell next to Yale's dorm room. The grin slowly disappear and a single tear ran down his cold face.
♠ ♠ ♠
can you joke in a cold tone?

you can now.

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