Im Your Angel Forever and Always


Gerard's POV
How is it that I find myself in a forest hiding behind a tree with a gun in my hand? Blame Brians brilliant idea to take us Paintball shooting before tour. How amazing is that? We wont be able to perform onstage because we’ll be covered in giant bruises! Thumbs up to Brian fucking Schecter.

I can hear loud shrieks coming from Mikey and I see him sprinting through the bush followed by Frankie laughing his head off bombarding him with paint bullets. I haven’t been hit yet that’s probably because I’ve been hiding the whole time, I seriously don’t want to get hit, I’ve been hit once before and I cried at the pain. So my plan is to stay here behind this tree with some branches covering me that way the guys won’t see me! I really don’t want Frankie to see me either, I’ve seen him already fire at Bob and he didn’t stop until Bob hit the ground. My Frankie is a mad man. It's so cute.

“Fuck this shit! I give up! I'm in too much pain. Fuck you Frankie you little biitch!” I hear Mikey screaming followed by him whimpering.

“Frankie, you’ve taken everyone down except fro Gerard” brian laughs I can tell the guys are giving him death glares.

“No need to worry, I’ll find him then take him down” Frank cackles.

Oh jesus Christ, what happens if he does find me! I know that kid far too well, even though I'm his boy-friend who he loves very much nothing will stop him from firing those paint bullets at me! Maybe if I play dead or something?

“Gerard! Where are you! You can come out now, the games over we can heave forest sex” he giggles. That little fucker.

Okay Gerard don’t cough or sneeze or fart or moan or scream because there’s a spider crawling down the tree. Wait a minute, there's a spider, Frankie hates spiders! Heheh I could use this spider to my advantage! Good thinking Gerard, I love how evil my brain can be.
I grab the spider and put it in my hands smiling to myself before walking out to Frankie.

“Hahah there you are sucker! I knew my ‘we can have forest sex’ comment would bring you out of hiding!” Frankie smirks pointing the paintball gun at my crotch. God! That boy mustn’t want to get fucked for a couple of months if he’s intending on shooting there.

“I wouldn’t shoot if I were you Frankie” I smirk walking closer to him so that I'm merely a metre away.

“And why’s that Gerard?” he replies raising his eyebrows.

“Because of this” I smirk holding out my hand revealing the giant black spider.

Frankie screams dropping his gun falling backwards with tears rolling down his cheeks. And myself being such a cruel person who loves watching people suffering even if it is my boyfriend I laugh my ass off!

“Ger-ard-y-y-ou- mean-ie” Frankie stutters tears now streaming down his cheeks.

“I'm not mean! I'm simply using this BIIIGG HAIRY SPIDER to my advantage” I pout poking my tongue at him reaching my hand out closer to him. He backs away pulling his legs up to his chest before covering his face with his hands and then he sobs loudly into them. Inside I'm laughing crazily but on the outside I feel sorry for my Frankie. I let ths spider go well away from Frankie before pulling him into my arms and planting a big kiss on his forehead.

“I'm sowi Frankie” I coo wiping away his tears with my thumbs.

“No you’re not! I know you got your kicks from torturing me like that” he sobs looking up at me with his big puppy dog eyes.

“I did. But now I'm apologizing because it killed me on the outside to see you all sad” I say planting a kiss on his cheeks tasting his tears.

“Oh okay, I forgive you then Gee- Wait a minute did you just say it killed me on the outside! Does that mean you’re only making it look like you’re sorry?” Frankie questions pulling an angry face now.

“What!_ No of course I didn’t mean that.” I reply trying to keep a straight face.


“Look there's the little fuckers!” Mikey yells signally for the others to come over.

“Shoot them now!” Bob smirks firing at us.

I scream as one hits me in the back as I try to escape, but we’re surrounded. Oh the pain! I feel tears welling in my eyes.

“Aim and FIRE!” Ray shouts.

What happens is the cunts aim at me firing paint bullets at my body, hitting my back, legs, arms, stomach, chest, ass and my crotch. I double over as the pain hits me all over especially my crotch which continues to get aimed at. Tears flow freely down my face as they stop and laugh at me curled up on the ground holding my crotch.

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I went camping! thats why i didnt update earlier. It was awesome. I went on a jet-ski and it flipped and I have a huge bruise on my leg.
Now i'm going camping again for 4 days.
Will update when I get back
Thanks for all the comments .