I'm Gerard Way's Goddaughter

An Awesome Birthday

My birthday was on the next Saturday.

Kristin (she was spending the night) and I were woken up at midnight by her phone.

"Hello?" she said crankily. I heard the voice, which was Rupert's, but I couldn't tell what he was saying. "You wanna go ride around in what?" He said something. "You have an ice cream truck?" He said something else. "Ali, do you want to go riding around in Rupert's ice cream truck? He wants to make sure you are up all twenty four of your birthday."

"Can we stay in our pajamas?" I asked.

She relayed my question. He answered. "Only if he can wear his."

"OK." I said.

She answered and hung up. "He's outside."

So we got up, woke up Tom, and went outside to the... ice cream truck.

"Awesome! Why didn't you tell me we were hanging out in his ice cream truck? I would have gotten up easier!" Tom said. I made an "I'm too tired to talk" noise.

Then I felt him gently pull me up and into his arms bridal style. I put my head against his chest.

I fell asleep once we had been riding around for a while. Tom and I were in the back while Rupert and Kristin were up at the front.

I woke up freezing.

"You ok?" Tom asked.

I shook my head. "Cold." I said (I was still really tired).

He wrapped an arm around me.

"Why did we have to do this?" I asked. "I would have been fine sleeping until noon!"

Tom laughed, and then the ice cream truck stopped.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"Barnes and Noble. The new Harry Potter book came out at midnight!" Ron said. (It may not be the real date that Deathly Hallows come out, just play along)

"I'm in my PAJAMAS! I would have wanted to dress up as a student!" As I said that, Kristin and Ron were getting something from unders their seats. Then Tom and Kristin switched seat and they separated the two seconds with a sheet.

"We planned this all out for you." She said handing me a Slytherin uniform.

"How did you know I wanted to be a Slytherin?" I asked.

She finished unfolding her Ravenclaw uniform. "I took the quiz for you."

I nodded, and then we changed, fixxed our hair, and put on make up.

"You ready?" Tom asked us.

"Yes." We answered in unison.

Then Tom and Kristin switched places again. Tom and I got out through the back.

"Look! Weasle-bee's got a girlfriend! How much has he paid you to date him? Probably all that he's got!"

"Shut up, Malfoy! I didn't pay her, you probably paid yours!"

"No he didn't!" I said in a whiny voice. "Come on, Draco, I can't be seen near these loosers. I think that girls ugly is getting on me!"

He walked me toward the door, we didn't once get out of character.

"I need a Starbucks, Draco!" I said.

All he did was shrug and pulled me over to the Starbucks counter. At first I thought the waiter was weird. He would barely talk and wouldn't look at us.

Then I noticed that Tom was trying not to laugh, and the guy had longish black hair that looked EXACTlLY like Gerard's.

When we got our drinks. Tom said, "Thanks."

The guy said, "You're welcome." That was when I knew it WAS Gerard!


He looked up, laughing. He jumped over the counter and hugged me. "Happy Birthday, Ali."

"Why aren't you on tour?"

"We took a break." He said, pulling off the apron.

"What band were you starting for anyway?" I asked.

He smiled. "Fall Out Boy."

"Fall Out Boy? Are they here?" I asked getting excited.

He smiled even more. "BOYS!" he said.

They walked out from behind a bookshelf dressed up in Harry Potter attire.

"Ok, this is Patrick-"

"Stump, Joe Trohman, Andy Hurley, and... PETE WENTZ!!!" I finished, almost screaming the last name. They all shook hands with me.

All of us talked for a while, then I asked Gerard, "Where are the other guys?"

Gerard looked at Pete.

Pete looked at his watch and nodded, while looking at the other three.

Then they started singing, "Happy Birthday". I was confused until Tom pointed out the four guys in a circle behind me and putting a cake down in front of me. It had "Happy Birthday, Ali" in Purple iceing letters. I think Gerard did the letters because the words weren't the normal cursive, it was really cool print.

"Oh my Gosh, guys. This is so sweet!!! But why didn't you get a smaller cake?"

"Well, everybody is here for you. It's only polite to give them cake!" Frank said.

At my confused expression, Gerard explained, "See, I rented out the store for tonight and all these people were invited to come."

I looked around and saw Daniel and Emma coming up. Them, Kristin, Rupert, MCR, FOB, Tom, and I were the only ones here, minus the workers.

We all started eating the cake.

"Gerard, did I get any presents?" I asked once I finished my cake.

"Yeah, they're all hidden around the store. One from each of us. When you find them you have to come to us and open it."

I nodded and started looking. First, I went to the kid's books and looked. I found a box under a children's chair. I hurriedly ran to where everyone was and opened it. The box was full of skittles! "Frank? Is this from you?"

He nodded. I laughed and then ran to find more. After a little while, I found five together.

I ran to the group and opened them. Daniel's was the first I opened. It was a gift card (it's one that you can use anywhere).

Next, I opened Tom, It was a diamond bracelet. I gave him a hug and a kiss for it.

The next gift I opened was from Emma. It was a black Louis V. bag.

Rupert had gotten me a Nintendo Wii (cause I had been talking about how cool Tom's is) and some games including Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix.

The last one was from Kristin. She gave me a black tankini that I had been looking at it. It had hot pink poka dots on it (Tom howled at that one. It sounded exactly like it did on Prisoner of Azkaban).

I started looking for the rest. Soon, I found four more grouped together.

The first one was from Patrick. He gave me a trucker hat. The other two were clothes (from Andy and Joe). The last one from Pete was a black shirt that said, "Pete Wentz wrote on this shirt..." one the front, "and gave it to someone as a gift!" on the back.

I then went to looked around again. I found three of them bunched together.

I ran to them then I opened the one that I knew was Mikey's. It was a cool pair of sunglasses that I had been looking at when I was passing a store one time. Ray and Bob both gave me gift cards (you can use it anywhere).

"Ok the last one is from me." Gerard said, "I didn't get to hid it, so here." He handed me a keychain with two keys and a cute Purple charm in the shape of an A. One of the keys had the Volkswagen sign on it.

My eye widened and I immediately ran outside. Parked right in front the store was a black Beetle with a huge red ribbon on one of the windows.

"Like it?" Gerard asked. Him and everyone else had followed me outside.

I turned and gave him a hug. "I love it!"

After I had looked at my new car, we went back inside and hung out for a little while more. Then we all left with a party favor (the last Harry Potter book).