Keep My Heart With You, Travis Garland

Concerts, and Running into Walls

The sound of loud screams coming from the auditorium could be heard, as they began to walk towards the stage.

Ladies, and gentlemen NLT. The screams became louder, as the boy walked on stage. ‘That Girl’ played through the speakers, and Travis started singing. “I ain’t never met a girl before…”

Through out the whole concert the guys often spoke to the crowd, and the sound of girl’s screams never stopped. Although one girl in particular caught Travis’s attention, a pretty girl with blonde hair, stood at the front, near center stage. With a smile, covering her face the whole time, not once screaming, merely standing there holding her arms, smiling up at the boys.

She intrigued Travis, he had been to many shows, and never once did he ever see a girl, standing still, smiling. Once during Heartburn, he saw her talking to the girl next to her, the reaction by the girl was accompanied by some weird hand movements. Then the girl and her friend left briefly only to return a couple minutes after.

“How are you guys enjoying the show?” Hearing the screams get even loud, only to subside moments later JJ continued, “Well, I’m glad you are all enjoying it.”

“Now all shows must come to an end, and to end ours we decided to let Travis here sing ‘Your Song” and Kevin is going to sing his song, ‘She’s Got’ hope you guys enjoy the rest of the show.”

After the show the guys all headed towards their dressing room, to shower so that they could meet the four lucky, hopefully good looking female, fans.


I loved the concert, even though I couldn’t hear them sing. I was able to see their dance moves, making me imagine the beat they were dancing too. Although I would give anything to be able to hear them sing, mostly Travis, Brie tells me he has the most amazing voice.

The only bad part about tonight was that I was being dragged around by the girls. A.D. had hold of my right arm, and Vanessa my left. While Brie led us to what looked like a back door.

Although I kept asking for them to tell me what was going on, none of them would tell me. Finally this tall, very buff, bald dude unfolded his arms, to stop us. “And where do you four think your going?”

Brie, pulled out what seemed to be four pieces of shiny paper, [insert light bulb bing] The girls got backstage passes? No way. Buff Baldie, as I called him, looked at the passes, then opened the door. Leading us down a series of hallways, until finally he stopped in front of one. Showing us the inside, I read his lips as he began to say.

“They will be here shortly.” He left, and I sat down and started flipping through a magazine that was on the stand beside the couch I was sitting on. Only minutes later, to feel stares, causing me to look up and see not only my friends but NLT staring at me.

“Um, hi.” I gave a slight wave, nothing to big. As I felt kind of awkward, I mean come on, how would you feel if four good looking, guys were standing in front of you, and you being deaf weren’t able to hear them walk in, probably causing them to think that you were ignoring them.

I saw Travis’s mouth moving, but I couldn’t make out the words, his lips were moving too fast, the other guys continued to look at me funny. “Umm, could you say that again, a little bit slower?” Travis raised an eyebrow, but repeated.

“You’re the girl who was standing in the front row, right?” Finally understanding him, I nodded.

“Yeah, I’m Farron. And you’re the guy that was on stage singing right?” I smiled, as he began to laugh.

“Yep that’s me.” I noticed that the other girls were talking to JJ, V, and Kevin. Leaving me with Travis. I felt stupid, standing there asking Travis to speak slowly. He must have thought I was crazy, he was standing right in front of me. Although we talked for a while, without him finding out that I was deaf.

After a couple minutes, we all sat down on the couches and began to talk. I was quiet, since the other’s kept talking really fast, that I couldn’t understand them, gaining me a few glances from the girls, and weird looks from the guys.

“Um, I have to go to the bathroom, could someone tell me where it is?” Travis spoke once more.

“Down the hall to the right.” As I began to get up I looked at A.D. who smiled, and said.

“Don’t run into any walls.” I rolled my eyes at her, and began walking towards the door.

“I’m deaf not blind dumbass, and it was one time.”
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3 cmnts
to the next chapter.