Alexander Ruddley



It was the first day of winter break and I was smoking and playing solitaire on my computer. My best friend Derek lay on my bed, throwing a foot ball up and catching it, I couldn’t help thinking that Derek was a real tool.
I scowled at my computer as I lost my third game; I turned and looked at Derek.
What a Hick. I thought as I studied him.
He was white, but tan from this passed football season where he tore up the field regularly. He had short dirty blonde hair, and blue eyes, he was buff, and a good 6 foot 3.
He was born in Texas, and moved to this shit hole in the 7th grade, we’d been best friends ever since I caught him put a lizard in Devyn’s desk on his first day, inseparable had been a good way to describe us…
I snapped out of my nostalgia and saw what Derek was, a real asshole who liked to get drunk and beat his girlfriend harder than he beat his meat. He was a republican, and he bleached his teeth regularly. He was cocky, and slept with anything that moved…
He was a real scum bag, but at least he still called right?
“So you sister fucking, inbred piece of shit what do you want?” I said.
Derek sat up laughing, “You know what I want you piece of shit; let’s, get loaded.”
I laughed and stood up, “Yeah that’s all you want from me, before you know it man, you’ll be sucking me off for a taste.”
Derek quit laughing “Eat shit.”
I smiled and grabbed my phone shaking my head, “Just let me make a call first.”
As I walked out of the room I heard Derek lay back down and throw the ball.

“….Hello?” Rachel’s voice sounded raspy and cracked
“Rachel, do you have anything I can score?” I was to the point.
“… Alexander?” she asked absentmindedly she was obviously strung out.
“I’ll be over in ten.” I hung up on her, and walked back to my room.
“C’mon woman beater. We’ve got shit to do.”
Derek hated when I said that but what was he going to do about it when I was getting him shit? We waked over to my car, and we got in, both not talking.
I blasted my CD so it made talking that much harder. My head was somewhere else.
I gripped the wheel so hard I thought it would snap… Derek was jumpy, he was thrumming his fingers on his knee, and he was licking his lips… I felt bad, Derek was with me, when he first had a taste, who was I to have brought him down with me?
He was already losing weight, and his girlfriend’s beatings came more and more…
“What the fuck are you looking at Alexander?” Derek looked defensive.
The look on his face reminded me of this one time when we were kids, and his dad found out we’d been watching his porn, defensive, and unsure of what was going to happen.
I wondered if he felt as guilty and shitty as I did… I wondered what Devyn was doing.
“What the fuck dude?” I snapped out of my head and pulled into the drive way of Rachel’s house.
“Nothing man, nothing. We’re here though.”
Derek had no clue where I got my shit from. Part of me felt a little bad for bringing him here, cause no doubt he’d mentally mapped the whole trip.
But the larger part, the junkie part was sick of him snorting my shit, and taking a hit I could’ve took. That part didn’t give a crap about what happened to Derek after today.
That part didn’t give a crap about anyone really. Only me and Rachel.
And only Rachel cause she kept me knee deep in anything I wanted.
I knocked on the door and tried to think of the last time I’d hung out with Rachel.
We’d gone up to salt lake and we did ecstasy and made love for what seemed like hours.
I told Devyn, Rachel’s mom died and she needed me… I shook my head and grabbed a cigarette and lit it.
I knocked on Rachel’s door with her metal knocker. A minuet went by, and then another.
I pulled out my phone.
“….Hello?” Rachel said slow and slurred.
“Alexander?” I hung up.
A couple seconds went by and the door opened, Rachel came right towards me, and when she tried to kiss me, I blew my smoke in her face and undid her arms from my neck as I took a step inside her house. I went straight up the stairs and threw myself on her bed.
I didn’t bother to introduce them. I didn’t bother to wait for them.
Rachel came in a moment later Derek right on her heels.
She curled up next to me, and I pushed her head off of me.
“Alexander what’s wrong?” she asked her head lolling to one side.
“We’re just looking for shit Rachel nothing else.” She sighed and reached for me again.
I looked at Derek who just shrugged.
I looked at Rachel and swallowed I knew that I treated her like crap… I knew it was because I loved her, and she knew it.
I wrapped my arms around her waist and hoisted her on top of me as I placed one hand on the back of her neck I kissed her. I enjoyed it, but then Devyn’s face popped in my head and I pushed her off.
Rachel looked smug; she grabbed my face and said, “Oh Alexander, when will you stop?”
I just grabbed another cigarette and looked at Derek who looked more than thoroughly pleased.
Rachel seemed more upbeat as she walked over to her closet, she pulled the light switch and stood on her tip toes, I watched as she reached for a box at the top of her closet, as her brown hair fell down her shoulders, her green sweater that hugged her body had pulled up a bit showing her lower back, my eyes fell lower on her body still…
She grabbed what she was reaching for and turned around I looked up.