I'm Gerard Way's Goddaughter

Meeting Mikey

I woke up a couple of hours later, so I decided to go downstairs.

Mikey was still there. Him and Gerard were watching TV.

“Hey, the kids awake!” Mikey said.

“Nice intro, Mike.” Gerard said.

“Whatever,” Mikey replied.

Gerard shook his head. “Did you sleep alright?”

I nodded. “Yeah.”

“Good. You want a coke or something?”

“No, thanks.”

“You know, you’ve got to eat sometime.”

“I know, it’s just…” I had to think of something to get him off my back. “Beth’s mom made a big breakfast before she left.”

“Really? Because I remember that she said you ate absolutely nothing of it.” He said. “And Beth said it was your favorite.”

I just shrugged. “I wasn’t that hungry.” I sat down on the couch.

“I’ll make you a sandwich. Do you want turkey or ham?”

All of a sudden, I was mad at him. “I TOLD YOU. I’M NOT HUNGRY!”

I ran upstairs to my room, throwing my self onto the bed.

A few minutes later, I heard a knock on the door.


“Good, cause I don’t have any.” It wasn’t Gerard, but Mikey. “Can I come in?”

“Yeah.” I said.

He came in and sat down on the bed. “Kid,”

“I have a name.” I said.

“Alison,” he corrected himself. “I know it’s hard for you, but remember, it’s hard for Gerard, too. Him and your dad were like brothers. If he lost you, he’d feel like he let your dad down somehow. Take it from the one who witnessed it. They would do everything together except dates. They would go to movies, dress up and scare kids on Halloween, and make fun of me.”

I laughed at the last part.

He smiled slightly, knowing that he was making me feel better. “So, could you at least eat something?”

I thought awhile. “Just for Gerard, though.”

We went downstairs where Gerard had a sandwich ready. I sat down at the island in the kitchen. I didn’t really know how hungry I actually was until that first bite.

“When do I start school?” I asked.

“One week from Monday.” Gerard said.

I groaned. “Can’t I be home schooled?”

“Only when we’re on tour.” Gerard replied.

“I’ll get to go with you?”

He nodded. “I can’t leave you here alone for month after month, and I can’t trust anyone here to take care of you.”

I nodded. “Hey, can you change the TV to MTV?”

“Sure. “ Gerard said. He grabbed the remote and changed the channel.

It was one of those stupid dating shows that totally bugged me. “You can change it.” I said.

“You wanna watch a movie?” Gerard asked.

“What do you have?”

He walked over to a shelf a looked at the DVDs. “I’ve got all four Harry Potters, and Phantom of the Opera. That’s all that’s rated appropriately.” He looked at Mikey. “Why do we have Phantom of the Opera?”

Mikey shrugged.

“Have you watched it?”

Gerard and Mikey shook they’re heads.

“It’s actually kind of cool,” I said.

“What’s it about?” Mikey asked.

“Well, there’s this chick and she grew up at the Opera. This genius guy that’s way to old for her has been sort of hypnotizing her to like him, but this guy from her past suddenly comes into the picture and now she’s realizing what all is going on.”

Gerard shrugged. “It sounds ok. Are there weird ear-piercing singers in it?”

“One, but she’s the joke of the whole movie.”

He nodded. “Wanna watch it, Mikey?”

“I guess.” He said.

Gerard put it in and sat back. I went and sat down with them.

Once it was over, Gerard said, “That Phantom guy was an idiot.”

I nodded.

“But I thought his little lair thing under the Opera house was cool.”

“It’s not cool, it’s awesome. You guys should have a music video with that kind of setting.”

“I like that,” Mikey said, “You have great ideas.”

“Yeah, she does. Did you see the ideas for her room? Frank and Bob did and thought they were cool.” He grabbed them and handed them to his brother.

“These are really good.” Mikey said while he was looking at them.

“Thanks.” I said.

After a few hours Mikey left.

“Well, Alison, I’ve got jet lag, so I’m going to bed.” Gerard said.

“I think I will, too.” I said.

So I went upstairs, took a shower, then went to bed.