Status: Very unlikely to be finished.

Is it right to say "Failure is an event, never a person"?

Chapter VI

“Because half of you are from Earth Science one I’ve decided to give my normal students a break. It will be slightly easier than what we have been currently studying, but I an starting to veer off the subject.” Mr. Arlon began to enlighten his students. He said continuing, “I have arranged specific projects at a group and that group alone will have. So I suggest you chose what both partners have a strong point in. I have no intention on knowing what you will do after that, but I do expect every student to go on the assigned date.”

The words seemed to chill down Yale’s back. From the moment she stepped into his class room she had got a knot in her stomach. There was something about the ghostly like man she did not like. For the first time she was thankful that she was being taught by Mrs. Williamson.

Lying her head on the long rectangular black desk used for lab programs she tried to relax. From her previous illness she still felt light headed and her vision started to fog a small amount. Her eye lids getting heavy all she wanted to do was go to sleep and relax her mind. The students best friend, Kira, said that she should have stayed in her dormitory until the next morning, but she insisted that she would go to school. It felt like a big mistake as she closed her eyes hoping the teacher would not notice her all the way in the back of the class.

“Are you still ill?” a voice next to her asked.

Yale sprung up with her eyes wide open, alert and ready to learn. Though her vision still a tiny bit foggy and her head starting to hurt, she wanted the people around her to know that she was all right.

Get a grip Heins. I don’t even know what’s going on? Wait what? Yale thought to herself wanting to fall back asleep. She noticed that Steven was not there. Steven, not being there she laid her head back on the black rectangular desk in front of her. For one ear being on the desk and not being able to think clearly Yale has seemed to have a good sense of hearing. “I have picked something separate for you and your partner.” That’s all she could comprehend what was possibly Mr. Arlon and Steven bandying of words from the other voices in the room.

Yale saw that Steven had a turned sour for some reason.

“You don’t look very happy.”

He did not answer the girls comment. He barely looked at her at all. Slipping the bundle of papers onto the lab desk, he walked back to the front of the class trying not to show what her really thought of what he now knew. Puzzled Yale just watched him now with her elbows on the desk and her hands holding her face up.

The two of them spoke for a brief moment, then Steven was lead astray into the hall followed by Mr. Arlon.

Quietly Mr. Arlon closed the door behind them so that they would have privacy and no ease droppers on there conversation.

“Biology?! Did you make this blunt on purpose? Or do you think I am challenged of some sort?”

Giving a small chuckle Mr. Arlon replied, “Do I think you are challenged, or do you?”

“I am sorry… no, it is not that I am sorry it is just I did not see something this blatant coming from you.”

Letting the wall support some of his body weight, Mr. Arlon turned his head to glance at the door. He refocuses on Steven and tried to converse with him one more, but he caught his breath thinking twice on what to say.

“Are you,” Steven addressed softly so on echo could be carried, “Are you… seriously planing… on using her… Wade?”

Both of there eyes trailed off to opposite sides and did not reconnect after a few seconds later.

“Well, at least you know.” The teacher brought about to say, “I wanted you to know because I might need your help with this one and it would be a less of a shock to you when you happened to find out.”

Steven’s face turned unpleasant and angered. Trying to ignore the last comment Steven twisted his head with a “Tch”. He gave a slight sign of discomfort and his right hand starting to twitch. Pain now began to run up his entire right arm. From finger tip to shoulder blade a shocking sensation engulfed his nervous system in that region.

When Steven could not look at Wade or his arm any longer he ventured his way back into class so that Yale would not be siting alone and confused any longer. Twisting his body Wade forcefully grabbed the boys wrist and brought it to the side of his own face. Going back into his unnatural and deathly cold tone he spoke with a light smirk running across his white face, “I’d get that fixed if I were you.”

Reclaiming his wrist, he began to rejoin his classmates. Before he twisted the door knob Wade let out on last remark before he would enter. Relaxing again he exchanged, “It’s a nice day out Steven. You should get to know your partner better.”

Taking the hint that he could not refuse it was now Stevens time to smile a devilish smirk. Thinking to himself that he would definitely have to mark this day when Wade Arlon did not think things through, and let actions slip through his very own fingers.

Steven returned to class like nothing ever happened. How ever Wade welcomed himself to stay in the hallway thinking things through. For he had not let Steven make his own actions. To him Steven was still just a pawn in his game. But, like every game there is a leader, a king. With every king there is a rein, and Wade knew his was going to be over thrown.
♠ ♠ ♠
I was originally going to have Yale call Mr. Arlon "Señor Creeper" but I didn't... obviously.
Señor Creeper is my Spanish teacher's nickname I gave him.

And, and I used "diez menos ventiesiete de la noche" on my mid-term... like the only one I knew.
