Fear Is the Heart of Love

Chapther Five

A few days later, Tokio Hotel moved into an apartment. This went under a lot of protest from the Kaulitz’ twins, since they had their own apartment in Berlin. Tom couldn’t even recall how many times he had yelled “But I live here too! I have my own damn place across the fucking corner!”. All he knew that the sentence had cost him a lot of trouble. But done was done, and so Tokio Hotel moved in.

It wasn’t that bad, the apartment. The four of them all had their own room, there was a huge living room and the view was amazing. But it wasn’t their home.


“You know..”

Tom looked up from the TV, looking at his twin. “No?”

“I went to Julia that night at the club, to introduce her to you eventually. It was clear you liked her. But I didn’t plan to make you stare at Ian”

“I did not stare at Ian” Tom snapped back. Maybe Bill was right and he did stare, but he only found Ian interesting. Something just drew him in.
“He just seems to be a guy I would go clubbing with and have a lot of fun.”

Bill eyed his brother. “You better go clubbing with him tonight. He and Julia are leaving tomorrow.”

Tom, whom had turned his attention back to the TV-show he was watching before Bill started to talk again, turned his head back to his brother once more. “And you know this because…?”

“’Cause at least I am able to ask where they’re from and hear they are going back soon. And I asked both their numbers because I want to stay in touch with them.” Laughing, Bill tossed his phone to Tom, before leaving the room shaking his head.

Tom had clumsily caught his brother’s phone, and immediately started to look for Ian’s number.

“Hi man, this is Tom” Tom started, his voice slightly shaking. What was wrong with him?
“Tom! Hi!”

“Hi. Erhm.. I was wondering if you maybe, if you got time and stuff, if you would want to go clubbing with me. Tonight. Or something.”
“I have to ask Julia though. We are leaving tomorrow morning.”

Shit. Stupid Bill. Why did he have to be right?
“Where do you live then? You sound pretty German.”

Ian chuckled softly into the phone. “I am German you idiot. We live in Munich”

“Oh.” Tom hoped he didn’t sound too disappointed. “That’s not really close.”

“No it isn’t..” Ian replied softly. Both were silent for a few seconds.

“You can always come over if you have some free time.”Ian then continued. “ You’re welcome to stay at my place then. And Bill can come too, Julia said she would love to go shopping with him.”

“Sure. Whenever we have a few days off, we’ll arrange something.”

Tom and Ian finished their conversation quickly after that, both boys now with a smile on their face. It wouldn’t be too long before the boys would see one another again.

“Guess what!” Happily Tom walked into Bill’s room, throwing his phone back at his twin brother.

“Tom!” Bill shrieked.


“You should knock first! I could’ve been jerking off in here or something yeah!”

Tom shrugged. “But you’re not, you’re painting you’re nails.”
He said down next to Bill. “Now guess what.”

“What?” Bill mumbled, studying his nails.

“Ian invited us to come to his place in Hannover whenever we get a few days off. Julia wants to go shopping with you.”

“That’s cool.” Bill then looked at his brother and narrowed his eyes. “You like him, don’t you?”

“Yeah, he’s a cool gu..” Tom stopped midsentence when he noticed the way Bill looked at him. “Not that way idiot! I’m not a fag!”

That last sentence earned Tom a punch on his arm. “Don’t say things like that! And why are you smiling like some love stuck puppy anyway?”

“ ‘Cause I made a new friend, that’s why.” Slightly irritated, Tom stood up, walking towards his room. He couldn’t wait for the band to start recording soon, since he knew he would get some days off after that.
And he still wanted to live in his own apartment.
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I'm sorry, it is not the best chapter ever. But slowly I'm getting into the real story, see this as an sort of introduction. It'll get better soon! :)

Also, I will try to update 2 or 3 times a week :)