I'm Gerard Way's Goddaughter

Video Games and Boys

When Gerard picked me up, he said, "I see you survived."

I nodded. "Yeah, it's actually kinda cool there."

"Did you... see any cute guys?" He asked, looking to make fun of me someway.

"No, but I did make a friend. Her name is Kristen and she loves the band."

His eyes widened. "Um, are you going to have a bunch of MCR fans around the house?"

"Not if you don't want me to. I didn't even tell her that you were my godfather!"

He took a deep breath. "Good. Hey, there's a party video game testing Friday night. You wanna come?"

"Sure!" I said. Then I said, "I'm gonna call Kristen when we get home."

"You did notice that I don't have a home phone don't you. I just use my cell."

"No. I guess I never thought of it."

"Then I guess we better get you one." He said as he changed directions.

"You ready?" Gerard asked me that Friday night.

"Yeah." I said. I was wearing a black and red striped t-shirt and some black pants (Hey, I am NOT dressing up for video games) with some new red converses (that I got because Gerard's a sucker for puppy dog eyes).

I grabbed my purse and my new cherry chocolate (my phone for those people who don't watch commercials like the writer's mom does) then headed downstairs.

We got in the car and were there in about ten minutes.

Gerard and I seperated. Then I immediately found my way to the Wii's. I had wanted one so bad. Then I saw the Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix game.

"Oh... my... gosh." I said to myself, "I get to levitate people and turn them upside down!" Yes, I am a Harry Potter fan, but my favorite side is the deatheaters. Don't get me wrong here, but in my opinion, the magic people should keep their magic to themselves before the start getting burned. And Voldemort's kinda cool. Harry just has stupid glasses.

Anyway, I started playing it and get really into it. Which means, I was screaming at the people in the game like sports fans scream to referees on the TV.

When it was at a kinda slow part, someone said, "I see you enjoying that certain game."

The accent was british, so I knew it wasn't Gerard. My face grew hot as I turned around.

Guess who it was? Let me give you some things to choose from. (a)Orlando Bloom (come on you have to know him), (b) Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter), or (c) Rupert Grint (Ron Weasley).

Well, the one you guessed was wrong. How do I know this?

Cause it was Tom Felton. (Haha tricked you, but it's all the writer's fault!)

"Uh, yeah kinda." I slightly giggled. "I got to whoop Harry's ass."

He smiled. "While you were playing Hermione."

I nodded. "I just don't like her. She's like, 'look at me! I'm so smart that my brains are what will get me the guys.' Hello, Hermione! Most guys are shallow, you hang out with them, you should know."

He laughed. "I have a feeling that you don't like the good side."

I shrugged. "There is no fun in it! It's either walk around like a goody goody or wear cool mask and do spells everybody is too afraid to even talk about most of the time."

He laughed again. "Mind if I play against you?"

"Not at all." I said, "I will very gracefully lose or win."

"I'm sure you would."

I programed it to the two player and we played. While we played we tried to bump into each other to get the other distracted and we were both flirting.

"I win," he said, "good game. Now I get something from you."


"Your name?"

"Alison, and I already know who you are, Tom."

He smiled. "Okay, Alison. Let's go get a drink."

After we got our drinks, we sat down. As soon as we sat down, my phone started ringing.

It was Mikey. I answered it. "Hello?"

"Hey, I see you got a hot little someone over there!" I was kinda weirded out, then I looked around to see him with Frank and Gerard. I glared at him.


"Make a move." I saw Gerard knock him upside the head, then an "Ouch!" on my phone. I laughed at him.

"I don't think I'll do that, but you CAN stop wasting my time and come over here." Then I hung up.

"Who was that?" Tom asked.

"My loving 'Goduncle'" I replied as the three men mad their way over here.

"Hey, Ali." Gerard said as he sat down next to me. Then he stared at Tom. "Wait, you're the guy who play's Draco Malfoy aren't you?"

Tom nodded.

"Alison, I told you..." He looked kind of mad.

"Told me what?" I was a little scared.

He laughed. "Nothing."

"You scared me!" I said.

"I'm sorry." He looked at his watch.

We all talked and played more games for a while (by the way, I totally rocked at Guitar Hero!). Then after exchanging numbers with Tom, we left.