Status: Very unlikely to be finished.

Is it right to say "Failure is an event, never a person"?

Chapter V

After lunch the many students scurried like mice to their classes. The schedules were random and very complicated to remember so there was no telling were any one was headed to. The cemented walls laughed at Yale as she walked down the halls.Walls? Laughing?She began to think, I must be going insane! She was right. For the walls are only walls, and walls do not laugh. Getting upset to the point of feeling pathetic made Yale angry. Pathetic to the point of self embarrassment.Trying to get her act together, calmly and silently so no one would notice, a figure behind her joined her in the pathetic walk she felt .

She felt the unnatural cold stare of someone next to her. To her left side was the seemingly delighted Steven. He did not have a cold fierce look upon his face, but a smile. Though his expression was pleasing Yale still jumped out of fright, but just enough that only the people around her would notice. Breathing a deep sigh of relief she regained herself.

The brown haired boy standing next to her began to talk, “Do not stress. You will be fine. It is just a class, not like you are getting the death sentence.”

At that last comment Steven had given her she laughed a small grunt, then she replied to what she found was funny, “Death sentence? To me that’s what it’s gonna be like. You’re lookin’ at dumb as a door knob right here. Besides, it’s easy for you to say, because you probably take like all senior classes.”

The boy feel silent for a brief moment to think of what to say next. Thinking it through he talked, “No one is that smart, and I’m not going to try to make you feel better because, I do not know you that well yet or you would not side with that statement. Besides after some point in time in the history of this school they stopped letting lower class men taking upper classes.”

Yale had already knew that lower class men were unable to take higher stander classes. She only tried to make a joke out of it, but Steven obviously did not budge an inch. Steven never seemed anything less than serious. Even when he smiled it did not seem relaxed, it seemed semi-natural, and seemed like something was always wrong. Something wrong, a puzzle with a piece missing. A body with out a heart.

Granted however, he was a fine actor. Because to a normal person it just seemed like nothing was wrong. Yale, however, new the mask he has on his now reddish face. Yale knew what it was like to be alone.

“Ow!” Yale wailed as a shock went trough her hand dropping every thing she had.

“Here, I have them. Don’t worry about it. I will carry them.” Steven, picking up the last of her belongings, said.

Not knowing how to react to Steven’s gestures Yale said the first thing that came to her mind, “Aaron said that you don’t have track practice or something. I might as well tell you know. Um, can I have my books… please?”

“Alright. Are you sure?”

“Positive. They are my books after all.”

Separating Yale’s books from his own Steven seemed to have been easing up towards his fellow partner. Even Yale saw that he was not as cold toned as he normally was.

Pausing, then moving again Steven elegantly gave his partner the required items of choice. While doing this for a brief second his right hand had gently made contact with Yale’s warm creamy hand.

“Ow! Stupid static!” Yale said in slight pain shaking her fingers that were lifeless.

“I am sorry. Have I hurt you?” Steven said helping her in anyway that he could.

Steven knew that it was not static electricity that shock Yale. Now he cautioned that what ever gesture that he made was done with his left hand instead of his right. Until they arrived at there destination he calmly though on the outside of his mind, It’s just static. It’s just static. It’s just static. Insisting in the back of his mind was the eerie ring of the lonely thought, It’s normal. It’s normal. It’s normal… I am normal.
♠ ♠ ♠
I should be studying for mid-terms right now at the time of 9:33pm on January 12, 2009.

Debo estudiar por plazos medios ahora a la hora del diez menos veintisiete de la noche el doce de enero de dos mil nueve.

Guess what mid-term I'm taking?
