Victoria and Gerard

Victoria Elizabeth Van Helsling is the woman every man in 1900 England wants to marry. With dirty blond hair, eyes blue like sapphires, and kindness making everyone like her, why doesn't she like the attention? Because her parents are making her marry a man she doesn't even love instead of her misfit best and only friend, Frank. Before her engagement party, she takes care of a baby bat then meets the man of her dreams and wants to marry him... even though Victoria is Van Helsling's daughter and Gerard is Count Dracula's son.
Inspired by the songs and members of My Chemical Romance
  1. The Dream
    Who knows what dreams can tell you?
  2. The Baby Bat
    What will you do if a baby bat, uncared for by it's mom, crashed on your window?
  3. The Letter
    Who is Victoria's admire?
  4. The Play
    Meet... Gerard (is he the vampire?)
  5. A Midnight Guest
    They say that once you invite a vampire into your home, they can come in at will.
  6. The Party
    Engagment parties are ment to be enjoyable... unless you're Victoria.
  7. Confessions
    Gerard has a dark secret... and he's going to tell Victoria it
  8. A Secret Outing
    What if Victoria and Gerard are going to have a baby?
  9. The Wedding
    She was dreading this day then, now Victoria's marring who she hates the most. (or one of the people she hates)
  10. A Drop of Blood
    One drop of blood can change everything