A Trip To Remember

Planning It All

~Frankie’s Point of View~

I was almost bouncing off the walls with excitement. I was finally getting her back. I couldn’t wait to feel her smooth face. I don’t remember why I let Ray borrow her. I ran into the kitchen to get a soda almost colliding with Gerard.
“What’s the rush?” he asked.
“I can’t wait to get Pansy back. Ray needs to get here like now!” I answered opening the fridge.
“Oh, the bond between a man and his instrument. It certainly is a special one.” He laughed.
“Well, it’s not like you would know.” I grumbled, walking back into the living room and jumping onto the chair.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” He sat on the couch.
“You don’t play anything. So, you don’t know what its like.”
He mumbled something that sounded like ‘that’s what you think,’ but I was too anxious to question him. The front door opened and I just about knocked the chair over in my rush to see who it was. I ran around the corner and ran right into…Mikey. I fell to the floor from the force of the impact. I groaned.
“Sorry, dude. Didn’t know you were coming.” Mikey said, helping me up.
“No, I just thought you were Ray.”
“Ah, I see…Ok, I don’t.” Mikey chuckled.
He walked into the living room and took my chair.
“Hey bro. Long times no see, huh?” Gerard greeted him.
“I know it’s been a whole, what, 2 hours?” Mikey guessed. I sat by Gerard on the couch, leaning my head on his shoulder.
“Aw, isn’t that cute.” Mikey cooed.
“Hah, you’re funny, Mikey.” Gerard laughed. I sighed. If only.
“Don’t worry, Frankie. Ray will be here any minute.” Gerard said, realizing my sigh of disappointment, but mistaking the real reason. The door opened and closed again.
“Speaking of the devil,” Mikey whispered. I got up and walked to the corner, slower this time, not wanting to fall again. Ray and Bob walked around the corner.
“Sorry I’m late. Bob here doesn’t have his car.” Ray explained. I was eyeing the guitar case in his hand.
“What happened to your car dude?” Mikey questioned.
“My sister and her friends wanted to take a road trip and she doesn’t have a car so our parents gave her mine.” Bob said with a sigh.
“Oh, that’s not cool.” Mikey said.
“I’m just glad they didn’t take my car.” Ray said.
“Oh, that’s right, Kayla, went too didn’t she?” Bob asked.
“She sure did.” Ray answered quite happily.
“Either Frank’s digging you or you better hand him that guitar case before he chews your hand off, Ray.” Gerard pointed out.
“Aww! How cute, Frankie’s into Ray! I’m not sure he swings that way, dude.” Mikey stated. I turned, glaring at him as I flipped him off.
“Here dude.” Ray laughed, handing me the case. I grabbed it and ran to the center of the room, sitting on the floor with the case in my lap. Ray and Bob sat on the couch. As their conversations started up, I stared at the case. I was tracing the pattern with my finger. I admired the artwork.
“I don’t know why you won’t let me redo that. It sucks.” Gerard reasoned.
“No it doesn’t. I like it.” He had designed my guitar case. It was the one thing that reminded me of him, that I had an excuse to carry with me everywhere. I could tell it wasn’t his best, but he designed it specifically for me and it meant the world to me.
“Whatever you say,” He sighed and turned back to the conversation. I decided I should probably see what everyone is talking about.
“So, if everyone’s so bored, we should do something.” Mikey said.
“But, there’s nothing to do around here. That’s why were always bored.” Ray stated.
“I think Robyn had a good idea.” Gerard stated.
“Since when do you think my sister has good ideas?” Bob questioned.
“No, about a road trip. It would get us out of the city, and maybe even Jersey. We could take like a week and go visit somewhere else.” Gerard explained.
“Sounds like a good idea to me.” I said.
“I could go for a vacation.” Ray reasoned.
“Where was Robyn headed, do you know?” Mikey questioned.
“No, why?” Bob replied.
“Because, don’t you think it would be kind of awkward to meet up with Robyn and Kayla wherever they are?” Mikey reasoned.
“That’s a good point.” Bob said.
“Yea, I wouldn’t want to interfere with Kayla’s ‘vacation’ she’d kill me.” Ray stated.
“Can everyone get off?” Frankie asked.
“Little bit of a personal question there don’t you think, Frankie?” Gee joked.
“NO! I mean can everyone take off work!?” I rephrased, going a little red.
“I guess I could take off work.” Mikey laughed.
“Yea, I think we’re all good there.” Gerard said, smiling at me. God, I loved his smile.
“Good, do we have a car?” Bob asked. If we go anywhere, it’s normally in his Expedition.
“We can take the Suburban.” I suggested.
“Yea, that would be big enough. So when shall we leave for this endeavor?” Ray asked.
“How about two weeks from tomorrow.” Bob said more of as a statement than a question.
“Well that was easy.” I said. A whole week away from home, and with Gerard! This was the best thing ever!
“Well, it’s settled then. This gang is going on a road trip.” Gerard said with a smile. Of course, we’d all be leaving together, but as soon as we got where we were going, my vacation would only involve 2 people. This was my chance to finally let Gee know how I really feel. As everyone sat around and talked about where we would be going, I was planning my own trip.
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First chapter. It's a liitle short, but tell me what you think. Con-Crit is greatly appreciated.