Swear to Shake It Up

This story is dedicated to all my girls on the Tokio Hotel thread. Even the ones who aren't written into the story. You guys keep me sane and keep me laughing. I love you all!

When four of Tokio Hotel's biggest fans win a costume contest at show, they get a chance to meet the boys. They hit it off and the four girls are allowed to travel with them.

Will things get taken farther?

These four fans Swear To Shake It Up!

This is based on a dream I had after the recent show in New York.
  1. One
    (Joanie's POV)
  2. Two
    (Nikkeh's POV)
  3. Three
    (Kris’ POV)
  4. Four
    (Mandie’s POV)
  5. Five
    (Bill’s POV)
  6. Six
    (Georg's POV)
  7. Seven
    (Gustav's POV)
  8. Eight
    Tom's POV
  9. Nine
    Joanie's POV