How Is This incredibly Happening? Oh Well, I'm Enjoying It!

Chapter One: The Concert

“Famous Last Words” was blaring as Gerard Way; the lead singer of My Chemical Romance was pacing the stage singing. He walked up the stairs to the platform Bob Bryar was staged. He pushed the spotlight around flashing it all through the concert seats. As he spun it around, it came to my section. He stopped it there for a minute as my friends and I went crazy singing along to the lyrics. “I am not afraid to keep to on living! I am not afraid to walk this world alone…”He put the spotlight on a small section of us and I was close enough for our eyes to meet. I was immediately sprung with energy-more than normal.

After the show, there was an autograph signing. All around me there was gothic and emo people, I stuck out like a sore thumb wearing a green hoodie with a Black Parade shirt over it (I’m not very emo as you can tell but I love eyeliner!). As I came to the front of the line, Gerard immediately recognized me. He stared deep into my greenish brown eyes. “You sat in the middle section right?” he asked. “Yeah I’m here with my friends,” I answered shyly. “Would you like to stay longer with me and the rest of the band? Your friends are welcome too,” he said. “Th-thanks! But my friends are tired and are going home soon. But I’d love to stay here with you,” I said slowly. He smiled and I waited. It was kinda late and I was lucky there were only a few people behind me so they wouldn’t mob us.
After the last few autographs were signed, Gerard and I got up on the empty stage and were just talking. “I forgot to tell you my name. It’s Stephanie.” “I don’t think I need to tell you mine,” he said back. I smiled and shook my head. He sat on with his back against the platform. I was balancing on the edge of the platform above him. We asked each other questions until my cell phone started to play “I’m Not Okay (I Promise).” “Nice ringtone,” he said with a smile on. “I rolled my eyes and giggled. “Hold on. Hello?” I answered. “What’s going on?!” my friend Calli screamed into the phone making me pull it away form my ear. “Tell us please!” my other friend Julia squealed. “I’ll tell you later. Just not now,” I told them. “Fine,” they said in sad unison. “But be back around 12:00 cuz we need details!” Calli added. “Yeah, yeah,” I said not listening to them, only paying attention to Gerard spacing out. “Okay, bye,” I said and hung up my phone. “Sorry, it was my friends.” “That’s okay….So what’s your favorite song by us?” he asked getting back to the questions. “Hmmm.” I thought about it for a minute. There was a silence as I decided. “Hey Gee,” Mikey asked coming out form the dressing room behind the stage. “AGHHHHH!” I screamed as I lost my balance and fell over onto Gerard’s lap. Mikey rushed over. “Are you okay?” Gerard asked with his hands on my waist and hip. “Where the hell have you been?” Mikey asked. “I’ve been here talking with Steph for a while.” Mikey looked over the edge to see us staring deep into each other’s eyes as I was still sitting on Gerard’s lap. “Ohh sorry, didn’t mean to disturb you,” he said sarcastically. I looked up at Mikey and asked “What time is it?” “It’s about 12:30,” he replied. I looked horrified. “What’s wrong?” Gerard asked. “I was supposed to be home at midnight.” “I can bring you home if you want?” he volunteered. “Okay, thanks.” “Let’s go.”

He opened the door for me and we got in his car. “My friends are probably waiting for me,” I said. “I’m sorry for making you late,” he said (I could tell he felt guilty). “No it’s okay, this was better than any night at my house,” I reassured. ‘Even when Mikey scared you off the platform?” he asked. “Yeah that was funny. Oh I never told you what my favorite song is. It’s Cemetery Drive,” I said. He smiled at me and I blushed as I smiled back. “Oh this is it,” I said pointing to my house. We got out of his car and walked to my doorstep. “Thanks for everyth-,” my voice faded as Gerard slowly leaned in and gently kissed my lips. He started to pull away, but I caught him before our lips separated and kissed back. We stood there for a minute making-out, until Calli and Julia peeked out the curtains from inside and said “Oooh kissy, kissy!” mockingly. We parted and I blushed, and he smiled at me again. I looked at them with big eyes and they shut the curtains. “Sorry my friends like to spy a lot,” I apologized. “That’s okay,” he said chuckling. “I’ll call you later?” “Sure,” I said as I pulled out a pen and wrote my number on his palm. He smiled and we said good-byes. He looked back one last time, and grinned before he left. Once he was down the street enough to not hear, I melted like a Popsicle in July (my friend said that once) and screamed in excitement.
I ran into the house to see Julia and Calli scramble to sit and acting like they weren’t just spying. “So how was it?” asked Calli immediately. “Before you came home what’d you do?” Julia asked moving her eyebrows up and down. “We were talking the entire time on the stage. But I fell off the platform onto Gerard. Then when I we got here….. Well you know the rest,” I said. “OOOH!” they squealed. “He’s calling me later!” I said.

*Constructive criticism would help so please comment. I know I took things too fast!*