I Never Told You What I Did for a Living


"Seriously, how old are you?"

"I was lonely."

I laughed. Mikey had crawled into the bed sometime during the night, and Gerard and I had woke up to find him curled up beside me.

"Yet you can sleep by yourself at home. How strange," Gerard muttered.

"To be fair, the floor's not really that comfy," I stated in Mikey's defense.

"Thanks, Lily."

"Shut up, Mikey," Gerard reached across me and shoved Mikey, who hadn't been prepared and was sent tumbling off of the bed.

"Jerk," he grumbled as he stood up and dusted himself off.

I threw the blankets off of me and stood up as well.

"I'm ready for breakfast," I grinned. I walked into the hallway and made my way into the kitchen.

"Where's your dad?" Gerard asked cautiously as he followed me.

"He had to work today. It's tomorrow that you've got to watch out."

He nodded. "I'll remember that."

I took out a frying pan and threw in some bacon from the fridge. It sizzled and immediately the kitchen was filled with the inviting scent.

"I haven't had bacon in forever!" Mikey yelled in excitement as he bounded into the room.

"Well, the only times we ever eat breakfast, Frank is there. We can't really have bacon when he doesn't eat meat," Gerard responded.

"He doesn't? Well that explains why he took the omelette with just cheese when I was there," I murmured, suddenly embarassed that I'd cooked so much meat while I had stayed with Gerard.

"He doesn't mind, don't worry," Gerard comforted me. "He's used to being surrounded by all of us, and we all eat meat. It's not a big deal."

"Good, 'cause I'd hate to make him feel uncomfortable."

Mikey laughed suddenly. "Frankie? Uncomfortable? I don't think that's possible, Lily. That kid would be comfortable at an all-meat buffet. He just wouldn't join in on the feast, that's all."

"He's one in a million, I guess," I pushed the bacon around in the pan.

"Should I be jealous?" Gerard grinned.

I snorted. "Yeah, because I'd leave one long-distance relationship for another."

He shrugged. "You never know."

Once we'd eaten and cleaned up the dishes, we decided to go on a tour of the small town. Gerard drove, but it wasn't long before we'd been down every street.

"This place sucks," Mikey grumbled from the backseat.

"I never claimed it was cool," I shot back. "As a matter of fact, I recall telling you that I hated this town."

We pulled up to the grocery store to pick up something to make for lunch. When we entered, I suddenly missed having Jill to talk to while I shopped. Nothing in the store looked good to us, so we headed back for my house soon after.

"And how old are you?" Mikey grinned as I grabbed a jar from the cupboard.

I stuck out my tongue as I took a knife from a drawer and turned back to my preparations. "Old enough to admit that peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are kickass."

He laughed, but I continued to make myself some lunch. I bit into the sandwich ferociously.

"You can't tell me you're not jealous of this."

About an hour later, we were back in Gerard's car and looking for a place to go.

"Road trip!" Gerard smirked as he turned the key. We began to drive down the road, making random turns until we were completely lost down a deserted gravel road.

"What now?" Mikey asked, leaning between the two front seats.

I shrugged. "Keep going?"

Somehow, it seemed like a good idea. We were together, and we were happy. That was all that mattered. None of us really cared that we were in the middle of nowhere and crammed into a small car. The important thing was, we were actually having fun.

Gerard took another turn and gunned the engine as we continued on our aimless journey.