

I awaken in a terribly blinding white room ; hospital. I replay the scenes that ended putting me here.
I see my bandaged body , and know straight away how dumb I must seem.
"Baby , baby your awake! Is what I expected to hear.....I didn't.
"Haha did I get to you?" I hear Kane chuckle.
"Were's Arthur?" I question.
"Not here and I doubt hes gonna' wanna' see someone as pathetic as you."
I ignore Kane and quickle press the nurses call button without him noticing.
We sit in silence and I feel his eyes watching me.
"What seems to be the problem?" The nurse asks whilst standing there hand on hip at the door way.
"Uhh...cann you uhh pleasee uhh..." Kane stammers whilst obviously wondering why she's here.
"Zacky why did you want her here for??" Kane says with a slight temper to it.
"Excuse me Sir don't talk to patients like that , I'm going to have to ask you to leave anyway Its now resting hours."
Kane leaves in a huff.
I attempt to sleep but thoughts of my stupidity won't stop teasing me. I mean come on.
What the fuck was I thinking? I'm So Goddamned stupid!
I'm consumed by these thoughts for atleast an hour , constantly putting myself down for my idiocy.
I hear the door slowly opening , out of habit i quickly close my eyes.
" I'm sorry sir." I hear the nurse say. " But she is actually sleeping right now , would you like to come back later?"
"Uhh ...I think I'll just wait here 'till shes awake." I hear the most familiar and beautiful voice say.
Oh so tempted to jump and and run to him, but I don't instead i hold myself back for a couple of minutes.
I press the nurse button and ask for a drink , as I was hoping on she says I have a visitor.
I ask the name just to check.
"Arthur Mayne." She says in a sort of rushed tone.
"Let him in." I say feeling like a queen bossing her around.
"Baby!!" Arthur exclaims as he rushes through the doorway towards me.
Why he's so excited to see some one as pathetic as I , I do not know.
"I'm so glad your okay." He says
"But so sad I wasn't the one who saved you instead of Kane but atleast you got here in time and got help at all."
Kane? I Question to myself.
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