I'm Gerard Way's Goddaughter

The First Date

The day after, I tried not to call Tom. I tried so hard not to. I was trying not to appear desperate, but I really liked him.

Luckily, he was the one that called me. I was sitting om the couch, watching TV with my phone right beside me. Then it rang and the caller ID said it was him!

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey, Alison. What's up?"


"I know there's like that unwritten rule about waiting to call, but i don't really care. Would you mind going with me to the premiere of the new Harry Potter movie tonight?"

I nodded my head, but then I realized he couldn't here me nod my head. "Yes, I will."

I could here his reaction, which was as if he had been holding his breath for a while. "That's great. Where should I pick you up?

I gave him my address and then we hung up. Then, I started jumping up and down in glee.

"Who was that?" Gerard asked.

I stopped. "Tom. He asked me to go to the premiere with him tonight."

"That's great!"

I started to nod. Then I froze. "Oh my gosh. What am I going to wear?" I started pacing around and freaking out.

"You wanna go shopping?" Gerard asked.

I nodded.

Then we went shopping. We went to store after store, but I still couldn't find a dress that i liked. Then we got to the last store I was goinf to try. That is where I found my perfect dress.

It was a black, short dress with a slightly poofy bottom and it was strapless (if you saw that Diana concert thing, it was what Fergie was wearing). I tried it on and I loved it even more then. We bought that and a pair of shoes and I was ready for my night.

"Alison! Tom's here!" Gerard yelled from downstairs.

I took a deep breath and headed downstairs.

Tom was at the bottom of the stairs, waiting for me.

"You look beautiful." He whispered in my ear.

I smiled. "Thank you."

Then we left for the premiere.

"Are you nervous?" Tom asked as he led me to the limo (he had to rent it, it's a premiere we're going to, presentation).

"A little, but it's going to be fun right? I'll Tom right beside me, and Tom on the screen. What could be better?"

He smiled. "But that will be Draco Malfoy on the screen." he said.

"So? It's still two of my favorite people."

That made him smile more.

Soon, the ride was over and we were getting out on a red carpet. "Awesome." I whispered.

"If this date works out, then you'll be looking forward to about two more of these, unless Malfoy isn't put in the seventh book."

I smacked him lightly on the arm. "Don't think that! Besides, i'm prepared to sue J. K. Rowling if he's not. I will have a lawyer and i'll make sure there's a judge and jury that love Harry Potter and think it's an absolutely retarded book without the handsome bad guy."

He smiled more, if it was possible. "You're amazing." he said.

As soon as he said that, the camera's started flashing. He started leading me along the carpet.

We noticed that farther in front of us, there were several paparazzi.

"That's how you find Emma, Daniel, and Rupert." he said, slightly laughing.

"They are the stars of the movie, they're the ones that magazines want pictures of." I said as we passed them.

He nodded.

"Tom! Tom! Wait up!" We heard someone say. He turned around and we saw the three we were just talking about coming up to us.

Daniel was the first to get to us. He looked at me. "Hi, I'm Daniel."

I smiled. "I'm Alison."

"Yeah," Tom said, "she's my date."

"Oh," he said, looking a slight bit disappointed. By then, the other two had caught up.

"Is this the girl you were talking about?" Emma asked. Tom smiled brightly, put his arm around me, nodded.

"Hi, Alison, I'm Emma. Tom called in the middle of the night last night and not stop talking about you." she said.

I looked at Tom and saw that he had started blushing. "That's so sweet." I said to him. He smiled then led me into the theatre.

We got a seat at the top row and, after talking for a little while, the movie started.

"Did you like the movie?" Tom asked as he was walking me to the door.

"Yes, but I bet I would have enjoyed it more without the dress." I said.

"How about next week we go to another movie, but it will be more casual."

I looked at him and made a sad face. "Do I have to wait until next week to I see you again?"

He smiled. "Not unless you want to." He kissed me quickly on the lips and then left.

I smiled brightly and went into the house.

"Here we have Alison Roberts after her first date with a celebrity, also getting a kiss. How do you feel about that?" It was Frank. He was holding something.

"Well, he's totally awesome! Wait is that a video camera? FRANK!!!" I started running after him, not caring about my dress.

"Haha." Frank said, running upstairs, but Gerard was at the top of the stairs.

"Give it to me." Gerard said. Frank did, then Gerard hit him on the head. "It's the middle of the night, idiot! Go home!" Then he went back to his room.