I'm Gerard Way's Goddaughter

Lies and IM

"So," Kristin said at lunch on Monday, "Are you going to do anything Friday?"

"Yeah, I have a date."

She made an unbelieving look. "With who?" she asked.

"Not anybody from here. I met them at a party that me and my godfather went to."

She nodded her head, then asked, "What's his name?"

"Tom. He is so sweet. We already went on one date."

"Have you got a picture of him on your phone?" she asked.

I froze. I could either say yes and show it to her, and then she would question how he connected to Gerard, or I could say no and be lying to her.

"No," I said.

"Well, you need to get one so I can see it! Meanwhile, tell me what he looks like."

"He's got maybe ear length bleach blonde hair, very fit, would look great in a tux." I said.

She laughed. "You're fawning over him. Does he do anything? Art, music, is he part of a band?"

"No," I said, "He's more into theatre."

"Really, has he done anything?"

I nodded. "Several shows. He's pretty good."

Then the bell rang and that conversation was over.

I was on the computer, looking at my MySpace and thinking about that certain conversation. Will I have to lie to my friends my whole life? Will they begin to put two and two together about my shady answers?

Just then, Tom got on IM.


VampiresWillNeverHurtYou says: Hey, yourself. What have you been up to?

DRACOMALFOYLOVESPIE says: Nothing much. I really can't take my mind off of you. It's affecting my work.

VampiresWillNeverHurtYou says: Well maybe we shouldn't have met.( I was joking then!)

DRACOMALFOYLOVESPIE says: No. It's affecting my work in a good way. It's easier to be mean to the girl that plays Pansy. She's been hitting on me.

VampiresWillNeverHurtYou says: Sorry i can't help you.


VampiresWillNeverHurtYou says: How? OMG! your thinking dirty. =P.

DRACOMALFOYLOVESPIE says: No, I'm not. All i need is u next to me.

VampiresWillNeverHurtYou says: AWWWW! YOU ARE SO SWEET!


VampiresWillNeverHurtYou says: ?

DRACOMALFOYLOVESPIE says: It was funnier in my head.

VampiresWillNeverHurtYou says: I think so, too.

I heard a knock at my door.

VampiresWillNeverHurtYou says: Hold on a sec. Gerard's calling.

I walked to my door and opened it. "What's up, Gee?"

"Hey, Ali. This band wants us to open for them on their tour, do you wanna come, or... well Tom said he had a spare bedroom when I last talked to him."

I got really excited. "I can stay with Tom?"

He smiled and nodded. "And you'll be watched like a criminal, night and day."

I got what he said. "I'm sure that won't happen. We've barely known each other!"

"Just in case." he said. "Oh, and the band's leaving Wednesday."

"Ok, I'm talking to Tom. I'll tell him I'm coming over." I said.

He nodded and then left. I ran over to the computer.

VampiresWillNeverHurtYou says: OMG!!! Gerard's going on tour. He's starting for this other band. And guess who offered a room at their house for me to stay over while he's on tour?

DRACOMALFOYLOVESPIE says: Let's play 20 questions! Is it a he?.

VampiresWillNeverHurtYou says: Yep!


VampiresWillNeverHurtYou says: No! He's a sexy beast.

DRACOMALFOYLOVESPIE says: Does his name start with T and rhyme with bomb?

VampiresWillNeverHurtYou says: UMMM... Tom... Bomb.... Yeah!!!

DRACOMALFOYLOVESPIE says: YAY!! I WIN!!! IT'S ME!!!! When are they leaving?

VampiresWillNeverHurtYou says: Wednesday.

DRACOMALFOYLOVESPIE says: I'll be too excited to sleep till then!

VampiresWon'tHurtYou says: I'll have to! I've got school and... OH, god, Frank's waking me up tomorrow. He always wakes me up two hours earlier so he can go buy a big bag of skittles and eat them before we get back.


VampiresWillNeverHurtYou says: It is. I asked for a couple last week and all he did was growl at me and he had so many skittles in his mouth that he was drooling

DRACOMALFOYLOVESPIE says: eww. Well, I gotta go. Emma just called me and yelled at me for no reason. I need to find out what's up.

VampiresWillNeverHurtYou says: ok bye.

DRACOMALFOYLOVESPIE says: bye love. See you Wednesday afternoon.

Then we both logged off and I went to bed because of the skittle / Frank thing and I wanted to get my rest.