Status: Very unlikely to be finished.

Is it right to say "Failure is an event, never a person"?

Chapter IV

The school day seemed to move very slow, like any other school day, until lunch arrived. No one knows why but lunch seems to be the only time of the day that students enjoy school. It was like a natural occurring element that was preset already into a teen's body. The bell for lunch rang and soon after groups of mass blobs of students came out of each class to go to there natural place of enjoyment.After slipping out of her "death chamber" Yale tried to oped her damned locker just to have it instantly shut by Kira's forceful hand.

"Love you Kira!" the agonized Yale said picking at the knob that opened her locker.

"I know you do! Guess what?! We have lunch together loser!" Kira said with a big grin.

"That's great! We're not gonna be able to go if you keep my damn locker shut! I'm starving! Come on Kira!"

"Say 'pretty please'!"

"I want my lunch!"

"Say it!"

"Fuck you!"

"Come on now Kira. That isn't nice." a figure said tapping the top of Kira's right shoulder. The both of them seem the least alarmed for it was only Aaron.

The two girls seemed to like Aaron's presence so they stayed to talk for a breaf moment. It would not have been just a moment if Aaron did not disturb the girls from their chatter and had suggested to go to the cafeteria for lunch.

The Griffin Boarding School lunch schedule was very complicated to remember. There were to main cafeterias. One for each school building, and a smaller cafeteria in the Martin building or the A building. The high school consisted of two lunches split into the two main cafeterias while the lower grades, first through eight, would either be scattered between the cafe's or go at a later time. Usually the grammar school would have the split four lunches, two with the high school and two with out.

While the group of three sat "peacefully" it got silent for a moment. At that moment Kira decided it was a good Idea to tell Yale about what happened when she was ill. She spoke finishing a bag of chips she had just eaten, "You know Yale. I've seen weird people in my life,but... your partner was defiantly one of the creepiest."

Not intending to go to far into the conversation Aaron decided to speak up holding a clump of rice with his chop sticks. His roommates and him have recently ordered Chinese a few nights ago.

"It's not 'weird' Kira, and don't judge people you just met." Aaron said finishing his rice, "It's called 'manners', and sometimes to an extent 'chivalry'. He normally acts like that... my fair lady." He said trying to make a joke out of the ending.

"Ok, Shurlock now your creeping me out, and if that is the case then you hang out with him to much." Kira said trying to comprehend what he just said.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Aaron spat, "Is 'chivalry' to big of a word for you? Or is it that..." He trailed off from his original thoughts and made a smirk, and grinned devilishly at Kira.

"Sorry to intrude on your flirting, but sense when did I have a partner?" Yale finally said what was intentionally to be a bandy of thoughts between Kira and Yale.

"Earth Science ring a bell?" both Kira and Aaron said in unison.

"Oh, Shit! That?!"

"Yeah, he came to our dorm you dork."

"Oh shit no!"

Aaron returned to his quiet state and sat finishing his white rice as he listened to the two girls bicker back and forth. Aaron usually never talked during lunch, and this was why. Eighty percent of the time he talked it ended up with them bickering about something.

"You have Earth Science next right? The schedules are so screwed I have no Idea what's going on." Aaron said with a roll of his eyes, "Well, tell Steven that there is no track practice today after school." He got up chewing on a plastic fork that he used because during the middle of eating his rice he got to frustrated with chop sticks. He threw out the small white Chinese box as he walked over to the back of the cafeteria to sit at another table.

The two of them both looked perplexed and just stared at him for a few seconds. Then looked at each other, then back again. Resuming eating their lunch Yale commented, "Man I wish I had telekinetic powers like that."
♠ ♠ ♠
Lots of dialogue in part one.

Yeah, this chapter was so long I had to split it...

...please?! T_T