He's Just a Dog Chasing Cars

The Bat

As soon as night fell I headed up to my watching spot. The tallest building in Gotham. I wrapped my midnight black coat tightly around me as I pushed open the creaky roof door. I scurried out of the building and into the cool but calm air.

Taking my place at the edge of the building I looked down at the dimly lit street and laughed. Most of those happy people would soon end up like me.

Who am I? I hear you ask. I am the one that’s not afraid to take risks. I am the one who laughs in the face of danger. I am the widow that roams the streets at night searching for her long lost husband. I am Violet Daisy.

People call me crazy. They may be right as I have been placed in a mental home twice. My sanity always seems to come through though. I can always convince them that im sane. Im perfect in the day, but at night, its drives me crazy. The fact that I was taken away from who I love. The fact that I have this massive scar down the right side of my face. The fact that the love of my life was killed.

I know he was murdered. I know he had no chance of escape. It was high against the mob for God's sake. But there is some part of me that still brings me up here every night. I fixed my make up covering my scar and turned around about to go search the streets when I saw a dark figure in my way. A mysterious shadow person wearing a long cape was standing just inches in front of me. I could feel his warm moist breath on my face.

"Oi, Batboy, get out of my way." I growled taking a step backwards. The bat just took a step forwards which was worrying seeing as im on the edge of a building.

"I know where he is." The bat said totally out of the blue. His voice was low and it sounded like he was out of breath. "If you do something for me I can take you to him."

"Why should I believe you? You're lying." My voice was now a whisper as the bat was stepping forward. The ment that part of my feet were over the edge of the building. In one swift movement I was pushed and was now plummeting to my death. A scream escaped my lips as I fell though the air, nothing slowing me down. I took one last look at the top of the building where the bat stood smugly. His arms were outstretched.

The shear intensity and the though of dying caused me to black out. The last thing I was to know on this cruel earth was I had a fear of falling.
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Once Again,
Good? Or a load of crap?