

"What are you doing today?" Claire asked with a yawn. I glanced at the couch where she sat and shrugged.

"My date with Kaleb last night went really well," I announced. Claire smirked.

"So now its a date," She laughed. I rolled my eyes.

"Well it always was to me, I just wasn't sure whether he thought it was." I explained. "But he mentioned going out on another date soon, so it was a date." I said happily.

"What was a date?" I heard from behind me. I turned to see Gerard and Mikey coming through the door behind me. I sniffed and turned my head.

"Oh nothing really," I said simply. " I just had an amazing date last night with Kaleb."

He frowned. "That wimpy kid who you were with this morning? He's gay, I can tell. Probably going out with you to get to me," he said rudely. My jaw dropped.

"You are such a douche bag!" I yelled. He rolled his eyes.

"And you're a drama queen!" He yelled back. "We both know you only went out with him to make me jealous." I felt my lip curl in disgust.

"Yeah, definitely to make you jealous, Gerard," I said sarcastically. "You know, the world doesn't revolve around you." Andon that note I shot Mokey a dirty look, then shoved the asshole out of my apartment.

"Why do you even bring him?" Claire sighed. Mikey shrugged.

"He really wants Becca back!" Was his answered. I snorted.

"If he wants me back then why his he being such a douche?" I asked. He shrugged again.

"That's just Gerard. Nobody knows what's wrong with him," He answered. " So claire did you ask her?" He directed towards Claire.

"Ask me what?" I asked making myself a hot pocket.

"Mikey and I wanted to invite you out for dinner." Claire smiled when I opened my mouth. "And yes, you can bring Kaleb." I smiled back.

"Cool, as long as HE isn't coming," I noticed their smiles slipping and groaned.

"He invited himself!" Mikey exclaimed. I just smiled.

"No, no it'll be perfect for my- erm, it'll be good for him to get used to Kaleb being around." I busied myself, hoping they didn't notice I almost slipped about my plan.

"I hope you know what your doing," was all Claire said. I just smiled.

* * *
I stared at the mirror, suddenly remember just a few weeks earlier when I was sitting in the this same spot trying to explain to Claire about how nice my hair would like when we all got used to it. Needless to say, I was completely wrong as usual.

“You were right,” I said softly. She looked up from her magazine with a slight frown. She was waiting for me to finish my hair, dressed in her casual, but adorable little blue dress with sparkly heels. Her hair was brought up in a casual half-ponytail with the reast hanging in little curls.

“About what?” She asked, tapping her foot to the beat of The Porcelain Tramps song that was blasting from my stereo. I sighed and pulled the brush through my hair again.

“My Hair. It’s awful.” I cried, throwing the brush at the counter. It bounced to the mirror, hit it with a bang and landed in the sink.

“It’s not that bad,” She replied, turning the page casually. I stood up from the mirror, deciding to leave my hair down and slipped on my bright red heels. “I have a feeling that’s not what the problem is though.” I sighed.

“Why are you always right?” I whined. If I hadn’t been wearing my cute little black dress, I probably would have tackled her on my bed for a hug and a good cry. “Don’t answer that.” I said sharply then locked myself in the bathroom. I took a deep breath and let out a shaky chuckle. She probably thought I was insane.

I counted to ten and calmed myself then glanced in the mirror. My hair had a nice, wild look to it that would take hours to make look natural. Hmm, maybe it wasn’t too bad.

“Alright let’s go,” I breezed through the room. I heard Claire chuckle as she turned off the stereo.

“All better?” She asked. I nodded with a smile, my earlier insecurities gone. This plan had to work. Or I’d go insane.
♠ ♠ ♠

this is a sucky update. but hey it is an update? so yay? lol
im not even going to bother with crappy excuses, cuz i shouldn't have waited this long to update. sorry :]