Victoria and Gerard

A Drop of Blood

Gerard and I walked down the streets of London.

"We’ll make it there soon." I said. "Then take as much as you need, but don’t drink all of my blood."

He kissed my cheek. I think that means "I won’t, I want you to become a vampire like me when the time is right."

Gerard suddenly stopped and swept me off my feet.

"Gerard! Put me down! You’re too weak to carry me!" I cried. But he kept walking on slowly.

"Fine, do what you want, just put me down when you feel week." I sighed.

Gerard looked around as he walked towards the outskirts of London and into the forest. I had a feeling that we’re being fallowed. But if we are being fallowed, Gerard might kill the person.

"Gerard, I’m curious, can you taste it if a woman is pregnant?" I asked.

He smiled and nodded.

"So if I am pregnant, will we run away together or separate?" I asked.

"Separate." Gerard chocked out.

"You really shouldn’t talk, I don’t want to lose you." I said stroking Gerard’s ice cold cheek.

He smiled as we got into the forest. He started to pick up the pace. He really needs my blood as soon as he can get it.

"Gerard! Not so fast! You might trip over something." I cried.

Everything started to move in a blur. Suddenly, Gerard and I were at the church yard. Gerard set me down and sat on a bench. I sat next to him and hugged him tightly.

"Will you tell me if we’re having a baby?" I asked.

"I... have to. You’re... the mother." Gerard chocked out as he leaned to my neck.

I felt his teeth pierce it and he started sucking. He quickly pulled away and slowly swished the blood in his mouth around. His eyes got huge and he swallowed the blood.

"Victoria," he said, as a huge smile showed up on his face and he looked better. "We’re going to have a baby!"

I started to squeal. "Oh Gerard! I can’t believe it! We have to get married and..." my smile faded. "Gerard... I’m scared that someone will find us here and hear us and kill us. I don’t want our baby to die because I’m a human and you’re a vampire."

"Humans don’t like haft vampire anything. Same with vampires, especially my father. He’ll kill you just because you’re a Van Helsing! He won’t even care if you’re the nicest one to vampires. The one who will feed us, heal us, and help us. You might bring peace between the humans and vampires, at least in Transylvania." Gerard said quickly. "You’re my true love, Victoria. I don’t want anything to happen to you."

I heard someone sniffle. Someone fallowed us!

"We know you’re here. Show yourself!" Gerard snarled towards the forest.

A figure appeared from behind a tree and slowly started to walk towards us. In the darkness, I recognized the way that person walked.

"Frank?" I asked, standing up.

The figure stopped then ran towards us. Once he was out of the shadows, I knew it was Frank. Once he reached me, he gave me a really tight hug.

"I had to fallow you two." He said as tears fell from his eyes. "I don’t want to be left out on anything."

"It’s okay, Frankie. It’s just the four of us. You, me, Gerard... and the baby." I said.

"I know, congratulations! But you two have to leave England as soon as you can." Frank said.

"I know." Gerard said, "I want you to go with Victoria. I can’t send her to Transylvania on her own."

"I’ll do it, what about Jamia?" Frank asked.

"I’ll try to tell her about this mess then I’ll leave with her. Wait a week at most then fallow us." Gerard said. "I have a vampire friend in Gothica Village by the castle named Robert Bryar. He will help you two get though the forest. Gothica is not on many maps but you must go to the Black Bear Hotel in Bistritz. Little to everyone who stays and works there, the owner is a vampire and one of my friends. Just tell the clerk that you would like to see Raymon Toro and that I sent you. He will help you two get to Gothica once you are rested.

"Ray does know a way to the castle, but please go see Bob. He knows a faster route there. You have to go though the mountains though, but I will tell them that you’re pregnant, Victoria. If anything happens to you, I’ll become depressed until the end of time or I end my life." Gerard said, staring into space.

"Why are you saying that?" Frank asked.

"Frankie, Gerard is deeply in love with me and seeing me getting hurt or killed is one of the last things he wants to think about." I said as a tear ran down my cheek.

I’m going to have a baby. I’m excited, and I know Gerard and Frank agree too. But something inside of me is saying something. Something like this isn’t going to be easy to do. I know I have to go over mountains but Frank, Ray, or Bob will carry me. I just know they will. It’s not the road ahead I’m worried about. It might be getting out of England.

If people find out, then they will know we’re up to something. I wish I could talk to someone about this, but who? Father and John will kill Gerard, and most likely me or force me to get an abortion. Mother might tell Father about this mess. Jamia might kill me because she’s jealous. I wonder if I could tell Mictael about what’s going on.

"Well, let’s get going." Gerard sighed.

"Does anyone know where Mictael is?" I asked.

"The Von Trapp guy? He usually hangs out at the cemetery or a coffee shop. Why?" Frank asked, "He’s really cool and nice."

"I wanna ask him something." I said.

"I’ll take you too him." Frank said.

"Alright. I’ll see you to soon. I’ll be leaving sometime this week just in case Victoria needs somethings or if I need blood but want it from her." Gerard said. "I’ll stay here and wander around. I don’t want people to get suspicious about anything."

"Okay. Good night, Gerard." I said hugging him tightly.

"Good night, Victoria my love." Gerard said softly, hugging me close and tight to him. We kissed each other softly. I heard Frank sighing. He must want to be with Jamia right now. Gerard and I broke the kiss.

I don’t want to let Gerard go. I love him too much. I just want to run away with him!

"We must go our separate ways now." Gerard said, letting me go.

"Gerard, I don’t want to leave you." I said, as tears fell from my eyes.

"I know you don’t want to, but every time you see a bat on your journey, think of me." Gerard whispered. "Frank, take her to Mictael Von Trapp. I think he might really be my dead brother."

"I will Gerard, come on Victoria." Frank said, "We have to get ready for our trip. I've always wanted to go to Transylvania but kept going somewhere else over the summer. Now we can stay until winter!"

"Yes, Frank. That is true as long as the baby is born a human. If it’s born a vampire, it can come as soon as October." Gerard said, rubbing my stomach.

"I’d love it if it was born on Halloween! Then we can have a double birthday party!" Frank smiled.

I let go of Gerard and looked deep into his eyes. A tear fell down my cheek as Gerard kissed me softly, then he turned around and started walking to the crypt.

"Let’s go back to London before the coffee shop closes." Frank said softly, "If he’s not there, we’ll go to the cemetery."

"Okay." I sighed. Frank and I started walking towards the forest, hand in hand like we used to do all the time. Jamia and Gerard are taring our love apart, but they will never take the friendship Frank and I share. We walked in silence.

"Um, Victoria. What are we going to do. I mean, how are we going to leave here?" Frank asked.

"Well you can say you’re going on your summer holiday and I will take a vacation since John is at the play and will never see me." I said. "He’s a horrible husband, we should have been having sex right now."

"Well I guess it’s a good thing he has the play because you’re the mother of Gerard’s child. I wish we can tell if it’s a boy or girl so we don’t have to call the baby ‘it.’" Frank sighed, as we slowly walked through the forest.

"I know Frankie, I wish that too." I said as we walked along.

"Hey, I sunk into your room and took your favorite dress in case you wanted to change." Frank smiled.

"Thank you, Frank." I smiled. I hate this dress that much. "I’m so sorry that my father broke the necklace you gave me. It was so beautiful."

"It’s okay, I guess. I saw the whole thing happen and I tried to fix it during the ceremony and toasts. I think I fixed it." Frank said, reveling it in his hand.

He placed it around my neck and I heard the clasp lock.

"Good as new!" Frank smiled as we approached the outskirts of London.

We slowly walked towards the coffee shop that seems to run on pub hours. It says open until three in the morning! But then again, if Mictael’s a vampire, then it’ll make sense for him to hang out there until sun rise.

Frank opened the door separating us from where Mictael might be. It was dark inside except for a few dim lights. There was some couches along the walls and tables by the windows. There was a bar like area but the menu, on a large chalkboard, was covered in the names of non alcoholic drinks and their prices. A man sat on one of the stools against the bar, hunched over his drink.

"There’s a bathroom over there," Frank whispered pointing to a pair of doors on the other side of the room. "you can go change there. I’ll see if this man is Mictael."

"Okay." I whispered as Frank handed me my dress. I walked towards the ladies’ bathroom but I had a strange feeling that... that... someone was in there for me. I pushed the door to the bathroom and walked in, but I was the only one inside. The door shut and I took off my wedding dress. I slipped on the dress and stared at my reflection in the mirror. I hummed the vampire love song to myself as I thought about our escape.

I started to hum the part that repeats, another voice started humming! I spun around and saw Gerard standing behind me.

He kept humming the song as he took the wedding ring off my finger and slipped the ring he gave me earlier up it.

"You left this at the church, I wanted to know if you still wanted it or not." Gerard said, holding me close to him.

"I do, I forgot about it. I just wanted the ceremony to end. My favorite part about today is every moment we’re together. And now we’re going to have a baby!" I smiled as a tear slipped from my eye.

"I know," Gerard smiled, kissing the top of my head. "I’m starting to think we should run together now. I don’t want anything to happen to you or our child."

We leaned towards the other for a kiss. Suddenly, our lips touched. I set my right hand on his cheek as he held the back of my head with his right hand. We slowly broke the kiss and gazed in the other’s eyes.

"I love how you hold me like your life and loved me like the day before we meet. But I have to go." Gerard said.

"What?! You can’t leave me!" I gasped.

He disappeared.

I fell on my knees and started crying. He can’t leave me. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked at the hand and fallowed the arm to find Mictael with me.

"I know him." He said. "He really is my brother!"

"What?" I asked.

Mictael’s fangs hung over his bottom lip. I almost screamed.

"Gerard loves you and I heard that you wanted to ask me if I’m a vampire. I am Dracula’s son and Gerard’s younger brother. I really did died from jumping off the cliff. I woke up after the funeral blood thirsty and lost. I ran away from the cemetery and didn’t go home. I was afraid everyone won’t accept the fact that I’m a vampire. I wanted Alica to join me but she refused to believe I became immortal. I fallowed Gerard for the rest of his human life and lost him. So I came to England and I found him two years ago."

"Does Gerard know that you became a vampire?" I asked.

"Not yet, next time I see him. Where does he sleep during the day?"

"In the crypt over by the old church in the forest."

"Please come with me. I want to make sure I go to the right place."

"I will, Mictael."

He stood up and helped me get off the bathroom floor. He held my hand as we walked out into the coffee shop.

"What happened?" Frank asked, holding a latte with a ton of whipped cream on top.

"I’m Gerard’s little brother." Mictael almost whispered.

"You are?" Frank asked, sounding surprised.

"Yea, Victoria’s taking me to go see him tomorrow night."

"Can I come too? You know, to see Jamia."

"Of course," I said, rubbing my stomach.

A big smile formed on Frank’s face. "I’m so happy that you and Gerard are going to have a baby." He smiled.

"I know." Mictael softly said. "Congratulations, Victoria."

"Thanks." I smiled.

"You should go home," Frank said, "it’s getting late and your parents might be wondering where you are."

"Where are we going to meet?" Mictael asked.

"Right outside about haft an hour before sunset." I said. "I’ll show you the way to the crypt. Do you remember Jamia Nestor?"

"Yes I do, Gerard loved her so much before he was told that you are his true love." Mictael sighed.

"She’s a vampire." I said.

"I’m in love with her." Frank said. "She’s so sexy and... oh the sex! She knows what I like and..."

"I need to get home." I said.

"We’ll take you there." Frank said.

"Yes, we will. The shop will close soon and I have to get to the cemetery before dawn." Mictael said, softly. "I know I have my ring but I want some rest for the journey back home."

"Alright." I said, taking Frank’s hand.

We left the coffee shop and walked out into the night. I had this feeling that we where being fallowed. I turned around and saw someone walking behind us.

"What’s wrong, Victoria?" Frank asked.

"I think someone is fallowing us." I said.

"Of course." A voice said.

We froze and turned around as Gerard walked under a streetlight.

"My brother." Gerard said running towards Mictael.

"Gerard! I missed you!" Mictael said as he hugged Gerard.

They broke the hug and smiled at the other.

I smelt something sweet and closed my eyes... and saw something strange... Gerard and Mictael became demons and Frank and I where trapped. Gerard took me and dragged me to the alley. It seamed like a gateway between the real world and Hell.

"Gerard! What are you doing?!" I gasped.

Gerard pined me to the wall and took my dress and underskirts off.

"Please don’t do it Gerard." I said disparate.

Gerard gave me an evil smile... then he got in me.

"Please Gerard!" I screamed. "Stop it!"

I woke up. Where am I? I’m in a chair... tied up?! I looked around and saw paintings of a lot of nude women with red splatters on the paintings. Am I in that man’s house?

Mother told me stories that he takes women wandering around in the streets at night. He locks them in his basement then rapes them. with the woman naked and afraid, kills them and paints a picture of them in death.

I heard something stirring as the lights went out.

"Victoria... do not be afraid." I heard.

"Please don’t hurt me!" I cried hysterically, "I’m pregnant and taken from my friends!"

"Victoria, it’s me. Gerard." The voice said.

Something fell from the celling.

"Please save me." I whispered.

"I will, I came for you." He said softly, ripping the ropes holding me to the chair.

I got up and hugged Gerard tightly as tears fell from my eyes.

"He took me." I said.

"I know, he sent off a sweet smelling gas. You and Frank passed out but the sent didn’t effect Mictael and I. We hid as he took you. Mictael took Frank back to his house and I went to save you and our child from death." Gerard said softly.

"I had this disturbing image in my head when I passed out. You and your brother became demons and you took me to the alley separating the earth and hell... and you raped me."

Gerard gasped. "I raped you?!"

"Yes." I sniffed.

"I’ll take you home." Gerard said softly, "Just sleep and you will wake up in your bed. I’ll never rape you."

I closed my eyes as Gerard swept me off my feet.

I opened my eyes. I rubbed my eye as the clock chimed one. I looked around and saw Gerard sitting on the window seat, gazing outside the window.

"Gerard, are you alright?" I asked.

"No." He said still looking out the window. "I think someone knows about my secret. I’m really thinking we should go now."

I got out of my bed and sat next to Gerard. "Right this second?" I asked.

"Later tonight, I want you to tell Frank and I’ll get a hold of Mictael and Jamia if she won’t hurt you." Gerard said. "I already packed for you. I don’t want you to stress a lot because I don’t think it’s good for the baby."

"Thank you, Gerard." I said.

"You’re welcome, go back to sleep and meet me at the crypt." Gerard said.

"I will." I said, as we kissed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yep, Victoria and Gerard are gonna have a baby.

Is it a boy or a girl?

Will they escape or will someone stop them before leaveing?

Raymon is ,well, Ray Toro

Mictael is Mikey (if I hadn't said it yet) and his human alis "Von Trapp" was taken from the family in Sound of Music

"I love how you hold me like your life and loved me like the day before we meet." Refrence to HIM's Vampire Heart.

I was stumped here for a wile but my friend suggested that Victoria gets kidnaped. Thanks BJ for helping move along.

How did Gerard get in the house? Van Helsing let him in. he doesn't know about Victoria and Gerard's love and what Gerard really is... yet.