Status: Finished.

I'm Such a Mess I Drag Like a Cigarette

Tell me that you love me and it'll be alright

“I’m what?!” Erin managed to stuttered out, staring at the doctor like he had two heads. Who knew a routine physical could synch all your hopes and dreams in one fail swoop.

“Pregnant. A month and a half.” A month and a half meant Jonathan…..Jonathan Cook. He was unexpected., one band party, too many drinks, and sweet nothings and now were here, sitting on a paper covered table with the biggest bomb of her life thus far dropped on her. Once upon a time the two had been best friends, then the band had gotten big and she was left behind never to hear from him again until that fateful night.

“What am I going to do?” She whispered, tears welling in her dark brown eyes. The doctor shifted on his chair.

“Abortion, You still have time.”

“No. I did this. My fuck up not theirs.” He nodded and handed her a paper with a list of numbers ranging from therapists to adoption agencies before walking out the stark white room.

‘At least he’s home. I don’t have to trek across the US for him’ She thought grabbing her purse and walking out of the office. Her phone vibrated in her back pocket. The caller ID read ‘Gastard’.

“Heyy Alex.” She said quietly, leaning against the phone poll.

“Sooo?” She had called Alex yesterday and told him that she thought something was
up…..this was definitely not what she was expecting.

“Looks like Jonathan is going to get that much wanted family earlier than he thought.” Alex was silent on the other end.

“So your saying there’s a mini Jcook on the way?” Alex asked, you could almost see the smile on his face.

“Alex, I gotta go. Don’t say anything.” She said hanging up the phone and walking the short distance to her apartment. She stopped in the doorway and stared at the picture that hung over the television. Jonathan and her own beaming faces stared back at her, they were dressed in their graduation robes, he only had that stupid little tuft of hair right below his lip, he looked socute stupid. The apartment was small, barely enough room for one person much less two.

‘I can’t do this.’ She sighed defeated and layed down on the couch, falling asleep.

“Erin! Heyy Erin! Open the door!” She sat up and stared at the closed door, disbelieving that
it was in fact Jonathan’s voice that was screaming for her to open up. She slowly walked over and unlocked the door, opening it to come face to face with Jonathan Cook, lead singer of Forever The Sickest Kids and the man sheloved detested.

“What do you want?” She asked letting him into the apartment and shutting the door.

“Gaskarth called, told me to come see you. what’s wrong?”

“Alex called you?” He nodded.

“Said you had some big news for me.” He said smiling, shoving his hands inside the black Myspace hoodie he was wearing.

‘Fuck fuck fuck I hate that kid!’

“I wouldn’t be smiling. You might want to sit down.” She said gesturing to the loveseat. The
smile left his lips and he sat down, staring up at her short form of a mere 5’0.

“What’s wrong?” Jonathan repeated, his strong arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her down onto his lap. She leaned her head on his shoulder and chewed on her bottom lip. Was there really a easy way to tell someone that your about to have their kid? I think not.

“So you remember the last time you were home?”

"The party?”

"Yeah well- uhm- see what I’m trying to say is- impregnantwithyourbaby.” Erin said- it coming out in a jumbled mess.

“The only thing I got out of that was ‘pregnant’ and ‘baby’” He said, she waited for him to connect the dots. “Wait you mean your having my baby?”

“Yeah.” She squeaked.

“Are you sure?”

“Unless the doctor lied to me then yeah.” She said sitting up and staring him in the eyes, he
was….happy? Not the reaction she was exactly expecting.

“Your keeping it.” It wasn’t a question.

“I’m scared.” She whispered looking down at her lap. He lifted her head up, cradling her cheek in his right hand.

“I’ll always be here for you. I wouldn’t want this with anyone else.” He said, kissing her. It was all she needed to believe that he’d always be there for her no matter what.
♠ ♠ ♠
It physically hurt me to write this! Erin you better love me!! Stupid Jonathan Cook! Eh he got a slap in the face earlier- OBAMA WON!!! WE JUST MADE HISTORY PEOPLE EVERYONE BE HAPPY.....or not idk. Anyway one shot so I hope everyone enjoyed! :]