Status: Very unlikely to be finished.

Is it right to say "Failure is an event, never a person"?

Chapter VII

The Griffin School's court yard blossomed with life from the many students about on it's grasses despite the cold winter weather. The school's younger students rallied up a joyful game of tag in the large town green like setting. It had seemed that even some of the older students have joined the game as well.

Cold steel park benches were placed along the cobble stone path that snaked through the land, were the high school girls would always muster to form a group.

Watching the energetic children playing their game, Yale plopped herself down on one of the farthest cold steel park benches. She let out a lively and deep sigh resting her head on the back plate of the park bench. The neck of the bench was low enough so that Yale could lean he head and neck on top of it and watch the clouds slowly pass by in the gray sky.

The wind started to pick up in speed, bringing the temperature of the surrounding area down another ten degrease.

She began to grow tired of waiting for he accomplice to arrive. She brought her head upward from the top of the park bench and gave another sigh, but this time she saw Steven shifting his way across the dead grass of the schools green. His cheeks, on his face were a brilliant rose red from the bitter cold biting at his face. It could have also been from a small reflection of his apple red scarf that he was waring that was knotted at the front of his neck.

He invited himself to sit next to Yale for the time being. Breathing heavily from the cold, Steven relaxed himself against the neck of the park bench.

"Nice scarf." Yale commented half serious half sarcastically.

"Hm," Steven started replying with his eyes trailing off in the opposite direction of Yale, "some one I know gets fussy over my health."

"No, no!" Yale started with a cheered voice waving one of her hands, "I'm quite serious! I need to get a scarf."

The girl relaxed her voice towards the end of her phrase and responded in a normal tone. The girl then started to shift through a messenger bag that she had brought with her for something. She continued on talking, but Steven did not comprehend one word she had said.

She passed over a canned bottle of a hot liquid over to Steven while still shifting through her bag saying, "I'm sorry if you don't like it. Kira's brother, James, works at this Deli across the way and he makes his own 'specialty' he calls it. It's the Deli's signature drink and I can understand why, but this is a new flavor he concocted so it's not my fault if it tastes horrible."

Yale found the can she was looking for, which was another can of the hot drink, and lightly shook the one she was holding out for Steven, trying to tell him to take it. He took her hint and took it with his right hand, his gloved hand, his damaged hand.

"What'd you do? Lose the other one?" Yale said noticing that only one of his hand were gloved.

She relaxed against the back of the steel bench and sipped the hot drink that her best friend's brother made. Steven cupped his newly opened drink in his hand's as well. Staring into the blackness of it's interior watching the steam rise he began to talk, "Actually, I wanted to talk to you about that."
♠ ♠ ♠
man, I've been doing a lot of filler chapters lately...

Thank you pizzabread! ;)
