I'd Never Thought They'd Get Me Here

New peoples

Cat’s POV

“Is this the place?” Mikey asked us as the van slowed to the stop. There was a large field and a stage set up at one end of it with huge speakers and smaller screens, so I assume it was.

“No Mikey.” Gerard said, voice heavy with sarcasm. “They wanted to perform The Sound Of fucking Music outside.” I guess was one of these things only brothers do.

“Guys…” I whined slightly, trying to get them to shut up. We climbed out the van and stared at the wide, open space. It was covered in bits of rubbish and the odd corpse. I could already see two or three zombies staggering around, but we weren’t close enough yet for them to sense the life in us.

“So we’re gonna do a quick search and then get on our way to Scotland?” Ray asked, scanning the area like everyone else.

“Yeah, I guess. We’ll see who we can find.” Lucy shrugged. We all picked up guns and random shit we weren’t entirely sure how to use, we looked cool anyway. I got into a group with Frank, Bob, Dani and Ellie. Splitting away from the others Bob lead us down to the stage area.

“They might be in the rooms set up backstage.” He explained as we walked down. “Or on tour buses, if they’re there at all.” Me and Dani nodded as Ellie stayed quiet. I’ve known her a pretty long time and it’s kind of creepy with her not talking.

“Shh…” Frank hissed when we got to the stage. Pausing there was a small shuffling sound. I raised my gun and made sure the safety was off. I’m pretty sure I’m the only one that puts the safety on my gun, the others seem to be pretty careless.

“Come on.” I led the other four through a door, stepping slowly and carefully.

“What the fuck?” I almost screamed as the welsh accent cut through the silence. Turning quickly I sad Ian, yes, Ian fucking Watkins, staring back at me.

“OH MY GOD!” I yelled. Yes, great time to get star struck.

“Whoa!” Dani stared at him. “He’s alive…”

“Fuck yeah I am.” He replied, not seeming to fazed at anything going on. “You going to tell me what’s going on?”

“Firstly, you got anymore people?” Frank asked, not in a state of shock like me and Dani. I think they’d met before.

“Frank!” Ian grinned. “Uhm, yeah, we got a couple more back here.” He led us through a few more doors. “We had to keep pretty locked up.” He explained as we walked. “I was just doing the check when I saw you.”

As we entered the last room my jaw dropped open. When we’d first met My Chem I’d been to tired and stressed to freak out, but I’d slept a lot recently. On the old couches and floor were Pete and Patrick from Fall Out Boy, Lee from lostprophets and Sean form The Blackout. I felt Dani’s hand on my arm as I mentally restrained myself from leaping on Pete and a small slapping sound. Turning I saw Ellie with her face buried in her palm.

“So…uhm…hi…” Sean waved at us from his place on the couch and flicked his fringe out of his face. Yes, there was that amazing flash of pink…

“Hey…” Dani muttered back. We stood around awkwardly.

“So do you have a plan?” Bob asked, deciding to take control of the situation.

“Nope.” Patrick shook his head. “We got as far as keeping ourselves alive.”

“You could come with us!” I suggested enthusiastically. They looked at me, all with confused expressions on their faces.

“Where are you going?” Lee asked.

“Glasgow.” Frank replied. “We think we can send out a message warning the rest of the world form there. It’s kind of sketchy, but it’s a plan.”

“Sure, why the hell not.” Pete looked round at the others who nodded and shrugged. And just like that we had more people on our merry little mission.

I followed happily as we left the room to get to our van. It was going to be really squashed now. We were going to have 15 people in a van made for 9… and it was bad enough with the 10 of us before. I think, now we had found them, we were being less cautious. Clattering quite loudly down the corridor we chattered and laughed. Getting back onto the grass I looked around and we all froze.

A group of six or seven zombies stood in front of us, gazing with vacant expressions. I reached for my gun instinctively and shot at them. My bullet thudded into it’s chest and I cursed as Bob, Ellie and Frank shot four of them neatly in the head. The others dropped as they were shot from behind.

“You were making such a fucking racket.” Lucy commented, standing in front of the other four. “Oh, I see you found more people.”

I realised we hadn’t been introduced properly and performed the quick introductions as we continued to the van. Climbing in Ray glanced at the display panel and got straight back out.

“No fuel.” He muttered.

“Well… we needed a new bus anyway.” Em said. “Let’s gather al our shit and go find something else.”

“Tour bus?” Lee suggested.

“To small.” Lucy shook her head. “There’s 15 of us, to fit us and all our stuff comfortably we need a proper bus or something.”

“Like that one?” Mikey pointed to the bus stopped down the road. It must have been dropping people off at the concert.

“Convenient.” Em muttered, before we started lugging our shit over.

We got to the bus and I had a sudden, horrible thought. Patting my pockets my face fell considerably from it’s happy form before.

“What is it?” Dani asked, looking at me in concern.

“I left my fucking pills at the hotel.” I told her quietly. She looked confused. Oh yeah, they didn’t know about that yet.