Sequel: Torment

Killing Jar


I was disrupted from writing my duet by the sound of Brendon singing. Curious, I left the room I was in and walked quietly to the room that I knew Brendon and Ryan were in. I tiptoed to the door and placed my ear close to it so I could hear better.

"She held the world upon a string
But she didn't ever hold me
Spun the stars on her fingernails
But it never made her happy
Cause she couldn't ever have me
She said she'd won the world at a carnival
But she could never win me
Cause she couldn't ever catch me"

Brendon sang for a little bit more before I new voice started up. I didn't recognize it, but I knew it was Ryan's. He was the only other person in the room.

"I don’t love you I'm just passing the time
You could love me if I knew how to lie
But who could love me?
I am out of my mind
Throwing a line out to sea
To see if I can catch a dream"

I listened to the rest of the song. They finally stopped. Sure that they were done, I opened the door slowly, a big smile already on my face. There faces were already turned to the door in surprise at my entrance.

"I loved it," I said. I turned to Ryan. "And I didn't know you could sing. I absolutely love your voice."

"Thanks," said Ryan quietly. He blushed slightly and I smiled more.

"You really like the song?" Brendon asked.

"I loved it," I repeated.

"Good," Brendon said. "Cause it's going on our new album."

"I can't wait to hear the other songs," I said.

"Well, lucky for you, you know the right people," Brendon said. "You'll most likely get a sneak preview of all of our new songs."

"Awesome," I said. "How long have you been working on this new album anyways?"

"A while," Brendon said. "We did have a lot done a while ago, but then we ended up starting over from scratch again. So it's been a lot of work."

"Sounds like it," I said.

"How's the duet coming?" Brendon asked.

"You're writing a duet?" Ryan asked.

"Yeah," I said, answering Ryan. I turned back to Brendon. "It's coming along good. I was actually just working on it when I heard you singing."

"I can't wait to hear it," Ryan said.

"Maybe you can have a sneak peak," I said. "I want it to be completely finished before Brendon hears or see's anything."

"Sounds like a good plan," Ryan said.

"I have to wait till it's finished to know anything about it?" Brendon said.

"Yes," I said, smiling at him. Brendon pouted, but I ignored it. "Well, I'm gonna leave you to your work so that I can go back to mine."

"See you later," Ryan said.

"Are you sure you really want me to wait to hear the song?" Brendon asked.

"Yes, I'm sure," I said as I left the room. "Now get back to work."
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Hope you liked it.