Evil is Justice

Why not

Within every person is the power to be evil. We are not born evil because bad things happen to us, or because it’s in our blood. We are just evil. If everyone is evil, then why is there good you ask? Well, I could give you a long explanation, complicated and not personal, or I could tell you a story, about everyone’s greatest fear, the monster within…
“What have you done Tabby!” Victoria screamed, pulling her younger sister’s cat off of her hamster’s cage.
Screaming at the sight, she turned toward the cat, her hand raising above her head and coming down quickly between the cats head and shoulders. With a snap, the small animal collapsed. Shocked at what she had done, Victoria stood there, mouth slightly opened.
“TABBY!!!” Angel screamed from the door way. “”What have YOU DONE Vicky!” she continued to scream, rushing over to her beloved pet.
Looking down at her small half sister bent over the limp form of Tabby, Victoria felt a surge of rage, her life ruined when her mother died, her father remarrying into a family of six. With a feeling of déjà vu, Victoria raised her hand again, letting it fall in the same place as she had with Tabby….
“Victoria Nelson, you plead guilty for the death of your seven year old sister, Angel, the jury has found you guilty of this crime and you will be sentenced two weeks in solitary confinement before being taken to the electric chair, do you have anything to say for yourself?’ the judge asked, looking at her in disgust.
“Half.” Victoria said.
“Excuse me?” the judge asked.
“She was my half sister.” Victoria said.
President Bides has enacted a “Innocents Stand” Act to help purify our society of unwanted evil. Anyone in prisons starting August 3rd 2029 will be placed in the electric chair. Starting today, any person convicted of a crime, no matter of age, gender or offence, will be put directly in the chair after being found guilty by a selected choice of councilors chosen my President Bides’s advisor Taren J. Wellston.

MEET THE FIRST GENERATION OF INNOCENTS~ No longer do we have evil in this world, evil has been rid of, now the pure human race will prosper.

 .
“Abigail Andrews” the teacher said, not even bothering to look up.
“Here!” Abigail sad, raising her hand eagerly.
“Andrews, I have to ask you to refrain yourself from such outburst or I will be forced to report you to the Director.” The teacher said, still not glancing up.
“Yes teacher. ” Abigail said, placing her hands in her lap and looking down.
“Ebon James”
“Allen Kinsley”
“Upton Leyden”
Abigail’s attention drifted to the window, looking out she stared at the armored trucks riving by, occasionally picking up Renders, people of the resistance. Watching the Renders hurry from one side of the street to the other, dodging the armored trucks (nicknamed Turtles), the Renders wore bright colors, including red, blue, yellow and green, all of which were forbidden. Looking quickly at her own gloomy grey uniform, the one piece zip up of its simplicity was so boring, everyone had one. But the Renders, they wore materials that were loose; they blew in the wind, the top half occasionally twisting into an odd form, showing that it was not together and…
“Abigail, please turn you attention to your program. ” the teacher screeched, looking up.
Shivering when her eyes met the empty sockets of her teacher, Abigail turned her attention to her program.
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okay, this is the end of this story (maybe)