I'd Never Thought They'd Get Me Here

How do you kill something that's all ready dead?

Frank’s POV

This is madness, pure madness. It was either a dream or some huge joke. It had to be. Sitting at the top of the long, winding staircase I pinched myself hard, yelping when it hurt.

“It’s not a dream.” Gerard told me softly.

“What do we do though?” Bob asked, trying to find someway of getting control of the situation. “We can’t sit back and let five girls take care of us.”

“We could help them to London I guess.” Ray said after a minute. “There is no way that I’m letting the virus get to America, no fucking way.”

There were bangs and yells down the stairs. Gun shots could be heard and Mikey flinched slightly. Gerard put an arm round him and the whole band moved closer together.

“We can’t let it spread.” Gerard confirmed.

“To London we go then?” Bob asked.

“I guess.” I sighed. This was such a mess. Unless I could call my mum… I pulled out my cell phone and sighed. No signal.

“The posts were knocked out by the army.” A voice said, making us all jump. We turned to see Cat watching us. “It’s safe now.”

We trudged back down the flight of stairs and went back to the main room where their camp was set up. The other four girls were sat there when we came back, talking in slightly higher voices. A result of their nerves and worry.

“There were only two of them.” Lu told us when we sat. There was a small whimper and I turned to see Dani comforting Em as she sobbed. “One was her brother.” Lucy explained quietly. “But she had to shoot him, he would have gotten us otherwise. Any way, he was already dead.”

“How do you kill them if they’re already dead?” I asked her in confusion.

“Blow their heads off.” She said bluntly.

“Oh…” Mikey looked sown. “Where’d you get the guns from?”

“Army.” Cat pointed to the camouflage print bags on the floor. “They came to evacuate the place. The virus was here and they had to start blowing each other apart. When they left we took what they had abandoned.” She shrugged. “We didn’t want to leave, it’s probably no better where ever they took them.”

“What do we do now?” Em asked, pulling herself together slightly as she and Dani joined us. “We can’t stay here.”

“I told you, we need to get to London.” Lucy said.

“But how?” She asked.

“We’ll take you.” Gerard told her. “Well, we have a minivan…and you are so not leaving us alone here.”

“So if it’s two miles that way…” I heard someone whisper. Ellie had her eyes closed and was muttering to herself. “Adding an extra few hours…” Her eyes snapped open. “We’re leaving.”

“Now?” Dani asked her.

“Yes now.” She snapped. “The dead are going to start coming again, more of them. I can sense it. The stupid things are figuring out how to open doors as we speak. I think they work on the same brain patterns, so soon we’ll be over run.”

“And you know this how?” Lucy asked her.

“I’m extremely intelligent and read a lot of crap of the internet when I was younger.” She replied with a hint of a smile. “Now let’s go! We’ve finally got someone who can drive and we’re not wasting another minute.”

“You fire a bunch of guns but you can’t drive?” I heard Ray ask Cat quietly.

“Pretty much.” She smiled. “Now come on, help pack up.”