Im Your Angel Forever and Always

3 months since I last saw him..

Franks POV
About 3 months has gone now since I last spoke to Gerard, it felt like a lifetime. I had missed him so much during the 3 months and I had often gone to the hospital to visit him. Id also told Mikey everything that had happened between us; surprisingly he understood and didn’t hold anything against me. Me and Mikey had been spending quite a lot of time together as well, it was good coz not only did I get to learn lots about Mikey but Gerard too, since most of our conversations revolved around him.

I sit in my room strumming a familiar tune on my guitar, it’s a bit later in the afternoon and my parents have once again left me here alone and have gone to New York.
Suddenly I hear a car pull up my driveway; I'm a bit surprised hardly anyone comes round here anymore. I go over and peer out my window.
I couldn’t believe what I was seeing, I never thought it would be happening so soon, it’s almost a miracle. My eyes widen and a large grin sweeps across my face, my heart starts pounding with excitement, my eyes remain fixed on the figure jumping out of the car, Its Gerard…
I leap with joy and quickly rush downstairs to met Gerard and Mikey at the door.
There's a loud knock on the door before I say Come in, the door opens to reveal Gerard standing on my porch, and my heart beats faster and faster. I wonder for a moment why would he be here?, I thought he must of hated me after last time we spoke, but I didn’t care I was so happy to see him.

“Omgsh Gerard!” I squeal.

“Hey Frankie” he replies.

“Oh, I'm so sorry, I never ment any of it.” I say.

“its okay” Gerard replies coming forward bringing me into a tight embraced hug.
“Please come in, there is lots I want to apologize about” I say pulling away from our hug.

“All right then” Gerard says.

Gosh, he looked great, seen as he’ just come out of a coma after taking a major overdose. His hair looked perfect like always, he still had that shine to his face, his eyes were as bright as ever and were surrounded by pitch black eyeliner like usual he looked amazing.

I watch as Gerard sits down next to me and Mikey on another seat.
I just stare at Gerard, its so amazing that i am seeing him before me right now.

"Look Gerard, Im so sorry for what happened the last time we spoke" I say.
"I swear I never meant any of it" I say once again

"Okay, " Gerard replies.

"Deep down, i really really like you, I was so llost when I said to you that we'd never work out" I say.

"For the past 3 months Ive been feeling do guilty, so paranoid, hating myself" I say now nearly crying and i didnt know why.

"Im so sorry, will you ever forgive me Gee" I apologize, realising i just called him Gee...and it sounded really cute.

"Of course" Gerard replies giving me a big hug.

"Im sorry for being away for so long" Gerard says.

"I shouldnt have done what I did" he says.

"Its okay, im glad we sorted things out" I say pulling away from our hug.

I glare into Gerards orbs then we embrace in a long lustful kiss, its so passionate, i had been deprived from it for too long.

We're interrupted by Mikey saying "Uh hello guys I'm still here!!please you're scaring me!!"

"Sorry" Gerard says then we embrace in another kiss a perfect kiss.

"Urgh guys please come on I really dont need to see this, my brother hooking up with my bestfriend!!" Mikey says.

I realise Mikey just called me his bestfriend, he never has before, maybe we are besties now, cool.

"Please...well then may I ask, does this mean that my bestfriend and brother are together" he says covering his eyes with his hands.

Me and Gerard both pull away from our kiss, we stare into each others eyes.

I think we both know what the answer is.

"Yes we are" Gerard says...
I simply smile...
My life has just gotten a whole lot better...

frerard boysex in the next chapter i promise!!!